Wednesday, February 6, 2019

TV lag in GAME MODE!

Don't skim past this - its actually interesting

I was playing TGC Golf  in league a couple days ago and the conditions were rain at dusk and this is what I was faced with.   You can kind of see my club on my approach shot.

So I got on the forum and of  course complained about this and a number of guys said my settings were wrong and was I in GAME MODE on the TV.  WHAT?  I never considered that and REALLY did not know what Game Mode actually did on a TV.

SO - I was looking into this and learned GAME MODE dummy's up the TV to reduce lag. I won't try to explain it in detail but if you want to learn more go here!

What is 'Game mode'?

So now I knew what game mode was.  But my TV, a LG OLED55C7P,  has mammoth processing power so when I switched to Game Mode I did not see any real difference in lag.   BUT - I found this list of how much lag TVs have

ODDLY - I have been so infatuated with the sound system that my TV was still in factory settings for the video  SERIOUSLY?  Yea - DAAAAA!  I feel so stupid on this rookie mistake. 

As luck would have it there were a few people that have my TV and sent their settings for Game Mode.  I will be 21.3 milliseconds better now.  If only my brain would be 21.3 milliseconds better.

This all happened AFTER we purchased ANOTHER TV.  A tiny 28 inch LG.  TVs are so freakish;y inexpensive it's silly and when Elweed was here we were wishing we could play virtual golf AND keep track on the PGA at the same time.   THUS - why not buy a tiny TV and put it next the the big one . . . just to keep track. What could go wrong.

It SEEMS they have not yet figured out how to make picture in picture work. COME ON!!  Weren't that bragging about that ability 20 years ago?

So!  DJ and I got a 28 inch LG and an antenna that gets 30 channels (it really does) and hooked it up and flipped it on.

As soon as I clicked ON on the remote for the tiny LG the BIG LG turned off.   hmm  Yea - that is a problem and looking at the internet IT IS A PROBLEM and for MOST TVs.

It seems remotes cannot pick and choose WHAT TV to turn on or off.  To fix it you need to NOT have two of the same MAKE TVs in the same room.     sigh! 


OH - side note - My character in TGC19 now dresses like the last weeks winner of the PGA - this is my Rickie Fowler outfit.  Who will win NEXT week so I can put on new clothes  LOL

I can't not wear the knickers - it shows I purchased the game on Day one.  Only Day One players can wear knickers! 

OOPS - I need white shoes!


OK OK - Trumps campaign speech last night.

As Nate Silver said - Everyone else on FiveThirtyEight is afraid to say this publicly, but this was just  bad writing ( the speech) . Like a high school sophomore in an English composition class.

It was a standard campaign speech - Immigrants are coming to kill us, the economy is great, don’t investigate me, our allies are treating us badly.  Nothing new at all.   The ONLY thing he really wants to do in the next 2 years, his BIG agenda are three things

1. Get re-elected
2. End the investigation
3. appoint more conservative judges (which is is really good at)

The rest?  It's a lot of work and he has so much TV to watch.

I really liked the part where he said immigrants are stealing all of our jobs and then a minute later says everyone has a job and our economy is strong!

Nobody will be talking about this speech by the weekend.  A non-event.  Rick Perry was the Designated Survivor.

Did anybody notice that every time the old white Republicans stood up to applaud their knees sounded like popcorn popping?  Talk about a STARK difference.

Republicans, old white males with zero clue on modern things and out of touch with society and the younger multi layered Democrats with woman and all the different flavors of our Nation.  The GOP is literally a dying breed of dinosaurs.


OH - here is a myth.  Light roasted coffee has more caffeine then dark coffee!

If you measure your coffee by scoops, light roasted coffee will have more caffeine. Since the beans are denser than a darker roast. However if you weigh out your scoops, darker roasts will have more caffeine, because there is less mass. What should also be noted is that Arabica beans vary in levels of caffeine depending on the plant species.
And, as we know from our caffeine basics the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee is so minimal, we might not even notice the difference.


Weather - watch out tonight and tomorrow.  Going to get messy but the big news is watch for next Tuesday   5-8 inches

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