Sunday, July 13, 2008


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

My buddy Elweed was over all day yesterday and he was totally impressed with the gardens (more on that later- remember, he is the one that took 4 hours to plant one tiny phlox).

As we were taste testing our third micro brew DJ mention she was out of Point Amber (also called Kurth Amber) . I said you can only by Point Amber by the case IF you can find it. So she said I should run to the store and get some Hard Mikes Lemonade.

Being a wonderful husband that I am I said right away honey and then she had this far away look in her eyes "PLUS buy five POWERBALL tickets - I have a feeling").

The night went on and Elweed and I played four online poker tournaments (we came in 1st, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd - a good night).

We forgot all about POWERBALL. This morning she mentions the tickets and I log on and look at the numbers!!! I read them off and at the very end the POWERBALL number was #17!! YEA BABY!!!! A WINNER!!! To bad #50 was the ONLY number of the 31 numbers we had - but WE WON $3 - YOWZA!! We are not going to parlay that into something greater.

You might see me driving a brand new KIA soon!!
I have not even read the comments from yesterday but I hear there is a wood fairy flying around and a mysterious stack of wood has appeared behind Josh and Jenny's house (hope its not poison Oak).
Gardens - not the best sunlight to take photos of the garden but when my friend Elweed came over he was totally astounded - "Your a Master Gardener" he said. Well - I put flowers in garden and they grow - if that is what it takes - OK.

However - they are doing great. This is the clay garden - what you don't see is the tip of the spear. Where I put in the Coreopsis canal. NEXT year will be better for that section.

Daylillies are getting ready.

I have some of DJ's moms Daylillies planted from the old house. A few years ago DJ's mom passed away and on that day hundreds of daylillies at the old house all bloomed. For me Daylillies have a special place in my heart. I think most are about a week or less away from blooming. They are in the upper right corner.

And the Lasagna Garden - what you don't see is a group of Asters not blooming yet (HOW BIG DO THEY GET!!)

I saw those purple mound asters and picked up three - I figured they would be cute little mounds of purple flowers for the corner. THEY ARE HUGE!! I thought they would be like little basketballs size - but they are above my knee now!!

Also the Black Eye Susan's are a week away.

Remember - this is the last day for JUNG DOLLARS!

We're going to have to buy SOMETHING for $100 to spend out 50 Jung bucks! Then stop at cannery Wine and Spirits. Rumor has it they have Beer making supplies - IT'S BREW DAY!!! (as DJ says - AGAIN?)

What will it be. A Porter? or a American Amber (in honor of DJ's craving for Kurth Amber).

I have SO progressed in my knowledge of beer making - I'm even concerned with the temperature of the fermentation process and have progressed from Kits to recipes and I would have no prob's with doing All Grain brewing.

I'm worried about my first brew though - I was SUCH an novice last Sunday!! What was I thinking when I followed the simple instructions. I even have spread sheets now for proper ingredient timing. More on that in the Homebrew blog (at some point).

OK - things to do - beauty of a day today - get outside and enjoy it!



  1. Wow! I get to be the first!

    Nice Blog Rod, a little nutso on the beer making, but... LOL (That's how I like to take on a new project too,all or nothing...)

    dj - my mom gets that look in her eye too, once in a while and then she wins BIG!

    yeah, asters get BIG!
    I get it about the daylillies
    My dad planted 4 O'clocks at my aunties (their birth home) many moons ago, like more than 40 I think... They came up faithfully every year, until year before last...

    My auntie decicded to have soem landscaping done and had that whole side of the house dug up and replanted with NO 4 O'clocks. I was devastated! The next year as summer came around a few of them crept out of hiding right next to the foundation ;) The had the landscapers back to eradicate them, and this year even more came back... BIG secret Smile... I didn't mention it, and I don't think she's been around to that side of the house yet this year ;)

    My dad always did have a great sense of humor...

  2. note to self...
    use spell checker!

  3. Yoohoo... Hey little wood fairy where are you?


    I left you a message on Friday's comments...

  4. Thank you to whomever the wood fairy is. What a nice RAK!
    Now I think we will ALL be tasting some of Rod's beer; since he obviously doesn't know when enough is enough!
    I hope it's all right to post a link to my blog here, Rod so anyone can go there to take a peek at the collage I made to hang in the Amtrack Station at your suggestion. I would never have had the courage to try something like this without your suggesting it! And I actually like the results!

