Thursday, December 21, 2017

Winter "Storm" Dylan - pffffft

Well this storm is turning into a big dud! Just not enough moisture getting sucked in from the south.  The atmosphere will continue to slowly saturate into he afternoon but  zzzzzzz.  The State line will get the freezing rain and up north will get more snow but us?   blah.   At least it's the darkest day of the year.

But the BIG news is that the polar blast will not be as bad as first thought. OH - overnight wind chills will be shitty (-12s) but MOST people will be in their cozy warm beds.


The Survivor finale was last night and it was once again excellent as the most deserving and good player one (which is typical). The guy was a Marine with PTSD and you saw his suffering during the show, especially when a piece of bamboo POPPED in the fire one day and he almost lost it.  But the emotional part was once he had won there was a special reunion.

The producers found 3 of his combat buddies and flew them to the show as a surprise.  All four had tears as they had not seen each other for 12 years.  One guy was so proud as he said "Ben (the middle guy in the photo) was in a very very dark place the last time we were together".

Probst said that during the show they were getting hundreds and hundreds of communications from veterans suffering with PTSD and how Ben was helping them through their ordeals by talking about it and showing what it does to people.

Survivor really is the greatest social experiment ever.

Crissy (right) was one of only 4 females out of 256 that have won 4 individual challenges and played a great social game.  She had applied for 16 straight seasons and her very first tribal council she was so nervous she was hurling (we only got to see one hurl) but Ben was the hero.

Doctor Mike (left) was so close. He was funny and totally 100% out of his element.  His son, when he found out he was going to be on Survivor said "Dad, you are going to die on that island"  No one has actually died yet although there have been a number of medical evacs and close calls.


Don't believe all of what you hear from EITHER side of the aisle when it comes to The Tax Bill.  Both sides are (or were) ramping up their propaganda but the high fives and victory laps will be very very short lived.

Remember - to pass The Bill the GOP had to re-fund Obamacare and now cannot do a crap load of things the GOP wanted to do (no huge boost for the military as promised).  Enjoy the extra money in your checks.  It will give the economy a boost, just not enough as they believe.


Remember that statehouse election in Virginia decided by one vote?  The court ruled there is one more vote which makes it a tie.  Guess what happens next - yup - flip a coin to see who wins.

October 14 1992 an embryo was frozen by anonymous parents attempting in-vitro fertilization.   On November 25, 2017 a baby girl was born after spending 24 years on ice.

Science is awesome.


Wisconsin vs. Miami in the Orange Bowl is rated as the 5th best bowl game of the season. In order of Good games The Sugar Bowl, Rose Bowl, Cotton Bowl, and Peach Bowl are suppose to be better.


There is a thing called the generic ballot which has been really really good at predicting the race for Congress.  The blue has been in a steady rise and now has a 49.6% chance of the DNC winning enough seats to take control.  The GOP has a 37.5% chance or maintaining.  Only 319 days to election day.       


Lots of people taking Friday off so have a happy holiday and BE SAFE.