Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not another pet peeve blog

I think as I get older I'm accumulating more and more pet peeves and I rarely have one go away. When I was younger I didn't have any pet peeves . . . I don't think. Well . . . perhaps it was boiled cabbage but is that really a pet peeve? I would just hide it under my plate (didn't work) and my dog who was part collie part timber wolf didn't even eat it (which was unfortunate because now it was on the floor). Come on man, boiled cabbage? Who boils cabbage, WHAT was my mom thinking. Seriously!

Starbucks was a pet peeve but I'm over that so I guess sometimes they do go away. I was all anti-Starbucks for a while until it started to be a cool thing to be anti Starbucks. There are lots of reasons to be anti Starbucks but seriously (I've used that word twice not, is that a bad thing?), you could take all of those reason and just fill in the name of many large corporations that grew from nothing to mega businessessess's.

So in my twisted mind most people are just against small companies that are successful and grow. You have to pick your battles.

For instance, if you are talking about the environment I have friends that use a "real" lawnmower and sometimes I feel guilty for using my gas mower, but then again, if we use our air conditioner more then twice a year it's a rarity while they use it all the time.

You can't be politically correct all the time but as long as you know that what you are doing is not PC you can always offset it by being PC somewhere else.

What got me on this subject is what I think is the dumbest laws in Wisconsin. Crosswalks.

So much gas is wasted because politically correct people love to make cars and trucks come to a screeching stop by stepping into a crosswalk, even though there is not another car within blocks. Then I see confusion every day. I see motorists stopping on green lights, I see pedestrians walking out into traffic when they have a red light. I will stand 10 feet from the road waving cars to go by and they say no no you go. PET PEEVE! sigh

A new pet peeve I have is with a forum which will not post a response or comment if you have MORE THEN ONE "!" in a row. OK, perhaps it is not correct to have a !! or a ?? in a post but . . . . to not let someone post because of this? Is space really an issue?????

Fine Fine - I'm starting to Andy Roony-it so I'll step off the soap box.
52 years ago today Laika, a homeless Siberian husky became the first space dog as he took off in Sputnik 2. So in celebration (or random luck) a new Science Fiction show premiers tonight!!

The new series "V" starts airs at 7:00 Central time tonight and I have read nothing but glowing comments, the USA Today gives it 3.5 out of 4 stars. The queen alien is played by Morena Baccarin who I kept telling myself that I knew her from some other show and in fact I did. Firefly (one of the best outer space movies of all time).

Here is the trailer for "V"


I'd like to introduce a new blog for all socially minded people to check out called Streets of Madison. It's a blog about setting up a book club for the homeless right here in Madison. Welcome Suzanne to the world of blogging and I wish you all the luck in the world.

Speaking of books I'm reading a veru good book at the moment called The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers, a time travel fantasy. I've never read any of his works before but I'm an instant fan.

I'm stealing this from Amazon because I can nto say it better and - am still reading the book.

"'Anubis Gates' takes you back to the early nineteenth century in London, with a quick jaunt to the mid-1600s in the middle of the book. The main character, Brendan Doyle, is a scholar who is researching the biography of the poet William Ashbless, hired to accompany a group of paying passengers back in time from 1983 to see a lecture by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

I was very curious to see how Powers handled the paradox of changing a history that had already happened - and, to be honest, a bit skeptical that he would be able to satisfy me. I was pleasantly surprised. The paradoxes resolve themselves so neatly that it made me pause and think, "maybe this *is* what happened". The thread of Egyptian mythology that ties the story together makes the suspension of disbelief easy, since Powers isn't trying to convince you that the technology for time-travel actually existed in 1983, rather he is relying on a mysticism that has been around for millenia. And the ending was just perfect."


Have a wonderful Tuesday.



  1. The last three times I've treated myself to a foofie coffee-esque beverage at different boutique cafes in Madison, I've been handed a tall cup of icky sweet, syrupy, and undrinkable melted dessert. While at a Target Starbucks, the result is less cloying and you can even taste the coffee portion. Just my taste, of course, YMMV.

    Monroe Street?

    That book looks awesome! Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. icky sweet, syrupy, and undrinkable melted dessert LOL


    Water for Elephants also looks like an interesting book that is going to be read at the Homeless Bookclub (that blog I linked too).

  3. Hi Rod, Water for Elephants is an excellent book, one that you can't put down. The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls is also excellent. The Help is one that I just finished, great!!!


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