Wednesday, October 1, 2008

20 Years of Participation @ Happy New Year

Public Enemies Columbus Merchandise

I had a teary eyed moment today when I got into work. I was sitting here reading about a new online poker scandal when my lame duck boss comes into my cube and awards me a State of Wisconsin 20 Year's of Participation Award.

I was touched. As touched as the big finger print of a prisoner on the frame. I also received a pin with the OLD name of our division which I am proudly wearing today. It's always good to wear bling.

The plaque says "FOR 20 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE STATE OF WISCONSIN". Isn't that the same language they say to prisoners after 20 years?

Today is a big day for climatologists and hydrologists across the Western states as it is the first day of Water Year 2009.

A “Water Year” is the resting/replenishing season followed by the growing, harvesting and water-consuming season. As October begins, the summer growing season comes to an end. With the coming of colder weather, evapotranspiration shuts down.

For much of the country and especially the northern states, the months of October through March are months where precipitation from the sky exceeds evaporation from the ground. This means that soil moisture and ground water can recharge.

Then, when next spring comes the temperatures rise again, plants come back to life, snow melts, rivers surge. Then evapotranspiration increases as plants begin to grow. By the summer months, evapotranspiration will once again exceed precipitation for most of the country. This means that soils dry out, river flow may decrease, and little or no water recharges aquifers. Drought becomes especially problematic when precipitation falls short of expectations during the spring and summer months. By next September, crops will be harvested, temperatures will again cool, and yet another water year will come to an end.

New Public Enemies photos are popping up with ME in them. These are from Oshkosh.

For a peak at all 109 photos (three include yours truly) go to Public Enemies Oshkosh. Brings back all sorts of memories. I'm in photos in the upper 40's.

With the economic downturn and coming apocalypse I thought I would steal from another blog that is obviously better prepared for this. From Lawyers, Guns and Money

Here are some questions that were written by concerned citizens.
Dear Dr. Farley,

In view of the impending financial distress, I'm worried about my cats. Should I stock up on cat food, or will it be available in post-apocalypse America?


Worried in Dubuque

Dear Worried in Dubuque, No. You should concentrate on stocking up on firearms, clean water, and canned goods. Cat food will most certainly not be available in post-apocalypse America; any housecats will only be a drain on your resources. Your cats should be eaten at the first opportunity, followed by the eating of any surplus cat food. Most such food is edible by humans, and while you may be tempted to "fatten up" your cats, much of the energy in the cat food is lost when its eaten by the cat.

Dear Dr. Farley,

Is cannibalism really as bad as they say? And a follow-up: following the logic of the cat example, should we eat the fat people first, or should we eat the skinny people first?


-Preparing in Peoria

Silly rabbit, we'll be eating rich people first.

Dear Dr. Farley,

In the event of an apocalypse, is it more important to save our shotgun shells for the zombies out to eat our delicious tasty brain matter or for the mutants that will arise in the radioactive wastelands that were once our cities?

and another

Dear Dr. Farley,

I'm gonna be a brewer!

As in, "Don't kill me! I know how to make beer!"

Speaking of brewing beer.

I have been looking into the legalities of selling homebrew and I have found that for a brewer it is easier to attach yourself to a bar or restaurant then to just become a brewery. If you are a brewer you must make a ridiculous amount of beer and then every established you sell the beer to has to fill out a ton of paperwork and so forth.

If you can attach yourself to a restaurant it becomes a brewpub and you don't have to make nearly that much beer and the restaurant regulations will cover most of your brewing legal issues.


While most of the world was hearing how "Eagle Eyes" was the top movie of last weekend with $29 million and averaged about $8,300 per theater. One of the largest September openings in history.

One BIG warning about Eagle Eye from one reviewer -
I absolutely hated the tacked on ending which was obviously added on just so they could make a sequel. And unfortunately, that final image is what was on my mind as I left the theater. So I suggest to you that if you see this movie, as soon as you see Michael Chiklis testifying, you get up and walk out.

But the real story in movie-land was who came in 4th. A little bitty movie called "Fireproof" came out of nowhere.

tells the story of a firefighter who must find a way to save his marriage, brought in $6.8M from only 839 screens for a strong average of $8,111. It was heavily promoted to Christian groups and proves once again that religious-themed films can bring in an audience.

"Miracle at St. Anna" brought in an estimated $3.5M from 1,185 for a dismal per theater average of $2,935. It was projected to bring in 6 million the first weekend.

Have a great Wednesday.



  1. Josh and I are gonna see Eagle Eye this Saturday! I can't wait!

  2. "If you can attach yourself to a restaurant it becomes a brewpub and you don't have to make nearly that much beer and the restaurant regulations will cover most of your brewing legal issues."

    Where have I heard this idea before?? ;)

    PS-Congrats on the 20 year bling!

  3. *big chuckle*
    What Suz said...
    (I'd insert my rollyeyes in here if I knew where I put them!) lol

    The Dr. Farley stuff cracked me UP!

    I heard good things about Fireproof...

    On your 20 years Rod: are you still a name or are you known by a number?

    The Water Year stuff was fascinating btw... thanks!

  4. that pic makes me think you should be the next Dr. Gadget! LOL

  5. So the Picture Car People didn't get authentic haircuts?


  6. Nope - did not have to - we were never in our cars - always standing beside them. Plus windows UP so you never saw the passengers.

  7. You got a participation plaque? All I got was a coffee mug for my 20th! You must be SOMEBODY! :)

    By the way, you look pretty shifty and gangtery in that pic! You look like you want to sell somebody something stashed in your coat!! :D

  8. I think he's waiting for James to show up and make a deal!

  9. HEY.

    BTW - I forgot to mention my BIG Post season baseball complaint.

    NO BOB UECKER!! At least in 1982 I was bumbed that once the season is over Uek no longer does the broadcasts but you got the national yokels that now squat.

    Maybe it's changed.

    GO BREWERS - they have a chance against Philly

  10. DJ what are you at 25 years? You should get a trophy or something for sticking around that long!

  11. Shakes--LOL!!

    Jenny-I got a desk clock for 25 years!

    I think for 30 you get a plaque like Rod got. ITS GONNA BE SOOOOOO WORTH IT!!! ;)

  12. Great Blog!!!

    Happy Hump Day!!!

    Congrat's Rod!!! On 20 years of Service!!!!

    The Dr. Farley stuff cracked me up!!!

    Water year stuff,very interesting..

    Go Brewers!!!

  13. Congratulations on the 20 years. All the planets are aligning. You know what that plaque means. Time to do something else. Seems like the gods are sending you a message...

  14. Thanks for the laughs tonight Suz!

  15. Congrats on the 20 years, Rod. Dh has put in 30 years with the state (and still going). They still let him come home nights!!
    Great pics from Oshkosh!
    I'd like to see you attach yourself to a restaurant or pub!! lol

  16. You should concentrate on stocking up on firearms, clean water, and canned goods....



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