Monday, April 5, 2010

Gettin Dummied Up on the Net

A rare Sunday blog as I will not be around for a real blog later. Today I'm going to Fort to help mom with an interview with a home nurse to see where things are on safety.

If you did not know my mom recently had a series of minor strokes that have left her missing much of her vocabulary (bringing her closer to my world). Oh the thoughts are still there and the logic for expressing herself are there but the words just are not coming. The connection between the thoughts and expressing those thoughts seems to have been snipped. It' like someone emptied the brain bucket of all nouns. You can still talk coherently but a noun would REALLY help at times.

Hopefully it is not a permanent but she is 81 years old with #82 coming up on Earth day.

So while we feel she is not in danger if you have had 4 strokes you can always have another one so it's good to see what can be done around the huse to make things safer. 

HEY - it's opening day for the Brewers and they might have the Dome open at Miller Park - UNHEARD OF!! All of my flowers and trees are showing green except my Jolly Bee Geraniums who are always slow anyway.

We only received 0.12 inch of rain Friday/Saturday and things are pretty dry! Expect maybe some T-storms Monday night and scattered showers most of the upcoming week. Maybe another 3/4 of an inch is on it's way.


DJ and I have this Lincoln/Kennedy thing going where before we met we lived sort of identical lives. Weird things like both growing up very very near slaughter houses, DJs dad was resued in WWII by the same type or plane my dad flew as a rescue pilot . Both parents had the same age difference between them, we both have brothers the same 7 years older and DJ and I have the same age difference between us as our parents did. The list goes on and on - sort of creepy.

Well - we  BOTH listened to EVERY Milwaukee Bucks game on the radio when we were young. This explains my fascination with the Bucks . . . WELL

Freaking Milwaukee Bucks. They are FINALLY, after 18 years, having a good season and the USA Today had a full page article last week named FEAR THE DEER. So what happens?  Their Center (Bogut) having a career year, dunks the ball, comes down hard and not only dislocates his right elbow, but sprains his wrist AND breaks his right hand.   GONE!!  I'm sure it's on You Tube but it is Joe Theisman-ish to watch, pretty ugly.


Saturday my buddy is over and he spends like 4 hours on 4 ground covers, mixing the EXACT top soil and Humis and gently patting it down inch by inch.

On the drive to Columbus we take the back roads and I take a few photos that I'll show you this week.  But first . . . . . I entered my 3rd Art Fair.  So at the moment Portage June 4th and 5th. Sun Prairie June 12 and Columbus July 3rd.  none are confirmed yet . . not sure how long that process takes.  All are juried except for Columbus (meaning I might not be accepted).

ANYWAY - I think I might have one half of a wall in my little canopy called Experimental.

This is a 12x36 inch panorama. I wish I could show the actual size as it gets pretty pixilated when it gets dummied up for the net.

Spring Oaks
I,ll talk to you Tuesday.

Oh yea = Check out the Tyranena Brewery Website - if you click on the Tasteing Room square one of my photos will pop up of their tasting room. 



  1. Good luck with your Mom's getting some help and a safer house....

    We had a "Deadwood" marathon this past weekend and only got thru season 1! (awesome show!!!! ) I had always heard good things about it now we are working out way thru seasons 2 & 3. Great acting, wonderful dialog and based on some real people.......

    If you like timothy Olyphant check out "Justified" on FX on tuesdays 9pm (its also on demand on charter) Elmore Leonard is writing/producing so it's great and a lawman with an itchy trigger finger hence the title.......

  2. I saw he was on that and the little bit I saw he seemed to be in his "Deadwood" style of character.


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