Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Starting to fossilize

I don't know why a post from July was emailed out by blogger and I wish it had not - that issue has been resolved. so . . . stand down.


Another issue was cleared up last night.  As I try to be a more optimistic individual I found out I was blocked by a person when we had a disagreement about our City Attorney.

This person said some pretty hurtful things and I said I could not believe our City Attorney said these things and defended him.  Paul is one of my top 3 favorite attorneys and I really appreciated his presence and I was rather pissed off.

Now we find out that the person that HATES Columbus did not know we had a different City Attorney and the rabid hate was against the old City Attorney.  We PM'd each other and I explained that many many of the "old guard" are gone and Columbus actually has a government that thinks, discusses and has actual knowledge.  NOT the cronies that ran Columbus for decades.   

I told this individual that I completely understood WHY people hate the Columbus government because of past indiscretions but it's changed dramatically in the past 6(?) years.   SADLY I know way way too many people that loath our government for things that happened 10+ years ago.  Not sure how to change that.


Moving along.   People take their health for granted and MAN, when it fails it is MUCH worse then you think.  Yea I have a minor (I hope) situation with my knee (MRI Monday) but because of my knee my entire leg muscles are sore and cramping and my shoulders hurt from trying to roll over in bed NOT using my legs (try it sometime).       

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.  DO NOT TAKE YOUR HEALTH FOR GRANTED.   24 hour pain is a PAIN!  And it's just one knee that seems to be effecting my whole body as other parts step up,  and I was pretty darn healthy a month ago . . . I thought.  I can't wait for this to be over.


The Brewers have the tie breaker with Washington so a tie is a win.  St' Louis is still out there but they need to lose and the cubs have given up.


Winning a lottery makes you MUCH happier.   There was a study done years and years ago that said winning a major lottery did NOT make you happier.  Yet it seems that the study was done with only 22 winners.

A newer, more scientific study was conducted in Germany and it found that winning a large lottery DID make you happier and in fact the more you won the happier you were.   

Makes sense to me!


Packers opened as 3 point favs over Philadelphia and its up to -4.5 now  My Bridgejumper system is not on the game.  I started Bridgejumper in 2001 and is 394-254 for 60.9%  I've been told 60% is impossible in the NFL in the long run.  Well . . . . . .   

Only one "C" game this week. "C" games win 57% if the time so it's not GREAT  The LAChargers should cover 16.5 over the Dolphs.  Not many plays in the 18 years when a very BAD team is a huge dog at home.   Normally when a team has been getting kicked and comes home as a big dog . . . they prove they really ARE bad.


Donald Trump now has the same approval rating as Obama did at the same time in Presidency.     

That's enough for now - I need to stand up every 10 minutes of I start to fossilize.  As long as I keep moving I'm fine. 

STRONG storms early Wednesday morning!   Take care 

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