Friday, May 1, 2020

Elon Musk's Starlink satellite fleet

Not sure how many people saw Elon Musk's Starlink satellite fleet cross the sky last night - 60 satellite's all lined up in a row.  This was just the beginning of the controversial satellite fleet Musk is creating which will have 1200 total satellite's.

They vision is all 1200 will bring internet to the entire world. SEEMS good but right now there are 5000 satellite's up there and only 2000 operational so adding 1200 more seems like a crowd.  But the BIG problem is that those 1200 will pretty much kill all ground based radio telescopes because of the interference.

The argument FOR them is that internet for the entire world is more meaningful and the vision is to have dark side of the moon radio telescopes in the future.

So if you are looking up in the sky one night and see a constant stream of satellite's.  Its the start of world wide internet. 


Meanwhile in Michigan their governor extended Stay at Home  until the end of May.  SADLY they voted with bullet proof vests on because of the right wing morons who believe money is more important then life.

My buddy a political scientists has his view of the protests in Madison


My take on the protests going on in Wisconsin is that the racist right is trying to re-create the energy of the Tea Party movement during the Obama administration to whip up the base to defend their fearless leader in November.

It is a coalition of the deplorable.  People who are part of the Boogaloo Movement (they believe and appear to lust for a modern Civil War in the USA, there are dozens of websites whose focus is planning and yearning for a Civil War to erupt).  Plus of course, regular gun nuts, anti-vaxxers, white identity trolls, and anti-abortion Evangelists along with the random Ayn Rand influenced economic Libertarian or two.

What struck me looking at the photos is what a display of white privilege it was.  Every single protestor who I saw in the photos was WHITE.  They are fine with urban blacks dying in droves due to COVID-19, and they lack even a smidgen of basic human decency.  In a sense they are the ultimate expression of the philosophy of Ayn Rand, it is all about ME 24/7.

My other take is how uncomfortable these protests are making Republican office holders.  I cannot think of any Republican office holders who gave them words of encouragement besides Trump.

Ron Johnson, not a word.  Boss Vos and Scott FitzGerald, crickets.  The Republicans recognize these people are the radioactive part of their base and they don’t want to challenge them, but they also don’t want to be defined by them either. 

Put another way, these extremists are so far out there that even the Scott Walker incarnation of the Wisconsin GOP is at a loss over how to react to them.  While these wing nuts are getting the media attention the truth is most Republicans do indeed currently support the shelter in place restrictions and they are leery of opening the economy as soon as they can, the opinion of the medical community be damned. 

They are just being quiet about the support for shelter in place to avoid becoming targets of the Trumpists who currently are large and in charge in the current incarnation of the GOP. 

My mother buys into most of the Fox News drivel yet she is taking the shelter in place directive very seriously, and she better because she is 85 years old currently.  She will argue Trump did a fantastic job responding to COVID-19 because he closed the border, but even she will not consider injecting herself with Lysol on Trump’s say so. 

Politically he hurt himself badly when he verbalized that particular stream of thought.  No one is listening to him any more, his credibility is shot.


I've been trying to see why BING is referring so many to this blog and the big draw is

Grinders Island: How Mary Poser Saved Columbus


yesterday I helped Elwood push the final button for submitting for Social Security.  WHEW

OH.  My new site has mask for sale.

Want to go grocery shopping and be left alone?  Wear this new custom mask!

All of my images on my newsite (that has yet to become RodMelotte dot com - will happen over the weekend)

A few others

and check this out - I put on a clean shirt AND pants for my 2nd ever selfie 

Collect them all. They cover a little more then the common masks so when you talk they do not ride up your face.  Double material and polyester so they will not shrink and yes - you CAN breath and are "comfortable" (as much as a mask can be I suppose).

I've ordered a couple and they are selling like hotcakes for $15 (I make a couple bucks on each one so I will soon be a MILLIONAIR )

for the manly man who about a bomber!


Have a GREAT weekend

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