Tuesday, December 26, 2017

QLED and OLED, the blue tsunami and dendrites


So we cleared out all the garbage in the basement. Got rid of the really good but old DLP large screen rear projector TVs and now I'm looking at new TVs for the basement once it's all finished. Probebly look for real as we near the SuperBowl looking for deals

I see there is a war on between QLED and OLED technology. Samsung makes QLED and LG and Sony make OLED.

Samsung is the #1 TV maker while LG is the #$2 TV maker  and Sony #3 which also features OLED but they buy all of the OLED from LG. Consumer Reports has done side by side testing and OLED still beats QLED and one thing I have seen many times is that QLED can "burn" images on the screen.   It all comes down to do you want quantum dots or do you want passive backplanes.  YEA - think about it.  pffftt!  No brainer right?

OLED stands for "organic light emitting diode."

QLED (according to Samsung) stands for "quantum dot LED TV."

OLED is a fundamentally different technology from LCD, the major type of TV today.

QLED is a variation of LED LCD, adding a quantum dot film to the LCD "sandwich."

OLED is "emissive," meaning the pixels emit their own light.

QLED, like LCD, is, in its current form, "transmissive" and relies on an LED backlight.

Yea - THAT clears things up doesn't it.

Basically quantum dots are microscopic molecules that when hit by light emit their own differently colored light.

ANYWAY and perhaps I mentioned this before (sorry) - When I was researching TVs at BEST BUY, their 55 inch or smaller 4K TVs were all some of the higher rated TVs but above 55inch they were some of the lower rated TVs.

For the BIG screens Costco had some of the best screens.

So that is one thing I'm looking into.  Another is video cards for a commuter.  My desk top is maybe 7 or 8 years old . . the only thing stopping me from buying a new one is it is such a pain in the ass moving software, particularly photo editing software.  But alas. I have some that will no longer work and there software I really want that does not work with my current video card.  And sadly I cannot replace what I have because my tower is too small.  sigh.

So I need to research awesome video cards and buy a tower that can be expanded 7 years from now.


I know a lot of people are disappointed in the polls from last election. It seems when somebody has a 45% chance to win many people feel 45% means 0%.  How can Clinton lose when the polls say she has a 55% chance to win.  Well. . . . . .that DOES mean she as a 45% chance to lose right?

Well the latest generic polls which have done very very well in the past show that the left now have a 50.1% chance of winning Congress while the Right has a 37.3% chance of maintaining Congress.

50.1% is the highest percentages ever for this poll which started in 1938.  I don't think there is a blue wave about to happen.  It's more like a blue tsunami.  The 2nd largest margin was 2006 and we know what happened to Congress that year.

Some issues that the GOP have is 63% of Americans believe our economy is doing well, the most since 2001. 

73% believe the world is less peaceful then 2016 (I wonder what changed)

60%, say Trump’s election to the presidency has made race relations in America worse - I brought this up on facebook and one Trump supporter literally said "What has Trump EVER done to make this - FAKE NEWS".  Seriously?  how about saying the KKK has some good people in the group?

The blue tsunami is on the doorsteps.


Some of you may know we have a dog again.  WELL, one of the little awesome things about winter and dogs is that when it is FREAKING cold out and you have to stick your hand into a plastic bag to pick up a fresh blob of gooo  . . . . the warmth emitting from the bag . . . . feels so nice for a few seconds.

As we were watching It's a Wonderful Life which I believe, even if it's black and white, will become a yearly hit, I noticed one line that they got wrong.

When Zuzu says  "Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings"

No NO! - it SHOULD say "Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings a doggie has to go poop".   But they changed it for the more popular "angel" saying.

and in 1946 who names their kid Zuzu anyway.

And at one point in the movie George calls Violet (Gloria Grahame) . .Gloria  OOPS

Back to Gus - he does not appreciate -6.  Not a fan at all.

Speaking of COLD - you think today is bad? Some Spanish exchange students in Columbus do.   WELL - IT IS.  The air you are trying to breath was literally at the Arctic Circle a few days ago.  But this is warm compared to this weekend.  We might not get above zero Saturday and it will be windy. The HIGH windchill for the day will be around -17 and we should be near -30 at day break.


Some snow coming Thursday, perhaps 1-2 inches but the concern is "will be if temps aloft are too cold to get decent dendrites and may dampen the snowfall amounts some"

Meaning - the crystals may not grow into pretty snow flakes.  After this short wave moves off another fresh batch of arctic air hits Wisconsin with a vengeance as the "cold snap" continues for . . .the foreseeable future (which is 10 days +) . SUCK!!

Going our in your little black dress?  NOT ME!!  Too cold News Years Eve. Wind chill as we enter 2018 will be about -13.

SO LOVE 2017.  I have lost family members the last 2 years and I refuse to lose any more.  PERIOD.


Did you know mistletoe is actually a tree killing parasite? YEA - Mistletoe is actually a parasitic plant. It crowds trees in densely packed balls. Weighing up to 50 pounds, it absorbs water and nutrients. Its berries are toxic to humans and pets, and will cause vomiting and stomach pain if ingested.  How awesome is that!


OH - we all heard about AT&T giving $1000 bonus's to 200,000 employees because if the Tax plan? Did they fail to mention that they also gave out 600 pink slips?

$1000 is nice - how about a wage increase as a long term solution.  19 States have raised the minimum wage  . .not Wisconsin.

HOWEVER - Walker did do something I agree with.  Now K-12 much have "personal finance" in their curriculum.  Why the F is that not already IN THE curriculum.     

So that is it for the post Christmas blog.  Be safe and warm.

OH OH - we stop playing Fan Duel with 3 to 4 weeks in the season.  The NFL is actually 3 seasons.  The first 4 weeks are chaos, the middle 8 weeks are are the real deal but with 34 weeks to go teams start playing differently.


BTW - VOTE FOR JASON THEILEN (when you can). I did not want to end my City Council days until I could find somebody to run that would be better then I.  I believe he will be a GREAT addition to the already informative council.