Friday, January 3, 2020

Qasem Soleimani / Prairie Ridge Health

WELL - Surprise   Modern Warfare stocks are UP 2% today along with Fracking Stocks up 2.2%.  Modern Warfare is a no brainer but Fracking?   YUP - Rising energy prices and geopolitical instability.  OH - oil is spiking so expect to pay more at the gas station.


In my quest for a new knee I now have a appointment with Prairie Ridge Health for January 31st.  I tell ya - I got good vibes on the phone.

Also have been in contact with people who represent PRH and that is nice to have someone to communicate with who has been there done that AND he reads the blog (probably to make sure I don't spread fake news . . . I know a few places in Columbus read the blog watching my every word and correcting things. . . . .I  think I made the "watch" list).

Remember Boyd Kraymer(sp??)  the previous City admin?  He love this blog (gave me an award) until I outed some cronie weirdness and then he hated me.

A brief comment on the new "war" Trump and only Trump started.  I can't even blame the GOP for this.   

I have ZERO issue with killing Qasem Soleimani - the guy has killed hundreds of thousand over the past 30 years.  But why now and why that way.  The BS we are being told about an "imminent attack" is laughable bull shit.

The problem is there is no overall strategy, it's not how Trump works.  There is no 3D chess game he is playing is more like beer pong strategy.  Chest pounding showing America is the most powerful.

Iran will respond sneakily with MUCH more terrorism, cyber attacks and stealthiness and then Trump (not America) will respond with more bombs.

Remember the Iran Nuke Agreement and when everything was calm? Everyone was getting along?  Then Trump decided to poke Iran in the eye and give them the finger?  That worked out just fine didn't it. GREAT foreign policy.

One the bright side it MIGHT work.  Showing strength is always a tactic (not really a strategy) . . . . . but it it does not work things could get much MUCH worse.  It's tossing the dice and hoping for a 7.


carry on     

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