Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Columbus vs. Columbus

WELL - the shit hit the fan on social media last night when the Columbus City Council voted to remove (not destroy) Chris Columbus from his little perch outside Columbus.

I swear if aliens came down and scooped up Chris nobody would have noticed for at least 5 years BUT - this year, it was a thing.

OK - my views, I know I know I like to keep my personal views hidden to the public but here we go.

I really did not give a crap either way except he looked like The Burger King welcoming people to the fast food section of Columbus.   It was an ugly monstrosity made of fiber glass.  Dan Amato gave it to Columbus (the town) decades ago and I really thank him for his generosity as he considered Columbus a great explorer which he was.

What got me was the vial comments about the towns City Council. Our elected officials that have all the information and were put into a no win situation.  THANK GOD they did not decide to have a referendum.

A referendum would tell me they were a bunch of cowards that can't make a tough decision.  But that conversation did not go far. 

One train of arguments was that the council should listen to the emails and vote how the emails and social media was responding.  WRONG.

Maybe I'M wrong but when I was on city council I felt I was hired because people trusted me to make decision that impacted the entire town.  I had more information and civilians.  Alderpersons are the one that LITERALLY think about issues all day every day.  Not just when they got onto social media.

I felt that even with a ton of people telling me how to vote - it was MY decision. I was voted into office because they trusted me to make MY best decision.

When I vote or a person for office I don't vote for his or her agendas. I vote for the person that I trust most that represents my ideals knowing that sometimes I won't agree.  But I still know that the person is making decisions for the benefit of the entire town while I might be more focused on MY personal view.   

SO - back to Columbus the person.  I was taught back in the 70s that Columbus was a great explorer AND a horrific human. That last part was swept under the rug and ignored because ignoring was was easy. 

Yet it took a 15 year old  with some big ass nerve to bring this forward to remove Chris.  BRAVO girl!  Your parents should be SO SO proud.  Talk about an amazing learning experience with city government and the worst of human kind at times.

Some of the adults insulting her were seriously ignorant bullies.   HECK  - I think the council saved Chris from vandalism or demolishment (was not sure that was an actual word LOL)  and if nothing happened this year it would continue  FOREVER.

I am proud that our city council  . . . . made ANY decision.   And for the adults that threw insults at the kids saying they are all lazy and selfish  . . . . well . . . kids imitate their parents right? you insult the kids you insult the parents at the same time.   Shut the fuck up adults and start acting like adults and stop the childish tantrums.

The kids were the adults on this one   BRAVO!


So I wake up and the temp is 68 and the dew point is 67 - seemed muggy out.  My question is, what are the spiderwebs thingys on the ground looking like little tables ???


Weather  Highs for the next 14 days  Weekend in bold   rain chance over 50% in blue

89, 89, 84, 85, 80, 83, 88, 89, 88, 89, 88, 88, 89, 90, 89

We are under magnificent HIGH pressure so wind is not really any factors.

Wild animals are loving covid19.  There is been a 21% decrease of animals deaths in CA.  In California, Maine and Idaho alone 27,000 large animals will live instead of becoming road kill and we are not talking about squirrels and raccoons.  Mountain lion road kills are down 58% in CA.


MEANWHILE in Illinois - Retailers sold $47.6 million worth of recreational cannabis  and $12.4 million came from out of state (don't look at me, I don't have that much money!)

nuff said - have a great day


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