Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Accident / cannabis myths debunked / The Bucks

The ground cover from yesterday - needs sun.  ANY sun.  it's not to picky.  Its an awesome plant!

Check out this link Sedum kamtschaticum var. floriferum 'Weihenstephaner Gold 

Easily grown in average, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Grows well in sandy or gravelly soils. Tolerant of hot dry sites and some poor soils, but must have good soil drainage in order to perform well. Avoid overwatering. Plants may be sited 12” apart when grown as a ground cover. Tip cuttings from plants may be rooted directly in soil around the plants. Winter hardy to USDA Zone 3.


I want to welcome any new readers to this blog about nothing but really sort of about Columbus a small town north of Madison Wisconsin USA.  I must warn you I have a liberal slant on news so don't hate me or take anything personally. I grew up in a split Republican / Democrat household so unlike many people I actually chose my own slant once I saw that the Republicans do not really work FOR the people at all.

Republicans are all about business and Democrats are all about people - simple as that.

ANYWAY - look at the last 1200 people that read this blog

United States  853
Germany 82
Russia 57
Unknown 51
UK 44
France 30
Netherlands 30
Austria 27
Ukraine 26
Indonesia 18

I have no idea why but this seems to be a pretty constant group.

SO - last night just outside our little town we had just a horrific nightmare accident involving a truck not noticing cars stopped in a construction zone and he literally drove OVER a pick up truck which pushed into 4 other cars ripping one car in two. One person was killed and 6 were severally injured.

If you can see, that is a pick up truck right behind that car and in front of the truck.

As I was driving through Columbus we saw a firetruck speeding our way and like 5 of the 6 cars ahead of us we pulled over.  The other car did not seem to notice the huge red flashing sirens screaming firetruck and did not budge one inch out of their lane.  FREAKING MORON.  I wish I could have gotten his licence. 

Seems to me that since drivers ed is no longer taught in our schools, drivers are MUCH worse now then before.  BUT - who need education right?  Especially for something like driving.   


I'm an advocate for legalizing cannabis for medical use.  FOR ME PERSONALLY the jury is still out on complete legalization. I'm not against it but I have not totally gone to the recreational side yet.  Which is weird I must admit.

I have been watching and reading everything I can about how it's going in Colorado and so far so many myths are being debunked.   OH - there are problems that the liberal press does not report and when the conservative press see they put a new spin on it to make it much worse then reality.

But for the most part there are really very very few issues so far.  Especially when compared to Wisconsin booze problems.

One myth is about cannabis shops. I have been to a few in Denver and it is a surreal experience for sure if you are from Wisconsin.

So here are some ACTUAL facts.

An overwhelming amount of studies show that crime rate around a cannabis shop is not effected.

Studies show that teen use of cannabis in recreational states are either steady OR have dropped.  A  2018 JAMA Pediatrics study in Washington shows a drop in teen use and a 2017 study by the Fed show cannabis use in teens is at a 20 year low,

A study be the journal of  Economic Inquiry concluded that property values actually rose 6 to 8% surrounding a cannabis shop.

So many myths are being debunked.  Yet the backward Wisconsin government has said there will be ZERO cannabis in Wisconsin.  Yet I know for a fact Medical cannabis works.

My X from 30 years ago had Osteogenesis imperfecta and the ONLY relief she ever had from 24/7 pain was cannabis. 

It's a crime the GOP in Wisconsin is against helping the citizens but are fine with helping bars fill everybody with booze and are fine with combating opiates with . . what ????  What are they doing besides just talking about it.  It's good for business right?  But cannabis? it's scary to their old ways.

We are even behind Nevada. They have a bill for Medical cannabis with proceeds going towards education.   NOT HERE!!  Wisconsin is one of FOUR States in America that does not have a cannabis bill on the floors.  FOUR! 

Weird how many of the heads in the GOP in Wisconsin are heavily invested in pharmaceuticals.


I know many people will not go to the Columbus McDonalds because of the razor blade giveaway promotion in happy meals but in 2013 they started to make happy meals more healthy for kids. In 2018 they gave away 250 million apple slices in happy meals.  That can't be a bad thing.

FUN FACT - if you are dealing with gout (it seems to be a pretty common thing as you get older)  it's because uric acid is building up and you need to eat more nuts and fruit that combat uric acid.  When age starts to hit your body loses it's ability to combat uric acid.


Milwaukee Bucks are -6.5 favs tonight and -270 to win  - I like both.  The 4th quarter system is 11-4 (if a team outscores the other team in the first 3 quarters bet the OTHER team to win the last quarter).

Toronto will have to play MUCH better to beat the Bucks.  All they really have is Leonard who has been carrying them. Bucks are more rested and have home court advantage.  The Bucks, Nationally, are still underrated.  Milwaukee was the #1 defense team in the NBA and built their defense around ALLOWING teams to shoot 3 pointers.  Toronto is not a good 3-point shooting team.

I think Toronto will have a very hard time vs. the Bucks.  Bucks in 5.

Of course The Golden State Warriors have already won the championship according to most talking heads. 

FEAR THE DEER - Bucks win Championship - home court advantage in 5 or 7 games


Weather - that dang cold front will be south of us giving us a cool breezy weekend - NOT the 72 sunny one that will happen 50 miles to our south.  Look for a LOT of rain this weekend with thunderstorms and maybe sever weather.  Typical spring in Wisconsin - stop complaining.  This is NOT unusual.

The good thing is the trend is warming up - BAD days are now in the low 60s as opposed to middle 50s.


My favorite subject - polls.   In 2016 Bernie Sanders received 56.6% and Clinton 43.1%  in teh first round of polls.

This time Biden leads Bernie  24% to 20% and the other 127 candidates are fighting for the other 56% 

Nationally it's Biden leading Bernie but it's pretty early.


Nuff for today   

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