  5. The Wood Fairy is very much awesome!

  6. Coupla things:

    Oshy, I love, love, love the 4 O'Clocks story! Yay for you! Your daddy still watches! :)

    I'm NOT the wood fairy, but I know who it is! hehehehehehehe--I'm not telling til the wood fairy tells!

    I haven't reined in my feelings on the Brett Favre thing completely yet. As much as I could say, I'm going to keep quiet for now on it. I am verklempt.

    Rod and DJ! Mondo congrats on the huge win! (That was a typo about 'not' parlaying it, right). Do you know what color Kia you'll get??

    The gardeners in this town are amazing. Rod, you fit right in.

    I must nap. 5:10am is far too early to be up on a weekend.

  7. Shakes is the 4 o' dead relatives show up as birds and 2am phone calls.

  8. Hi guys!

    Yep, I'm he 4'oclocks... ;) and I do feel like he's watching...

    Bye Suz, Bye Oshy!
    (on my way to a BBQ)

  9. I think I need a nap too; I posted my email address instead of my blog!! Here's the right link.

  10. YooHoo, little wood fairy....

    where are you????

    Josh really appreciates the wood you brought...

  11. Yay!!!!! Rod & DJ!!!!!!
    Congratulation's on the Big Win!!!

    The Gardens are looking terrific.

    More Beer? Wow!!! Hope it was good!

    4 O'Clocks were may all time favorite growing up,I used to love picking the little black seed out of them and giving them to my Mom..
    I really do not have luck growing them...
    I don't know what I do wrong......

    Yahoo!! For the wood fairy!!!
    Wish we had one...
    You all are lucky!!!!!

    Sue~ That poster is Absolutely Awesome!!!!!
    Great Job!!!!!

  12. Thanks, Robbi!! I can't wait to see it hanging in the Amtrack Station!

  13. I did mention that it was THREE DOLLARS!!!

  14. Rod,

    I didn't want to be a lurker who sends you an email.

    Wow, that is a hop (no pun intended), skip and a big jump to potentially go from a kit to all grain brewing. I won't turn this into a brewing blog but my hop vines (lots of cascade and a couple of nuggets) are looking good this year. Cool hobby.

    Also, the gardens truly are looking good. I'm a little late to the "wood fairy" thing but if anyone needs wood (or woodchips) let me know.

  15. Welcome to the comment section Sean! It's always nice to see a new face. Do you live in Columbus?

  16. Yes Rod !!!
    You did tell us it was Three Dollars...

    But That is a Win !!!!!!

    Welcome Sean!

  17. Hi, I had a couple of posts (I think) when this first came up.

    Yep, I'm in Columbus. Thanks for the welcome.

  18. jenny....did you see my post yesterday that Diet Dr Pepper comes in caffiene free? Wasn't sure if you saw it or not or if you knew that. It tastes just like the regular stuff.


  19. The Wood Fairy's agent speaks:

    I, the Wood Fairy's official spokesmodel, have been far away from my wooden desk all day.

    Of all the personal losses in the flood, the Wood Fairy was particularly touched by the loss of a guy's wood-- especially since he cut it himself. The Wood Fairy is familiar with the effort and pride involved in stalking, splitting, and hauling one's own, and was indignant that such a tragedy could deprive people of a lovely summer night's fire-- a relaxing pastime that is their due.

    Enjoy! It's the least the Wood Fairy could do!

  20. Dear Wood Fairy,

    "touched by the loss of a guy's wood-- especially since he cut it himself"

    this made me giggle for very inappropriate reasons.

    ~as usual

  21. Sue,

    The poster is great! Nice job!


  22. Wood Fairy!

    Who are you???

    Reveal thy self!

  23. I agree with Cricket Sue! Great Job! ;)

    Hi Sean!

    A heartfelt 'Yeah!' to the Wood Fairy! ;)

  24. Char,

    I did see your post! Thanks for suggesting it. I'm gonna have to try it out sometime! :)

  25. Thanks, Cricket and Shaken!!

  26. thanks for your nice article.......



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