Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Main Street Meeting and FIRE FIRE!!

I attended my first Main Street Association meeting last night and really think this is an important group of people representing Columbus and it's movement to improve the town. I URGE anybody that wants to really help the community to contact Kim Bates at this website (phone number is bottom left) and join. THERE ARE COOKIES INVOLVED IN THE MEETINGS!

There really is strength in numbers, we need to show the community that there is interest in preserving Columbus. Right now all they hear are the "old school fuddy duddies" that are trying to take over the town with their conservative "lets' not thrive" views.

Main Street is not the only organization trying to help the town, there is also the CAC (Columbus Auditorium Corporation - 623-2505 or PO BOX 365 Columbus). I am unsure of the cookie situation.

WE and THEY NEED more people to join! Help your town. It's a fun group with good ideas and cookies.

Plus attending the meetings you hear fun stories behind the Popcorn Wagon and why it MUST stay in it's current location. Plus a scary story of a death in a "like" popcorn wagon. I'll have more on that in the future.

In other Main Street news - we are working on a red carpet event for Columbus people for the movie. Still looking into WHERE. Beaver Dam was discussed but I'm not sure I want to step on their toes. I know if I was a BD person and wanted to see the movie I would be a little pissed if a few bus loads of Columbusionians took over their theater.

Still - we're looking into a meal a bus ride and a movie event.

For a meal I was thinking of perhaps an Arby’s Roast Beef and Swiss Market Fresh Sandwich - only 810 calories and 42 grams of fat. A unwholesome trinity of mayo, Italian sub sauce, and processed Swiss cheese. mmmmmmmm good! But then if we all ate that we would probably fall asleep.

So after the meeting I drove home and as I crested the hill to Vista Circle I saw off in the distance flames dancing in the sky. WOW - looked like a huge house fire. I ran into the house and ask DJ if she had heard any sirens (thinking back I would have heard them as the meeting was near the fire station - DAAA! LOL).

No she said so I took off looking for a photo opportunity. Of course not knowing where the fire was I was sort of flying blind so my route to the unknown location was not the most direct and in fact was rather frustrating.

I kept asking myself where were all the freaking roads!!!!! The green dots show my route.

What I found was what I thought it would be - a farm burning it's field but in a big way.

The cows were a little worried.

I took these trying to get a different look so I used an very Low ISO on the camera. Once I got home I realized the look I was trying to achieve was no where to be found. But I could use these two images.

You guys know that of you hold down your Ctrl button and move the wheel on your mouse you can resize things right your web page?

If you did not see Adam Lambert's song on Idol because your DVR stopped?? Holy crap! Standing ovation from Simon! Serious serious good. Check it out dog.

If this gets removed I BET they will replay it tonight it is that good.

Congratulations to Bob Link the next Columbus Mayor for two years. I'm right behind you (until you mess up). I will not judge his mayoral fortitude until I see him in action. Then I will judge away, mock, ridicule, congratulate or whatever I feel is appropriate at the time without actually being thrown in jail.

Also contrats to Bill Bruns and Dave Bomkamp as it is their job to keep Bob in line and to keep steering him in the right direction. SOMEBODY has to think outside the box in this town.

I believe the biggest problem people have when they are not successful is they are afraid to lose and can not think outside their comfort zone. That is my gut feeling with Bob Link. He seems to have a nice - ultra conservative point of view which is great for surviving but hideous for thriving. I want Columbus to thrive and not just survive. (which is why we need more people on Main Street). Bob is a survivor, not a thrivor (not a word until now).

BUT, we shall see. Maybe I'm wrong.
Have a wonderful day.

OH - Robbie the blogette - WONDERFUL job so far - great to have you guys on board for the July 35th event!!!



  1. Sigh. There goes any hope for the auditorium.

  2. What she said!

    Those pictures are beautiful.

  3. As requested -

    Columbus Auditorium Corporation 623-2505 or PO BOX 365 Columbus

    Columbus Historic Landmarks & Preservation Commission (HLPC) meets every second Wednesday of the month at the Senior Center - 5:00.

    Those two groups represent a small, yet very dedicated group of volunteers. I think there is a larger contingent of people out there that want to help but don't know how or are afraid to.

  4. Kris, I will be emailing you! I won't just grumble, I'll help where I can.

  5. Please don't give up on the Auditorium!! They've got a very exciting presentation coming up the end of this month. What is needed is to keep a "do no harm" attitude towards the Audtorium. Preserve it until it can be restored.

  6. Thanks, Kris! I won't give up... thanks for the reminder to stay positive.

  7. I'm going to post Adam Lambert's video on the blog - WOW!!!

  8. Received my 42 inch PE poster yesterday. Will have to mount it next to Rods great photo. Hmmmmm now where do I find oversized matboard????

  9. Dude - where did you get it.

  10. - $25 plus shipping. Double sided, 27 x 40.


    Ordering poster now...DO NOT TELL EVAN!

  12. Great Blog!!
    Happy Hump Day!

    Thank's for the props!
    Just want to help in anyway I can.

    July 35th????
    I think the 25th is better!

    I do hope the Auditorium gets what it deserve's. I really love the look of it.

    Wow! Rod, Fire pictures are cool. Love the Tree one best.

    And American Idol!!!!

    OMG!!! Adam was Awesome!
    He tore the house down....
    Hands down he has talent....Dog!

    Hope everyone has a great Day!


    It just felt like that needed to be said one more time for old time sake.

  14. WOW - that whole control - wheelie thing is pretty slick. Never noticed that before.

    Yesterday sure seemed like a rather windy day to be burning fields off but what do I know. What could possibly go wrong with fire and 20 mph winds.

  15. It had calmed down my 9:00 and was blowing away from the farms.

  16. There was a large but graceful tornado-shaped purple cloud suspended in clear sky, between us and the sunset tonight. We were northwest of Sun Prairie. By the time we passed into Dodge County many miles eastward, in twilight, the purple plume still towered. That must have been some brush fire.

    Good luck, Columbus.

  17. The PE posters are down to $20 on ebay or less, watch shipping costs. I got mine for $18, look up "public enemies depp" good hunting.

  18. There's a second PE trailer on youtube now: I don't see it on any official sites at the moment, so I'm not sure where it came from, but there it is.

  19. I just realized the user who uploaded the trailer is upinl, as in United Pictures in the Netherlands. It still seems odd that it'd pop up there first, but maybe it's because this is an international version?

  20. My Main Street Meeting and FIRE FIRE!!...



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