Thursday, February 7, 2019


My note to NOAA - "How do you measure this 7 layer cake of falling crap out of the sky. Snow pellets, graupel, snow, rain, freezing rain, rain, sleet and anything else that falls from the sky"!

I reported 0.04 inches of precip last night. 

Weather - GO HOME if you are not there already. It's not going to get better, it will get MUCH worse. Expect 1/4 inch of ice UNDER 2 inches of snow!   SWEET JESUS! HIDE YOUR CHILDREN 


Meanwhile - on The Orville, Fox's lookalike Star Trk-sh series  It's turned into a porno series LOL  

First Dr. Claire Finn has sex with a green alien blob that is like silly putty thanks to Rob Lowe and his out of control alien sexual pheromones.

Then Bortus is addicted to live action porno in the "Simulator" (also called the STIMULATOR) where you can simulate or HAVE real sex (something I thought about with the HaloDeck in Star Trek: Next Generation).

And the last episode, AGAIN, Dr. Finn  falls in love AND has sex with Isaac the Robot . .thing. Machine sex!

I have to admit it was one of the funniest episodes and highest rated on IMDB!

The thing about The Orville is that it takes a pretty common plot-line and you think you know where it is headed . . . . and then it goes off track in a totally different direction and has a message, not unlike the original Star Trek.

Great fun show.


DJ and I were talking about retirement, weekends and holidays last night.  First of all when you retire holidays become more of a nuisance and you forget when they are.  Weekends?

Lets see.  Let's run through the days.

Monday is the day we celebrate we made it through the weekend but let's have a beer as it's a long week ahead.

Tuesday is pay the piper day as we are INTO the week now and we better get things done.

Wednesday is hump day and we made it through the rough week and it's almost Thursday so maybe a LITTLE partying

Thursday - UW Madison starts the weekends with Thursday so it's time to start the weekend.

Friday - IT'S HERE THE WEEKEND.  Party on.

Saturday  it's party day. Nobody remembers what happens on Saturdays.

Sunday - hair of the dog day. Bloody Mary's and detoxing in the morning.

and that is how retirement is in winter.


In New Mexico the governor has called back the National Guard from the border saying President Trumps immigration warnings are FAKE! and "a charade".

Weird how all the mayors on the border towns are calling this immigrant crisis a totally fabricated "emergency".  Once again the GOP rules by fear and if there is nothing to fear that just make up shit.


Governor Jerry Brown (D-CA) claimed legalization is "about getting stoned—nothing else, nothing more."

WELL - I gotta agree.  I am pro decriminalization of all things cannabis but legalization?  hmmmmm - not sold yet.  Not AGAINST it but not really FOR it either.  On the fence.  Medical cannabis FOR SURE. Only a complete fool would be against that.

BUT, then again - every time a state comes on line with anything cannabis I make money (Canopy Growth) so . . . .

Manor Township, Pennsylvania supervisors discussed a proposed ordinance to let police officers charge low-level marijuana possession as summary offenses instead of misdemeanors.

Columbus should do this.


Talking sports heads on the Rich Eisen show were asked who the BEST team in the NBA East was, the Boston Celtics?  Philadelphia  76ers?  or Toronto.  WAIT - the team with the best record in the entire NBA was not mentioned?

BTW - The Bucks hit 19 out of 30 three pointers last night.  63.3%.


OH - JIMMY THE STICK  - There is an APB on Jimmy The Stick. Twenty Four years ago my buddy Steve McDowell and I were talking about groundhog day and how we felt that PROPERLY the groundhog did not have a clue about the sun. Why not save money and have an inanimate object observe the sun instead.

So I went outside, found a stick and created Jimmy the Stick.

Since that day he has been ALMOST held by two fighter jet jockies, went on a trip to Las Vegas (and forgot in the trunk) kidnapped for ransom, was lost in the Ground Hog Day Blizzard and many more adventures.

HOWEVER - this year he is missing.  He was turning brittle as a 24 year old stick would get and when we finished the basement I put him . . . somewhere safe.   I'm thinking in the garage but he is still missing.  yet another adventure

Jimmy in Year 17

Jimmy in 2010

Jimmy in 2017 

Jimmy in 2015


Jimmy in 2009

So - the search continues!  The tree he came from outside of 1 W Wilson in Madison is still there!

he DID NOT see his shadow . . .if he was around to "look".


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