Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Rockford / Wild Card Weekend / Pinocchio's Whitehouse

Anybody considering a road trip to Rockford for legal cannabis think again.  It's really not that dangerous but is it worth it? 

Hour and 15 minute drive to a parking lot where you then hop on a shuttle bus to the dispensary for the 3-7 hour line for a choice of ONE strain with a 33% total tax.

SO - bottom line is you can buy 7 grams (about 50? good buzzs maybe?) of very potent cannabis flower tops for $136 + $45 tax = $181

OR - in Wisconsin buy 7 grams of illegal drug cartel cannabis which is more like 6 grams of "ok" lower grade shake with a couple flowers tops for 40 "ok" buzzes for $100.

Just puttin it out there.  Personally if I smoked cannabis and inhaled I would go to Rockford as it is
SO SO much better (I have heard) BUT not with a 3-7 hour outside line . . . . NOPE! 

With that said - Martha Stewert is so much more fun since she got out of prison LOL   Her and Snoop Dog are an amazing couple.  Who knew they would have their own cooking show and I will guarantee they are both stoned.  They are such a cute funny couple.



Last weekend was a weekend I did not think I would have.  It was exhilarating.  You see for 3 months I thought the weekend would be spent in bed with pain and oxy from a new knee.  I could watch the games in a haze of pain and meds drifting in and out for 2 days.

BUT NOOOO!!  As luck would have it both DJ and I got really bad colds and I was forced to cancel the knee.  This was actually a good thing as it let me switch from an "off the shelf" knee at UW Hospital to a "custom made" knee at the more technology driven Prairie Ridge Hospital in Columbus. 

HOWEVER - I was so sick.  Things started to clear up Friday and the weekend was like a gift.  I was feeling well enough BUT sick enough, to watch 4 games AND not feel guilty for not doing anything else.  WIN WIN.

And what fantastic games.   It was nice to have the Vikings beat the Saints. In fact I liked every outcome.  Buffalo would have been nice but I had no real opinion. I just wanted good games and man did that turn out nice.

BUT - It's our turn to get stressed next week. Packers are -3.5 favorites, Vikings are +7.5 underdogs and Baltimore and Kansas city should be blow outs.

WAIT - - - - what about the Patriots (insert evil laugh).   


I've been looking for a youtube video about peeling hard boil eggs - SO FREAKING SIMPLE.  I'll have to make my own video. All the ones I see are like 3 minutes and it's really a 10 second thing.

Take the hot egg.  Put it in a glass with some water.  SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE  HARD breaking the shell everywhere.  Take out egg and squeeze PLOP!  no shell.
DJ has made a beef tenderloin which is almost cheaper then chicken . . just larger . . and it's amazing simple and you can eat the whole thing with no weird fatty bits.  Just pan sear and bake.  Simple as that.  Like a hamburger.  WHO KNEW!  Where has tenderloin been all my life.

I always thought it was real expensive but when you compare how much you actually eat and then look at the price of GOOD chicken. . . . . . .


The cost of having a baby has increased by 48% last 10 years . . . if you do not have insurance.

And insurance - In America an average of $2,497 a year goes to administration, in Canada that number is $551. 

Meanwhile in Canada (single payer system) overhead is $146 per person. America? $844.


Anybody wondering about the election?   Latest polls on Biden vs. Trump.  Michigan Biden leads Trump by 8%, Pennsylvania Biden leads by 10% and Wisconsin Biden leans by 1%.  WTF is wrong with Wisconsin.  Are we really that backward?

I could not find any polls with Sanders vs. Trump.

Funny how NOT ONE world leader has sided with Trump in killing the 2nd in charge of Iran.  I laugh at people who believe Soleimani was a terrorist.  This is like calling Hitler a terrorists. And yes - nobody is shedding a tear on his death but the real issue is that it puts the entire Middle east in total chaos which is never ever a good thing.

Trump only looks at the short run and not the entire globe (Does he even know where Iran is?).

Remember when we had the Iranian Nuke deal and everything was going smoothly?  yea - maybe a little cheating by Iran but look at it now - they have 100% pulled out of ANY nuke deal and are flaunting enriching uranium.  Yea - THAT WORKED.

and imminent threat?  What has Trump and his cronies EVER said that you can say - "oh, I believe him".   imminent threat = weapons of mass destruction.   Impeachment? OH - we forgot about that.

All Trump did is kill one guy that we knew what he was doing and create a million unknown future terrorists.

total 100% lies out of Pinocchio's  White house.   



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