Sunday, March 28, 2021

Chickens from Kragdon-ah? - and I have never done this before

 I have many virtual blogs in my brain circling in a holding pattern over my LaGuardia keyboard, especially one that I wrote in my brain 5 times before I went to the ER Wednesday night, that I figured I better get ONE of them out even if it's in the wrong order. 

So here is my pre-ramble

I finished the 2nd book of a 5 book trilogy (it seems to be a long story, and again - no pun intended but always appreciated ) and it literally moved me. OH - it's not a "deep" story with life changing lessons although there was one bit where the NEXT time someone puts a gun to my face I would love to say the line. Alex said something on the order of "you have a lovely family and you should continue to enjoy your nice life" or something like that - I can't find the word but I keep looking - INSTEAD OF what I said was "do you want a bag?".  

Back up a bit - when I read it's typically reading numbers and formulas and analytics.  But I also "read" audible books.  OK OK looking at my bookshelf maybe I do read historical fiction  . . a bunch!  May I suggest ...

In Harm's Way: The Sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis and the Extraordinary Story of Its Survivors because my FIL was a living survivor and a photo of him in the book and this is the best book about the cover up. 

BUT - there are so many books out there - I thought I would try Audible on the road instead of blasting my ears with Symphonic Metal (Nightwish, Delain Within Temptation). 

I started with 65 hours of a 3 book trilogy on WWII  by Jeff Shaara which wore me out.  Then Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton and then I was look for something new. 

I literally virtually stumbled upon a dude I had never heard of and a time travel adventure.  The Door Into time by Shawn Inmon.   I figured I'd give it a chance.  Let's just say I am looking forward to books 3 to 5 now.  

Here is something I have NEVER even considered before - I listened to the book and its outstanding performer reading it and when I was finished I KNEW I had to get book two but that was not it.  The ODD thing was that I loved this book so much - I PURCHASED THE BOOK knowing I might not ever read it. 

Now I understand why people collect books.   If I did not buy this book in 5 years . . I would not remember it. Now everytime I see that book I will feel like I just ate a tiny bite of chocolate and a wee bit of happiness will occur. 

The first book, BASICALLY, without giving anything away, is about a retired special forces dude who jumps through a door into the future which is more like the past and about his adventure getting back to the door after he is captured by a TRULY  WONDERFUL group of native with personalities that you want to meet every single person.

Then in book 2 "the chosen one" is stolen from the village and our little band of Alex, two natives and Alex's HUGE dog, have to cross the land that used to be America to get her back.  FUN FUN FUN!  And while so far both books read like a "PG" book most of the time, there are some battles, wars and skirmishes that are more adult oriented in violence.  

Both books REALLY have fantastic characters that grow on you especially Monda-ak the "dog" who is the size of my friend balderdash. 

So many characters I want would love to have spin-offs with.

So here is the thing "Chickens from Kragdon-ah" ???  As Oprah would say  WHAAAAT?     

As I mentioned one blog is about air frying and it's wonderfulness - So yesterday I went to the store to get IN BONE chicken breasts - I know they have to grow these a different way to get bones in them and they are harder to keep in a pen I suppose.  

BUT!  WHAT THE HELL - The in two stores all I could find were breasts that were 1.5 pounds EACH!!  Now in a different context that would be great but I'm not sure I can get 2 of those breasts in an air fryer.  Are they from Kragdon-ah where EVERYTHING is huge?  are the CHICKENS FROM KRAGDON-AH? 

OK OK - I needed a hook to get you top read the blog. 

One thing about the author Shawn Inmon.  And I'm not trying to insult him. He writes like I do. The only other person I have see this is Jeff Probst of Survivor.   In a conversationalist way?  

I have no clue where I'm going when I begin a blog - it just comes out until I start to bore myself.  Notice my use of parentheses as my thoughts have inner thoughts.  Alex has inner thoughts in the books and I believe Shawn sort of types this along along with Jeff Probst, sort of winging it. It's awesome.  It's how I got over 1,123,501 pages of my drivel read (insert self promoting tooting trumpet).  

OK - boredom has started.  

I just wanted to get this out of my brain - the ending of book to was a  WOW!!!!   80% 4+ stars in Amazon with 399 reviews and I will be #400 in a day or so. 

Looking for a super fun read?  Check it out 

And yes - I am mostly fine and a LOT went on last week. It was a very physically stressful week all but Thursday.  

That story was written in my head going to the ER!

Grinder - out.



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