Wednesday, January 2, 2019

It's 2019 - NOT a prime number.

After the little clipper flies past this morning expect more and more sun to appear . . at some point.

Saturday the high will be nearing 44 and lots of sun.  Starting Thursday we should have sun sun and more sun and rising temps . . .before a 36 hour rain event starting Sunday night until Tuesday morning.   

News Years Eve in Columbus we picked up 3.6 inches of snow and 0.51 inches of precipitation.


Things are ramping up in baseball as we get more and more info on who will be available in our Strat-o-matic draft.  

One thing - "I" need a 2nd base along with the Brewers.  Last year there were only 23 players that played more then 100 games at 2nd and only 1 rookie that played more the 50 games at 2nd. 

Slime pickins. 

Which reminded me of a label for a beer that I made out of my favorite hop  Amarillo 


Reading a book about the Nazi Hunters and of course the author has to explain why these Nazi's are so evil. Being a WWII aficionado I knew about the atrocities but . . . . oh man . . . I won't even print it here. What Klaus Barbi did to 10's of thousands of live children . . .  

And the Catholic church and the Pope were Nazi sympathizers.  

Pope Pius XII made a deal with Hitler.  Let the church continue to practice their religion in Germany  and the Church will turn a blind eye to any Nazi issues.  This deal was put on paper in 1933 called the Reichskonkordat.   

When the SS rounded up all the Jews in Rome The Church and Pope did not say one word.  At the end of WWII the Vatican was part of the "ratline" and helped smuggle influential Nazi's to Argentina. The Vatican was the #1 largest organization that moved the Nazi's out of harms way away from Allied justice.

The Germans kept very very detail records of EVERYTHING - literally everything.  They were world class record keepers and there are still over 10 miles records and over 100 million records still not looked at in a cave.  The issue is they could KEEP the records but the filing was a different story. It's all random  . . and in German.  

and you wonder why the alt-right conservatives who love Trump also pretend to be religious and are OK with the alt-right Nazi push in America.   

There was/is a plan that was started one year before WWII ended that would keep The Thousand Year Reich still going in the background and this is part of it.  The plan was to go into hiding for 50 to 100 years and let things calm down.  

In 1942 industrialists in Germany started buying up companies NOT in Germany and sending their secret loyalists to take over the companies and plan for decades down the road.   hmmmmmmm. 

The plan was to "operate abroad while disguising their connection to Germany and the Nazi's".  This way they could continue to "conduct military espionage and systematically contribute to the eventual return of Germany's military might". 

American steel was one of the big targets.  This comes from notes taken in a meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg France August 10, 1944

And now we see Trump who is NOT anti-Nazi AND wants to being US Steel back.  hmmmmmmm


TSA is swapping out pointy eared dogs for floppy eared dogs in airports.  Seems the public is more at ease with floppy eared dogs. 

Speaking of dogs.  I have always been against police dogs as they have been proven to be used as a way to search a car for no reason.  Dog's can pick up on body language of their handlers so easily he will spark a false positive whenever the handler wants to search a car.  

NOW - hundreds of Police Dogs are being retired because they have cannabis in their brain which, in a majority of America, is not a crime.  You can't unteach so they are being retired and NEW dogs are being programmed at a very very expensive cost. 

I am always amazed at what Gus can pick up on. It's sort of creepy actually.   The act of putting on socks has many meanings and he knows them all.  Cold feet? nothing.  Going for a  walk?  He knows.  

Side story - we were eating James Street Pizza last night (left overs) and Gus was staring at DJ. She says Gus, you got cheese this morning and and some scrambled eggs, I'm not going to  . . . . . . . and before she can say another word he's like "talk to my paw" and turns around to stare at me! 


Gus is always trying to photo bomb 

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