Thursday, May 16, 2019

Weather / GREAT sports night / Farmer's Market / The Unicorn

HERE WE GO!  Expect wave after wave of thunderstorms for the next 4 days. We have a strong cold front that will be REALLY warm on one side NEAR US and REALLY COLD on the other side, NEAR US. 

As one talking head said last night - "a nightmare for weatherman" as just 50 miles could be a difference of 30 degrees.  The high today COULD be 80, the high tomorrow COULD be 55 and expect 1-3 inches of rain in the next 4 days


Meanwhile I had a GREAT sports night. The Brewers won, the Bucks won and I had my lowest 9 hole score at The Oaks (44) AND my longest drive ever at 275 yards (downhill but STILL, longest).

The Bucks - Oh man Toronto has to be kicking themselves - totally outplayed the Bucks for 3 quarters and lost.  Only one Toronto player scored in the 4th quarter as all other players were 0-15.  That won't do it. In fact in the 2nd half really only 2 players on the Raptors did anything.  The non-stars were a non-factor. Unlike the Bucks super deep bench.

Lopez, who I loved immediately when the Bucks signed him is a "on or off"  3-point shooter.  He can do what he did last night or go 0-10 shooting.

SO - Toronto played really good and the Bucks were flat . . and still won.

-6.5 WINNER   -240 WINNER
The NBA draft changed for the better.  Because of the Philadelphia 76ers purposefully tanked for 3 years to get the #1 pick the NBA changed how lottery's are done and it seems to have worked.

Now the top 3 teams only have a 14% chance for the #1 pick as opposed to a 25% chance.  So this year the #1 pick went to New Orleans which had a 6% chance.  The teams that tanked lost out and will continue to be bad.  Lucky fans.   

COME ON MAN!! Dan Patrick took 40 minutes to even mention the Bucks game.  Its all about New Orleans Pelicans and Zion. 

THERE WE GO - an analysts just said the Bucks are the first Eastern Conference Team that plays West Coast basketball.   And . . . . that is it!  Back to Zion.  WOW! 


The Columbus Farmers Market was a huge success . . for what was there.  We have been trying to talk Leroys Meats into opening a store in Columbus.  They opened a second location in Fox Lake and had a stand at our little farmers market. 

They sold out in less then 2 hours! 

Columbus - we bitch about the town but do it as a team - yup. We showed up and showed them we want them in Columbus.


I'm not going to mention my SOM team as I don't want to jinks it - let's just say I have won 19 of the last 22 games EVEN with Yelich being a solid .245 hitter.


ONE quick cannabis note (I know move on) Oregon Senate voted to legalize interstate marijuana imports and exports. A change in federal policy is required for the legislation to take effect, but the vote itself is a first for any state.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) tweeted that he's "proud" to work on "legislation to expand access to medical cannabis for our veterans!"

Florida is more liberal and forward thinking then Wisconsin.  And FLA can shoot people for stepping on their yards.


Any Walten Groggins fans out there? Remember Boyd Kramer on Justified?  He became one of my favorite actors.

He has a new comedy on CBS that really looks good. COMING THIS FALL!

another good show is Tommy - about the first female Police Chief in LA - just putting it out there.


OK - It SEEMS  Republican politicians understand how tariffs work, yet Donald Trump and his supporters do not have a clue but will believe anything he says . . no matter how ignorant. 

While they have a valid argument about China's unfair trade practices of stealing technology and anything else they can get their hands on . . . Trump supporters believe that taxing Americans will will fix this.

They argue that nothing Obama did worked, which is totally true, I can not argue that.  But tariffs are like if you decided to combat a bully in school by poking a stick into your OWN eye so the bully will stop. 

They argue that tariffs will NOT really raise prices . . . yet prices are ALREADY higher since the first 10% tariffs.  Have they not purchased anything lately?   Inflation is at a 5 month high (odd how the first tariffs started 5 months ago) and rising.

As 99% of economists say "nobody wins trade wars", yet Trump and his followers believe we are winning.

Then they claim they are anti-socialism yet are fine with giving farmers . . or shall I say PROMISING to give farmers, a lump of cash because tariffs are hurting them so much. Is that not socialism? Are Trump supporters really socialists? The very thing they hate?

The markets?  Bouncing off a support at the moment - Macro events in America don't seem to be having much of an influence as many earnings are coming in greater the expected.  I think the next few days might be interesting to see where things go. 


  Have a great Thursday

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