Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Operation Warp Speed - 8th Wonder of the world - no really!

 If Trump would have explained what Operation Warp Speed ACTUALLY did and THEN did not lie and make up shit he would still be President.

Operation Warp Speed really is something America should be freaking proud of.  It's number one biggest failing was it's name.  The only person in the world that liked then name was Donald while every scientist said it really really hurt the entire operation as it sounded like a cartoon and eroded confidence in the vaccine. (like Space Force) 

Once the entire world got the DNA from the Chinese, which was January 6th, it was all hands on deck.  That was the same day Donald said the virus was totally under control while 2 hours before he was in a meeting and was told hundreds of thousands of Americans would die.

The vaccine was actually completed in March and Operation Warp Speed was about rushing the distribution, NOT the vaccine. 

The vaccine was the easy part, the distribution was the hard part. They knew in late January that the vaccine would have to be super cold so in early February FED EX and UPS started to re-engineer aircraft and trucks for the massive weight of that much dry ice.   

A CEO of another company realized thousands of super high tech freezers would be needed. In early February the fed put in an order for 1/2 BILLION viles.  All up and down the chain since February across America plans were being formed on delivery and distribution. Nobody talked about that. 

Nothing in the history of the world had ever been done on this scale basically from scratch.  

The vaccine was a wonder in itself with 4 more companies soon to have their version.  And speaking of the trials.  I hear people saying Pfizzer controlled everything , you can't trust them.  Well they did not do the trials.  They had no clue if it worked or not.  OH - in theory it worked but a totally separate company does trials.  

They got the call about midnight saying an amazing 90% success rate.  People were a little skeptical but then Moderna got a call, yours is 94% success.  They were HOPING for 70%.         

Typically putting out a vaccine is linier.  You do the work, then have three phases of trials and the FDA approves the vaccine and THEN you start to manufacture and then you create all the logistics for distribution.  That last part after the FDA approval normally takes 9 months.

What Operation Warp Speed did was just as they started the Phase One trials, they started EVERYTHING that happens after the FDA approval.  THAT is the Warp Speed part - NOT creating the vaccine - WHO KNEW!   

Geez - why didn't Trump just explain this. NO!  he gets antsy and starts talking about injecting bleach in one sentence and then bragging about Operation Warp Speed in the next.  Everything he said made public confidence take a hit. 

Now we have 30% of America saying they will not take the "rushed" vaccine.  

Also there are so many unsung heros.  The fusion of the military and scientists is amazing how they worked together it blows my mind.  The leaps in knowledge is astounding. Think of it. How do you get every person in the entire world (except Russia who is still in denial) a shot.  Even in the most remote regions where there is no electricity for something that needs to be stored at -95. 

There will be 150 million people that get the shot before I do  - I'm certainly not essential. 

When big pharma said it will be late 2021 before a vaccine is ready Trump's head of the CDA (I think it was CDA) , a former CEO of a big pharm said NO, we are America we can do anything and that was when Warp Speed was put in place. 

If Trump would have explained what it really was, if he would have stopped saying a vaccine will be ready in October because we are rushing it . . . . . his team was actually doing something REALLY good and he kept sabotaging them with mindless dribble like hydroxychloroquine. 

NOW the big issue is blacks and hispanics who refuse to take the vaccine.  "We have no trust in a rushed vaccine and have been screwed in the past by the government"  That is why you will soon see Obama take a shot on live TV.   If Obama (a black dude if you don't see color) will take a shot it's, OK.

Look at the Tuskegee Airman and the experiment the Fed did on them with injecting blacks with mercury and bismuth. OH yea - I trust the fed! 

So yea - Operation Warp Speed is the 8th wonder of the world which seems to have passed over most people on Monday.

Beating Covid gives me hope in mankind - we really can do anything if we all work together. 


All Time1,102,743 pages read - the world is a very boring place it seems    




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