Monday, July 6, 2020

2 Miracles and White-throated sparrows

I got a little trolled for a post on facebook about upcoming weather being hot.  Something about "OH - people can't look to see the weather forecast?" 

ODDLY - no. it's surprising how many people NEVER look at a weather foraste OR watch the news.

SO - here are the high temps for the next 14 days starting today - weekends bold 

88, 88, 92, 91, 87, 86, 83, 86, 88, 89, 90, 90, 89, 90


Miracle #1 

Gus is typically pretty good when laying in the yard watching golfers go by.  EXCEPT when one is looking for his ball in the tall tall grass.

"I WILL HELP YOU FIND YOUR LITTLE WHITE BALL"  and he runs out and starts looking for the golf ball with the golfer.

I go out and apologize and then his friend in the middle of the fairway says something


And Gus runs to the fairway to meet his newest best friend.  If course tail is wagging and he is SO happy to meet his new friend.

The guy gives up looking ( like 100% of golfers) and the fairway guy gives Gus a ball to take back to his friend.


And Gus runs back and drops the ball next to his friends feet.   I was shocked.

THEN    Miracle #2 

Caydance (11) and Sydney (9) have been terrified by Gus for years.  TERRIFIED!  They have not come to grandmas and grandpas house EVER in 3 years.  HOWEVER - Bailey who is 3 (??) has zero issues with Gus at all and in fact Bailey picked up a ball and threw it and Gus caught it.  A lightbulb went off in Bailey (autism) and she and Gus worked together to toss and catch. MEANWHILE DJ was filming it all.

Well, Jenny said it was time and showed Caydence and Syd what Baily and Gus were doing - it was time for them to face their fears.

Sydney was first in and stood straight up like a little trooper as Gus wagged his tail and was "calm"  while Caydence curled up in a corner in the fetal position.

All was going "ok" and we were on the porch when Caydence in the corner picked up a ball and tossed it.  Gus, who is amazing at catching (seriously he would be a 1 SS in Strat-o-matic) caught it and again . . . a light bulb went off and before we knew it Caydence and Gus were playing a toss and catch game.  Then we told Caydence to look at Gus and say "sit".  She did and Gus immeadielty "sat".

OMG - it was awesome.  Both kids now want to visit all the time. They both faced their fears and came through AMAZINGLY and Gus was the perfect doggie.  It was like he knew how to tone it down and be careful.

We went into the downstairs and Syd learned how to play pool and Caydence and Gus played together for a few hours.


As I wait for the newest iteration of The Golf Club (next month) which keeps getting bought out by bigger and bigger software companies (now EA is in control) I was looking for a NASCAR racing game for a PS4.

I have spent literally thousands of hours of my life behind a virtual steering wheel.  I have always felt it is why I have never had a moving violation or accident even though I consider myself on the low end of being an aggressive driver. 

Elweed is always amazed when I say a car two cars ahead of me wants to change lanes.  And then he does.  There are so many "tells" when driving and I believe racing games have taught me to always be looking ahead.

WELL! even though NASCAR Heat 5 is coming out this week it means NASCAR Heat 4 is REALLY cheap now.  I'm not really into adjusting the shocks and so forth - I just want to drive and race. Thus let's go cheap. 

I've played Need For Speed and Grand Turismo. Both great but I wanted to race.


The Stealth Trainer Day 5.  Actually day 7 but I erased my first 2 days once I learned how to play the games.   It's still awesome.   On a facebook page a guy weighting WELL over 350 was using the yellow trainer with a much better technique then I can do.

I've been doing it maybe 3-4 minutes a day which sounds pretty weak but . . in my normal out of shape times I could plank maybe 1.5 or 2 minutes tops.  I'm up to 1 minutes on this and it is MUCH MUCH harder but so much more fun.   I started at 15 seconds and have worked up to 1 minutes  LOL

DJ took this photo near the end of my 1 minute and my ass was sinking (notice hair that has not been cut since January . . is it really that gray?).  I said take a photo EARLY when I still have good form . . . and I get one with 10 seconds to go and I abs are exploding BUT - I'm still off the floor.

But even after 5 days I can tell a small difference in my triceps and abs.  I mean how often can you see ANY results after working out for 12 minutes and 50 seconds in 5 days.  It's hard but only for a minute.

The GOAL is 3 minutes. The record 1:30:28   GET OUT OF TOWN!!  My record 0:01:00 on my toes. 

The White Throated Sparrow in Canada is changing their tune and nobody knows why.  Birds change their songs but normally over a 100 years. Not 20.  But on the east coast of Canada  the White Throated Sparrow started to change his normal ‘Oh, my sweet Canada, Canada, Canada,’ to Oh, my sweet Cana– Cana– Cana– Canada.’

And for 20 years they have seen the new song slowly move west EXCEPT for a pocket on the east coast that refuses to change.  Nobody knows why but speculation is that since it's the males that sing the song trying to attract females MAYBE the females are finding the new tune "out there" or "something new" and it's attracted to the new song. 


Meanwhile in Wisconsin Covid19.  An 86% increase in infections in the last 2 weeks.


I'm getting my car detailed by Jordon Prosser this morning $50.  Jordon graduated from Cbus this year and looks to be going into welding at MATC.  Great choice. Big big money in welding = and you can pretty much go anywhere in the country (stay away from AZ, TX and FLA). 

Carry on! 

Cheers  stay cool


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