Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Tumultuous End of 2008

First here are some new photos from EW dot com

"Still hip-deep in the editing stage of the film, which he's readying for its July 2009 release, Mann remains in awe of his two leading men. ''Johnny has courage and immense power. It's all about the spontaneity of the moment for him. Christian works in a totally different way. He becomes the character so totally that he's that person 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The accent, everything.''

Mann shot on the actual locations where Dillinger and Purvis made headlines, because, he says, ''when your hand touches the same doorknob Dillinger's did, it starts to talk to you.'' The director even managed to get his hands on a still-preserved suitcase left behind by Dillinger after one of his narrow getaways. ''All of the dress shirts were still folded perfectly,'' says Depp. ''It was a real insight into the guy. Because everything was ready to go at a moment's notice. It was just economical and beautiful.''

Depp even got to wear the pair of pants that Dillinger had on when he was finally caught and riddled with bullets. ''It was amazing,'' he says. ''And—get this—we're the same size!'' Like we said, the man was born to play the part.

On a side not - The Columbus 4th of July Parade.

This is THE parade for the towns around Columbus (in which Columbus is the BIG City). I would expect that C-bus increases in size three fold as the 3 mile parade route is 3 and 4 deep for the entire way.

I would LOVE to have a Public Enemies Columbus float and i REALLY would like to get as many Picture Car Drivers to attend. It's already an antique car magnet so it would fit perfectly. Plus I need a PEC-float committee.

YESTERDAY - I don't even want to think about it. Our mission was to move DJs dad for the 3rd time in a year. This time just down the hall to a bigger apartment. My mission was to unhook his Bose Lifestyle system and hook it up again plus do some minor moving.

We go to McDonalds for a power breakfast and an early start. All is well until we get into the Honda which I have not driven for a while and it does not start. The key turns and it's like the starter just never engages. No cab service in C-bus so we call the Left Hand Louie cab service and get a ride home.

Can't worry about the car as we have to move Mel. Get into the other car and arrive at the moving location. It seems DJ and I are the only movers and there are LOTS of heavy oak furniture.

We move for the next sevon hours and get all but one hutch moved. The big guns are called in and Josh and I are able to lift and carry down the hall.

Both DJ and I are beat, BUT it's News Years Eve so we rush home and clean up. We arrive at the Kurth with some Sassy Cow Milk Stout with squeals of joy for trying home brew we give samples to the 10 or so Kurth guests and most love it.

We have a $1 pint of amber and meet officially Barbi, Rettas sister and Johnny-Boy. Hans Kurth's son. Many of you might not know that John "Hans" Kurth was a member of The Big Red One. He was the first member of the 1st infantry to be killed and the 12th solder killed in Iraq. An IED near Tikret did it.

His son who likes to be called Johnny-boy is an outstanding kid. Very polite and bright. Hans would be very proud. Johnny-boy wants to join the Army when he gets older.

Anyway - a good time was had at the Kurth and while drinking a brew DJ wonders "maybe it's your key, may that is why the car does not start".

I ponder this and realize that one ONE other time this happened we were able to start the car through various exorcisms and ONE of those was with DJs key.

So - 10:00 rolls around and no PEC people are showing so we dicide to take off to McDonalds and try DJ's theory.

LOW AND BEHOLD - A NEW YEARS EVE MIRACLE. The car starts, it's my key. Then we arrive home and NEW YEARS EVE MIRACLE #2, the lamp for the TV has arrived. I install the lamp (5 minutes). Turn on TV and we both pass out asleep.

SO - car works, TV works, Mel is moved and all is well.

On to 2009 - BRING IT!



  1. WOOHOOO!!! You Go, Melottes!!


    Happy new year...

  2. Happy New Year!

    From a seasoned distinguished veteran, to a distinguished soldier's son-- very nice.

    We drove into the Kurth parking lot around 7:30, but didn't go in because we didn't recognize any cars... oh, right... Very sorry we missed you!

  3. happy new year!!!!!!

    That's a nice little paragraph from Depp and Mann there. It's cool to think that the movie is getting closer, and that JD/MM enjoyed making this movie.

    I like the new pictures! Well, either they are new or I just haven't seen them before. I don't think that I have EVER even laid eyes on a picture of CB! I love the pic of JD on the bed! (Get your minds out of the gutter!!!)

    Congrats on the lamp arriving!!

    WELCOME TO 2009!!!

  4. Happy New Year Rod,

    Thank you for the entertaining year of blogs. Always a fun few minutes of the day to check it out. Thanks for all your positive promotion and action in our community.

    Best Wishes for 2009!

    BTW I keep forgetting that I have a couple autographed pictures of JC sitting on my desk for you & Josh.

  5. JC?? WOW I figured he was busy doing world stuff!

  6. Happy New Year Rod, DJ and everyone in the PEC blog!

    Great ending to 2008, and a great start to 2009... JC!?! LMAO!!!

  7. Rod,
    It is not your key, it is your starter seloniod dieing. They get gummed up and work most of the time and get progressivly worse till notheing. Save up a couple hundered and have it changed, save the $150 tow.

  8. We also went past the Brewery about 7:30...saw no cars that we recongnized and left...sorry to have missed you!

    Johnny boy's Great-Grandfater was also know as Johnny boy.

  9. Great Blog!!!!

    Yay!!! Happy New Year!!!!

    Love the pictures!

    Glad you got a key to work!LOL!!
    Thank goodness for Left Hand Louie Taxie Service!

    Yahooo for being able to watch your TV know that you have your lamp!!
    To bad for those Birds you have been watching!Heehee!

    Let's get this Float Board in order!!
    That would be so awesome!
    Sign me up.

    I hope everyone is having a great New Year's Day!!!

  10. Thanks for bringing so many people together, Rod. I never would have met all these wonderful people if it weren't for you. You have made 2008 much more fun!

    Happy new year everyone!!

  11. With all the creative minds floating around the PEC community I think that the float would be kick butt!!

    Happy New Year everyone!!

  12. A Tumultuous End of 2008......



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