Friday, June 28, 2019

Golf Brewers - Sophie for $1.2 million

So for my 8th year (20 years total?)  I participated in the And Winn Memorial He Ain't Dead Yet Golf Outing where we play 18 holes of golf and then go to the Brewer game in the afternoon.

It's a LONG day but worth it.  And as normal I was golfing well until the last 5 holes where I seem to just get tired or lose focus and I think I had a 103 or something.  SAD.

We get done with golf and all change into dry clothes. A number of years ago after golfing at Western Lakes in 95 degrees we have learned a few things.

One one thing is, JUST IN CASE - bring a change of underwear as that year Balderdash did not and IN MILLER PARK - he went commando

Notice the BLACK car.  Think what 4 sets of wet sweaty clothing does in a black, closed car for 4 hours at 120 degrees.

I believe Andy sold the car 3 months later.

But the big story this time was on the way home.

Last year we were all tired and I suggested some ABBA on the radio AS A JOKE to wake us up.  Somehow all of a sudden we are listening to ABBAs greatest hits for the next 45 minutes.

So this year we stop at a bar in Delafield on the lake for a final beer . . . like we need ONE MORE. We are watching the line of storms coming near us on radar and decide it's time to go.

We leave the parking lot and it's BLACK.  I'm looking at the best radar (RadarScope) and see 1/2 inch hail warnings.  Andy turns around to hide under some trees AND as a bonus has turned on ABBA again and "Mama Mia" is playing.

The wind is kicking up to what I'm assuming is 40mph and tree limbs are falling all around us so we decide to get out of that area before a tree falls on us.  The wind is howling, branches and twigs are hitting the car which is rocking back and forth from wind and "Mama Mia" is playing loudly in the radio.

Balderdash is next to me and comments loudly " THIS IS SO SURREAL"   We should have been live Facebook Streaming.  A lost chance.

SO - now tonight I'm going back to Miller Park for game two with different people.  Concerned with thunderstorms and tailgating as a "cold" front will go through about game time.

this "cold" front is more of an air mass front with no real "cold" attached.  Just different hot air.  What it will do is NOT bring thunderstorms over the weekend - HOWEVER all next week is a threat of thunderstorms every day.  Very unstable hot air all week. Sunday and Monday will be the warmest with heat indices near 95. Cooling off after Monday to normal summer heat.

GREAT for sweet corn!


Canada is not selling as much cannabis as they originally thought. Not because people don't want it.  It's a logistical issue with not enough locations to sell it.

It's like if Wisconsin all of a sudden made beer legal but there were only 10 liqueur stores in the State.  I think Ontario only has 5 stores at the moment.


Final June stats are in and my SOM team is tied with the best record at 50-31   

 Yelich continues to struggle hitting .290 and 11 home runs but the team leads in almost all offensive categories and is just about middle of the road pitching even though in 40 of the 81 games I have help the opponents at 2 runs or less AND have 11 shutouts and a team 3.34 ERA.

Seems to be a very pitching dominate year. 


Man with this rain it's hard to believe it will get to 86 today . . and MUGGY I have to think LOL


ART - is it really an investment?  Only of you talk to people that sell art.  2.3 million pieces of art were tracked and of those 2.3 million only 32,000 were sole more then once wit h69,000 repeat sales.  Pretty poor numbers of an investment.

a painting drop 8.7% a year after sold and after all the additional overcharges you need a work of art to increase in value 80% to break even.

Sophie - $1.2 Million   anyone anyone?
  Have a great day!

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