Sunday, March 1, 2009

Columbus Pioneer News

Dear Readers,

I regretfully announce here that our Columbus Pioneer operation will cease to print from here on out due in part for lack of advertising sales and subscription purchases. Over the course of six issues and the past two months we have sought out subscriptions and advertisements, and issue number 5, we mailed out directly to all boxholders with a Columbus or Fall River address in the hopes that this would drive extra advertisements and additional subscriptions. We had a goal to maintain at least a fair portion of the advertisers we gained for the one time run of the Feb. 12 mailed out issue. Unfortunately, a much smaller percentage of those advertisers remained than anticipated. Another goal we had from the mailing was to gain subscriptions. In order to do a bulk subscription mailing each week we would have to reach a total of 200. Prior to the mailing we were at approximately 45 subscribers. Most of those 45 subscribers were achieved following a door to door campaign of about 900 homes. We assumed a 4% return on the Door-to-Door campaign. We figured it was safe to assume we would achieve at least a 3% return when we did the boxholder mailing to 4700 homes. This 3% return would have got us very close to the 200 minimum. At this time we have 103 subscribers. We only received a 1% return or about 55 additional subscribers as a result of the bulk mailing. Of course, if given more time this number would probably continue to slowly rise as would the advertising income.

When our feasibility study was done before we began operations, we had assumed a much faster return on subscribers and advertisers. We had hired a professional salesperson at the beginning of our operation, but she was offered a much better job in Madison after our first printing on January 15. After we lost her, we went two weeks before we were able to find another salesperson to replace her. This lack of a sales campaign definitely hurt the progress and time frame that we were under to make this successful. We decided to do the boxholder mailing in an attempt to make up for that lost time and test whether this operation would actually be feasible.

Over the past two months we’ve received enormous support from the community in the form of numerous letters of encouragement on our web site and through the mail. Newsstand sales have been very positive. Although we really appreciate all of your support, we also needed support from the business community and in this tough economic time, we failed to get that.

We are looking at other options to continue the publication, such as, converting to an advertiser and mailing directly to all addresses. If we do this option, we will continue to print news stories and cover city council meetings. We had tremendous success with the first mailing so this option seems possible.

In the meantime, we will cease to print. All 103 subscribers will be refunded their money in the next couple of weeks. Once again, I apologize for any inconveniences and hopefully, we’ll find a viable option. If you have any ideas for us, please feel free to contact us through the web site or via the mail at PO Box 281, Columbus, WI 53925.

Joe Morey, Publisher and Editor


  1. So, the folding of our new newspaper, no new pet food company, no new trusses in the auditorium, no new car dealership, the de-listing of one of our banks in the S&P 600, it is all looking so grim.

    Yes, people are hanging onto their money, but you have to spend money to make money!

    Advertise, people! Support our community businesses! Buy local.

    Competition is a wonderful thing, and to have more than one choice in a town this size is remarkable.

    Another step back for Columbus. Dang it!

    Sorry your stint at the paper had to end, Grinder. And for the good people at the Pioneer, THANKS FOR TRYING.

  2. wow rod good luck with that......... and i totally agree w/ Kathy.... on a side note who's ready for amazing race tonite?! i can't wait!


  3. Awww sorry to hear that the paper will be no more.

    That's too bad.

  4. Hey folks don't get too tough on the local businesses. I doubt their pockets are any deeper that Mr. Morey's. Every publication that I pick up these days is half the size it was 6 months ago. Small business owners are bombarded with places to advertise which many of them do. It's allot to expect people to run with what little advertising dollars they have to the new guy. Hats off for trying. Good newspaper but probably not the most well thought out business idea given the economy and the size of the town. Hope they didn't loose too much as they are nice people nonetheless.

  5. Behind every dream that was ever achieved-- stand courage and risks which were taken against odds.

    Behind every success-- stand a pile of failures which were not allowed to bury, but rather were stepped upon to achieve greater height.

    Joe, Sean, all involved with this positive venture: you really do have what it takes. And you will succeed, eventually... I have every confidence.

    Best of luck to you, although luck will be a mere handmaiden to the bravery you've displayed.

  6. Kathy,

    Fighting the old guard appears to be futile. They appear to be born fighters kind of like John McCain. As tough as he is McCain was outfoxed. He kept playing by the old rules and didn’t realize his competitor changed the rules. I suspect if this group puts their heads together they will come up with a much smarter way to win. Don’t waste your time and energy reacting. President Obama didn’t and that all seemed to work out pretty well for him.


  7. no new car dealership??? I had not heard that and it is not what I heard a week ago.

    no new pet food company?? Something is moving into the Wausau paper place.

    IF you would have seen this weeks article you would see that Columbus is do VERY well compared to all other 5000 pop towns.

    he only thing going wrong with Columbus is the deer in headlights government (except the current lame duck Mayor . . . . who seems comfortabe to be out of the target zone.

    Fear not - as I have said before - Columbus has a small and quite movement going on. Just takes time.

    The goal is to limit damage until the smart crowd gains it voice.

  8. This is just sad!!!

    Sorry to hear this news.

  9. to my knowledge and I could be wrong...

    There is definitely something moving into Wausau.

    The car dealership is on hold. With gas prices as low as they are (yea!) the market for electric cars is off the charts (boo!) so from a business standpoint it doesn't make a lot of sense right now.

    I know nothing about the dog food factory. I support any new jobs in C-bus. I hope it happens and welcome them with open arms but do you folks really know what happens inside a dog food factory? It's not exactly Microsoft.

    I would like someone to explain to me why we need to spend $300K on new trusses for City Hall too. I'm not sure where that came from all of the sudden but if we don't need trusses that's $300K that can be spent on the auditorium restoration.

    Too bad about the paper but personally I think that was a realllllly long shot. Thanks for trying though. it was great while it lasted.

    There are some other things out on the horizon. Nothing huge in my little world but little things that would be good for Columbus.

    I hear Rod is looking at a new start-up too.

  10. There is a good possibility of a car rental place opening. Yea 0 I thought it was weird also but the rep explained it to us at the buisness meeting and it was not so odd. - They love Columbus.

    Not sure it's a start up but . . . . I CAN retire if I can find another income source.

    Plus - the Pioneer is not totally dead - just morphing into something slightly different.

  11. Todd - The City Hall roof is just an ugly topic. At this point I can't say ANYTHING nice. (I've erased soooo many sentences). Dale is much more politically correct than I am at this point, so I'll ask him to give you the sordid tale.

  12. Hello. Trying to locate a picture that was given to the Columbus Pioneer office (Trevor Whyte) to be printed. It was not... That's okay,I just want the photo back! "PLEASE" return it. It was given with a self-addressed/stamped envelope!
    -The Wright's

  13. waiting for the return of my check seeing no paper
    Isabel Karow
    906 Waterloo St.
    Apt. 12
    Columbus Wi

  14. You have to spend money to make money!



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