Thursday, February 28, 2019

Portellos and Cohan and Falcon sex caps

Well - I watched a good portion of the Cohen thing. You know, that interview where the GOP decided that since that cannot defend Trump they would get all huffy about Cohen and that he lies.

They never asked him any real questions but brought up his conviction for lying and why he is goign to a nice prison but they ALWAYS left out the sentences where that very same court said Trump was ALSO guilty along with Cohen.  They are fine with the President lying but NOT his fixer.

Again - showing their true colors. The only real person who had any balls to asked real questions and get real answer was Ocasio-Cortez. Cortez was the only person to actually ask questions that lead to answers, and listened to make new questions.  Everyone else was bloated with speeches explaining why they are asking a question in the first place.  Pretty much filling up their time with nonsense.

This was the opening round and I believe the whole Russia thing is going to be a side light to the REAL show.  This is all about money laundering, racketeering and tax fraud like a common la cosa nostra family and I firmly believe Trump and SOME of his family will be in prison when this is all finished and it won't be because of the Mueller investigation.

The Russian thing won't even be talked about that much.

One thing Cohan mentioned was he did not believe that IF, Trump loses the election there will NOT be a peaceful transfer of power.

But it seems all of Trumps groupies will blindly stand with him because they want someone that represents their values. A lying, egomaniac, wife cheater . . just like they are? (at least that is why they say voted for him).   Those are their values?

And don't get me started with the fake North Korea photo shoot with zero substance.  SURPRISE - nothing happened.

MEANWHILE -  Back in Columbus the deck augmentation is moving along - I'm thinking maybe done this weekend?   Cedar siding will go on the house on the inside of the enclosed deck.

We WANTED to put white trim around all the back windows. When talking about this on one of the many meetings they said - "how old is the siding" and we said 12 years. They said we COULD do it but the siding could be getting brittle and we MIGHT have to replace ALL the siding if they are too brittle. . . . . . well . . .we actually thought long and hard about this . . .  replace all the siding?  Different color? . but no.  Let's not get TOO outside our comfort zone.

I tell ya - one thing I learned on City Council was about contracts and change orders.

We have signed so many change orders (2 more yesterday) it's crazy. These guys want to get everything correct. NOT complaining.  We really appreciating the thoroughness.   I have been disappointed in all building processes from building the house to finishing the basement.  Work that is 95% good but always lacking in places you don't really notice until everyone is gone.  Micheal Simon builders are really impressing us.


Yesterday DJ and I went to Wisconsin Lighting for a ceiling fan for the enclosed part of the deck and on the way home stopped at Portello.

WELL - the place is MUCH MUCH larger then it looks.

We were not in a hot dog mood so DJ got the char grilled chicken sandwich and I got an Italian Beef with extra gravy.  Dry = is no gravy, Extra Gravy = a splash gravy on the sandwich and Dipped = they dip the entire sandwich in gravy.  The gravy is like poutine gravy, a light gravy.  EXCELLENT FOOD

Both were WONDERFUL and very filling - big food but not stupid big.  The burgers are 1/3 pound to give an example.  All their sandwiches are that "like" size.

French fries are nothing to get excited about but the onion rings looked pretty good.

It's a loud place and I counted 30+ people behind the glass making the food. Yea - it was busy but a normal Culvers style wait.  Not fast food but not a sit down dinner. 

You walk in and go all the way to the far side, place an order in one of 4 lines and then like an Octopus car wash walk down and get your food on the other side of the building.

Going to try the burgers Sunday with Elweed.  He won't like the place, too loud but so far bang for buck a good deal on filling your tummy.


Falcon sex caps?  YUP - a real thing.  DO NOT GOOGLE THIS AT WORK

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