Monday, November 2, 2009

Packers, Vikings and Milwaukee Beer

First a little football and chest pounding.
I think Troy Aikmen said it best when he said "Let us all remember, it was Brett that did not want to play for the Packers not the other way around".

With that said here are my thoughts of yesterdays game.

1. The Packers are better off with Aaron Rogers

2. The Vikings are MUCH better off with Favre

3. The problem Thompson had was do you make the Packers a better team knowing that somehow Favre will end up on the Vikings? Do you look at the long run and play offense (play Rogers) or do you look at the short term and play defense (DON'T let Favre play for the Vikings and keep him). It was a no win situation.

4. The game. Two things stand out.

A. Jolly's dumb ass penalty. Sure it was only a 4 point swing but it was a huge momentum breaker. All of a sudden you are playing from behind and a "here we go again" feeling.

B. Special Team play. Packers SUCK. That is the difference in the two teams. I still believe "we" can match up with the Vikings offensively and defensively but wow Special Teams? Packers ranked 30th in the league and it showed. Vikings started on their 40 yard line how many times?? Packers started on their 15 . . how many times??

And finally. Every year balderdash and his buddies go to Las Vegas for an Animal House style gambling marathon drink fest! And every year they ask me for a list of teams to bet on and every year I give them "The List" and they bet thousands of dollars on the games (literally).

One year the chants of "Grinder Grinder" could be heard thoughout Harrah's as I had a lot of games and I think 7 of the 8 won (they play a lot of parlays and just go nuts).

Only 3 games this year and I was 3 and 0. Baltimore, Tennessee and Oakland all covered and I told them to BET THE FARM on Baltimore (easy win). I feel good.

Most of the leaves are off the trees and on the ground but our Pear Trees are still hanging on. One of my favorite plants in our yard are the two 2 year old Red Chokeberries (Aronia arbutifolia). This plant is mirroring the Pear with color (a little better as of this morning) and is a wonderful plant.

Here is Blake looking somewhat nervous (as he tends to do . . . more on him in a bit) and one of our Chokeberries (or would it be Chokeberry's?) taken Saturday.

Speaking of Blane - sigh.

We had 3 cubic yards of mulch deposited in our driveway a few weeks ago and I believe Blake thought it was some ginormous poop pile left by a big dog or perhaps a heffalump. He now takes all is "dumps" in the driveway near where the pile was.

Now that the pile is gone he just goes on the driveway anyway being a dog of habit and I thought this was nice as it is easy to spot and clean up and looks like random mulch.

Except . . . . . . for when I drive over it in the car and it spreads all over the garage. sigh!

Poor Blake, this is the season of no sun. I think he gets Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). He never see's sunlight. He goes out in the morning and it's dark and we go to work. Then we get home and it's dark and he goes out again. No Sunlight!

I hope he is bright enough to lay in the sun i the living room. Probably not.

This is also the season DJ starts to get ready for bed about 6:30 so we are forced to start working out after we get home - off to the health club before it's too late and she goes into Nite Nite mode! It seems a lot of people have this happen to them.

At our last Brew Club meeting we were talking about water and how this area of the country is fantastic for dark beer - the best dark beer water in the country and perhaps the world, but . . . . how did Milwaukee become the "beer capital of the world." with Pabst, Schlitz, Miller, and Blatz being some of the biggest breweries by brewing light colored pilsners! The water sucks for pilsners.

Milwaukee has no huge advantage for raw material like barley and hops and while there
was a lot of wood for barrels, vats and casks it's not that big of a deal and labor was not cheaper for any reason.

The reason?

Milwaukee made a LOT of beer, too much in fact. So much that they were forced to find other places to sell beer, like Chicago and they were forced to think "nationally-minded" to sell beer. Chicago was an easy sell as they could use the lake to transport.

The #1 Big reason?

The Chicago Fire. Sales of beer for all breweries in Milwaukee jumped 100% with shipments to Chicago after the Chicago Fire. "The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous" slogan came just after The Fire. Milwaukee was famous for beer BECAUSE THEY HAD BEER! Not that it was a better beer!

Bottom like - Milwaukee was famous because their brewers were extraordinarily talented businessmen. Not because they made a superior beer.

Have a sweet Monday!


1 comment:

  1. Agree with your analysis of the GB game. I like Rogers better than I ever liked Favre but I was never a huge Brent fan anyway. Rogers may not last as long but I like his ability to pass accurately and run. The play of the second half was spectacular. Too bad they dug such a big hole in the first half. I really think GB would be a worse team than they are right now if we had BF instead of AR.


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