Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 Couple days ago I was watching Channel 3 in Madison and they started with a piece about the vaccine.  I was all OK but then I started counting how many times I saw a person get a shot - SIXTEEN TIMES in 7 minutes. 

LITERALLY I saw 16 people get a shot in 7 minutes!  OMG - it's like people have never seen another human get a shot? Was the producer of the piece into S&M?  Does he or she LIKE watching people get shots?  Does ANYBODY really enjoy seeing others get shots? 

I texted them and asked them why they were trying to make people turn away.   OH - I'm not afraid of getting a shot but I'm not really looking forward to it.  I don't really appreciate that feeling of a large needle entering my body ESPECIALLY after my last shingle shot that put me down.  That one hurt like a MOFO! 

Last night?  Only 3 people got a shot on camera. 


Speaking of MOFOs - there is a show on Netflix about the history and origins of swear words.  The first 20 minute episode is about F*ck.   Fascinating !!   

Do you know who says F*ck the most in movies? Per minute of camera time?   think about it - the answer is at the end.



Finally got around to listening to the album version of Wish You Were Here.   I took it back to the store.   Of all the old albums I have purchased for $4 this $28 remastered album was the worst I have heard.  Complete trash with scratches!  

They are going to replace it whenever they can.  Seems the vinyl industry is really having a tough time at the moment.  Record (ha a pun) Christmas sales have really put them behind and the burning down of one of the two world wide vinyl (not the recorded record but actual vinyl substance) producers has put them behind the 8-ball in supplying new records.  

Remember those apple crates people used to store albums like 30 years ago?  I need to find some - cardboard boxes are so . . cardboardy. Plus Sofie loves them also (she looks a little defiant does she not?) 


OK - a friend turned us on to this Netflix show - he said watch 2 episodes before you make a decision - we watched the first and let it sink in and then DJ (who does not appreciate violence after 30 years in the Crime Victim unit) says "we need to watch the 2nd episode. 

We are hooked

The Flight Attendant 


want to be a BitCoin Miner? Do you know what one is?  

BitCoin is at $34,539 this morning - down about 18% which seems pretty normal for this ride.  

A Bitcoin miner is basically a paid auditor who verifies the legitimacy of Bitcoin transactions and are paid in Bitcoin.  it's not a hourly or salary paid job - it's more like a very boring game searching transactions by blocks looking for irregularities.  They look for transactions that used the same bitcoin more than once. 

"Let's say you had one legitimate $20 bill and one counterfeit of that same $20. If you were to try to spend both the real bill and the fake one, someone that took the trouble of looking at both of the bills' serial numbers would see that they were the same number, and thus one of them had to be false. What a Bitcoin miner does is analogous to that—they check transactions to make sure that users have not illegitimately tried to spend the same bitcoin twice." 


To show you how safe a Bitcoin is - one guy forgot his password to some "safe" and he has 10 chances to get the right password or it's locked forever.  He has tried 8 in the last few years. 

$220,000,000 worth of Bitcoin he cannot get at.   I go through Coinbase (IPO coming later this year). I think you can now buy Bitcoin through PayPal.  It's a risky ride for sure.  IT NEVER SLEEPS! like the stock market. 


Not going to get into politics.  We all see it  we all see it.  


OH - My sister in law - starting to get Fine Art America up to speed and she has a new website 



Who says F*ck the most in all movies per minute?  Jonah Hill!   YUP  




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