Friday, April 2, 2010

It's a Ghost town!

Madison is empty of souls today.  With the County workers taking a furlough day and many other places closing early it's pretty empty.  State Employees do not get time off as this is a religious day and the whole separation between church and state thing makes it illegal for us to say the word Easter or something screwy like that.

Hey we can't even observe Christmas and the tour guides in the Capitol can't even call a Christmas tree a Holiday tree because it has the word Holy in it. It's called the Doyle Tree. 

ANYWAY - today is Good Friday (also known as Holy Friday, Black Friday, and Great Friday - by people that have it off I guess) and is a holiday observed primarily by Christians and non government workers commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death as believed by said Christians.

I'm not going to go into this whole Christian thing as there have been a number of books written over the years. Go to your public library to learn more.

HOWEVER - something many people wonder about is how is the date of Easter figured out. Well, it's the first Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon, the full moon on or after 21 March.  Next year's Easter will be on April 24th, the latest Easter until 2038.


In celebration of Easter I was looking at some older photographic folders and found my images of the Easter pumpkins.

Well - I was actually looking for some other photos.

Here is an obvious tip for photographers. When you get done with a project or a day of shooting, create a folder that starts with a date (20100202blahblah) so your photo folders will always be in order and easier to find, copy everything from your card into that folders. THEN you can create other folders of the good shots and bad shots but get those images saved some where. Cards can go bad!!

I was looking for a particular photo and found the gourdes images I took . . . bingo.

GREAT news for the economy -  I wish the Stock market was open today.  The U.S. added 162,000 new jobs, the most in 3 years. This combined with other very good news earlier this week ("consumers are increasing their spending and manufacturing activity is growing at its fastest pace in more than five years") is all looking good.

Of course the Fox-publicans view this as all BAD news.


A friend at work had never seen Deadwood and is a huge western fan. I told him it's REALLY gritty and he said bring it on as he is a big Dexter fan and was not afraid of nastyness.

So I was looking for a trailer and found something that just made me LOL.

If you watch this PUT ON HEADPHONES and hide the children there might be one or two F-bombs!!! I think most Deadwood fans will get a chuckle. He watched it and is going to rent the DVD's this weekend as he can't f*cken wait!!

STILL - the best show ever on TV!! 

HEY - DIRECT TV - how many shows are on Video on Demand (VOD) anyway.  Somehow I missed Episode 8 of Caprica and did a search - saw it was on VOD and got to see it immediately.


Speaking of Columbus - sounds like plans might be going forward for a riverfront development on the Crawfish, not unlike Fall River. Watch or go to the City Council meetings for more information.

We did break records yesterday. In fact every NOAA reporting station in Wisconsin broke a High temp record!

Rain should come in late late tonight and last through the morning Saturday and clearing with scattered showers in the afternoon. Look for about 1/2 inch of much needed rain. 

I don't know if anyone else noticed but things REALLY grew overnight - the buds on the trees doubled in size with the warm night!!

Have a great weekend and don't freeze withe 10 degree above normal temps!



  1. Despite the video's title... something tells me that wasn't "EVERY curse" !!

  2. Vote for my friend Teresa for County Board....

    Dearest Columbus Community, I could write about my educational background, I could write about all my volunteer work, I could tell you about my family I would rather tell you about my vision for our future. I have talked with a good number of voters. Each has had the opportunity to express their views as to what our immediate and future needs may be. All of which are valid. My core belief is "We must reconfigure the box.' We Must be brave and willing to see the future in a different light. Green energy is not just a catch word. We must be willing to go the miles it will take to get us to that point.
    Services offered through the County must become more efficient and shared between Counties.
    Roads must be paved with quality material which will with-stand weight and weather.
    I'm asking for your write-in vote on April 26th.
    Thank You,


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