Thursday, July 2, 2020

Oh I do love Nitrous.

I'm pretty sure the golf gods will strike me down but I'm el fuego golfing with my new (remembered) technique.

I had to sub last night as the guy I was subbing for is in quarantine as a co worker got infected.  The team was in first place and I think I helped as I hit 7 out of 9 fairways last night with a 44.

Seriously though.  A few weeks ago I got so tired of watching golfers freeze over the ball like they had never stood over a ball before.   How can you get any rhythm that way.  So I tried something old that worked in that past.

Walk up to the ball and hit it.  yea yea you aim and so forth but once the club stops next to the ball.  HIT IT!

Off the tee I've been doing the same thing.  Place the ball on the tee, straighten up, grip the driver with the left hand move the clubhead to the far side of the ball and like in a slot bring it back in to the correct position, right hand moves to the grip and swing immediately.  Whole thing takes like 5 seconds.

same on the fairway and same thing putting.  I have not missed a 5 foot putt in 36 holes (knock on wood).  No time for yipes.   

REMEMBER - I'm not a great golfer by any means with a 21.1 handicap so anytime I feel I'm doing SOMETHING right I have to write it down. 

I might have been a little better but on hole #1 I realized . . . . I was missing my 7i which is my #1 chipping iron.  Messed me up once as I tried a 6i and a 8i with horrendous results.


I've been staying out of the Columbus statue issue as much as I can but geez, last night when someone said ALL of Columbus students are lazy  . . . . well . . . . (as I said in my post) Typically kids imitate their parents so what she was saying was ALL Columbus parents are lazy.

I believe kids are FREAKING amazing these days.  They are SO much more informed then when I was a kid.  I feel sad when thinking back to my middle and high school days and how we would make fun ( I really don't think I did) of mentally challenged or even "ugly" kids. 

Now?  In schools kids with down syndrome are buddies and made homecoming queens and kings?  Are those the students she feels are lazy and selfish?


If you have not seen Sarah Connor you are missing something


Steak Diane.  I had heard of Steak Diane but did not have a clue what it was.  It was mentioned on Modern Family and I had to look it up. It's a pan fried beef steak with a sauce made from season pan juices which is prepared next to the table and often flambeed.

BIG hit in the 1940s to 1960s and is now considered retro.  As we all know it's similar to "steak au poivre".


Had an implant done yesterday.  I now have amazing abs.

OK OK - tooth.  OH - I do love Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas).  Red Merlot has a few nitrous stories from the late 70s.  I believe the statute of limitations must be up by now. . . . . we shall leave it at that.     

BUT! the actual "implanting" is pretty smooth (as long as the N2O is turned up to 11 . . which I did ask for AND received . . . . . . I believe I started talking about edibles at some point and how they do not affect me . . sadly (true)).

OH - an implant is the screw that goes into the cadaver bone that was pumped in a few months ago.  The cadaver slurry hardens and then yesterday a screw is inserted into it so in a month a new tooth is put on it.  easy peesy.   

Red Merlot has a history of talking under sedation . . . I had a knee scoped a few decades ago and was having valium slowly dripping in me and I was watching the procedure on a screen.  I was commenting about  how it looked like Jacques Cousteau and the doctor told a nurse to give Mr. Melotte some more medicine.    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I woke up with a nurse leaning over me and commented on her breasts.   I would have been a poor prisoner in WWII.

OH - I'm reading The Rising Tide By Jeff Shaara - it's about the North africa in WWII

Have a great day and stay cool!  Expect hot temps AT LEAST to the middle of July.  We are in the dod days of summer all of a sudden



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