Monday, June 24, 2019

Door County and Portello's

If humans evolved from monkeys . . . . why are there still monkeys.


Took a trip to Door County last week and while everyone down here was cool and wet it was sunny and very warm up there. 

Lake Michigan and Green Bay are both at record levels.  Cana Island is actually an island again.  When my parents took us there in the late 60s it was an island and then for 3 or 4 decades you could walk to it and I got many images of the lighthouse.  BUT - once again . . it's an island.

While up there we checked out the Anderson Dock which has a fair amount of tagging on it.

It's now an art gallery in Ephriam (which is now NOT a dry town). 

In Fish Creek (actually Gilbralter is the REAL name) behind Pelletiers (fish boil place) are some of the original buildings and one of them had this beautiful flowers.  But what got me was the actual wood on the building and the contrast. 

So that was the first part of last week. 

Once we got home we had Balderdash birthday extravaganza.

Every year Balderdash and all his buddies play 36 holes of golf.  This year they played 18 at The Oaks and then 18 at The Oaks North (Kestrel Ridge) and then the plan was to stop at our house for some food and beer. 

All went well and I got a bunch of food from Portella's in Madison and figured out why there Italian sandwiches were so "good".  not GREAT but satisfying.

They figured out how to combine 4 ingredients that are all rather common into one sandwich that is really good. 

1. the beef - not that wonderful tasting by itself but it's sliced just above falling apart. 

2. the gravy - more like an au jus actually.  They have instructions on exactly how to combine the two.  The gravy has all the flavor.  Unlike Fast Lanes where they give you a 1/4 cup of au jus.

3. the buns.  PERFECT for this style of sandwich. Firm on the outside and a little spongy inside.  This sandwich is made for being wet and sloppy.

4. peppers.  The peppers give you that bit of flavor that is not just meat and gravy.  I've tried it both ways.  without peppers - it's boring.

So that is my critique on Portellos.


Why is there a "d" in fridge but no "d" in refrigerator.


While in Door County I spotted a wild Yellow Swallow tail.  Handheld 105 1:2.8 Macro lens


This week Thursday we have The Andy Winn Memorial He's Not Dead Yet Tournament where we tee off in Milwaukee BEFORE 7:00  and then catch the  afternoon Brewer game and Friday we're going BACK to Milwaukee with Elweed to see the Crew again. 

Should be in first place by then.


OH - and a shout out to Columbus Chamber of Commerce.  I normally am anti Chamber as they donate to the Republican Party but they are out there FINALLY promoting Columbus and actually pulling their weight. 

The only think holding back Cbus now is the school system. 

have a Laurel and Hardy week. 

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