Monday, March 29, 2021

What a week. And then it is all insignificant to the real news.

OOPS - after 2223 posts you would think I would remember the ol' "publishing " part.  forgot  


It all started with Flip or Flop which DJ has been binging on for a month.  We decided that every 15 years we would paint the living room, kitchen, sunroom, stairs and ceilings . . .for the first time. 

The first floor was just sort of dipped in one color when the place was built. 

Well we all know that everything has to be moved so we started relocating to the downstairs finished basement and cleaned the upstairs and so forth and chaos ensued.  I felt I had alzheimer's as I could not find anything when ever I was looking for it. We were living in the basement as the below photo was  happening above us

and this 

So while this is all happening Monday and Tuesday I go to take Gus the Weather Dog out Tuesday about noon and I'm brushing a string away from my eyes and after 2 swipes - IT'S IN MY EYE!  WTF!   It's a floater from hell, like a spiderweb.  Yet - I could look RIGHT AT IT. Clear as day.  Just sitting there in the middle of my eye. 

WELL - this is annoying isn't it. It' did move around but MAN so clear!  The annoyance continued and Wednesday it was still there. The good thing was we Wednesday we could move back to the upstairs.

  Janke Property Group is AMAZING, they have done our landscaping and now painting and so so professional!  HIGHLY recommended if you want the job done perfectly.   

So all day Wednesday we are going up and down stairs and putting things back and hanging artwork and so forth getting totally worn out.  The place looks awesome 

The WHITE ceiling looks bright and the accent color is fantastic and I'm still annoyed at my floaters. 

We go to Baileys birthday party. She is 5 and on the spectrum and THAT is an AMAZING STORY for another day!  VICTORY!  

ANYWAY - Still annoyed and grumpy I do some self diagnosing and I see I might have a detached retina. FANTASTIC!  I had read that it's all OK as long as I don't see flashes of light. 

I didn't until it got dark out.  OK OK  better call a doc tomorrow and I post on facebook that I self diagnosed and yada yada.  

It's 9:30 at night and we both chillaxing and I get a text from Jenny saying "HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR POST?"   I say which one and who have I pissed off now, and she replies  GO TO THE ER ASAP!! 

Yea right - Even though her husband is an ER Nurse in Madison  pfffft! this is an eye issue not a broken bone.   I look at the facebook post - OH OH they are coming out of the woodwork - GO TO THE ER and as I'm halfway down the 2 yards of comments about going to the ER I get a call from a friend I had not talked to, literally, a decade - ROD - GO TO THE ER!! and then I get a text from the owner of James Street Pizza "Rod I was a optometrist technician - go . .  to. .  the . . ER or at least call.  

Fine fine fine, but I REALLY want to go to bed.  . . . 3 calls and a half hour later it's 10:30 and the nurse says "you should come into the ER tonight"    SIGH!!  really?  I'm FINE.  and DJ says - "well, what if you wake up tomorrow and are blind in one eye".  SIGH!! 

It's pouring rain AND, the one ER that has a slit lamp is in Madison - 45 miles away. SO - 1 hour to get there, 3 hours in a busy ER and 1 hour back.  Yea - should get home about 4:00AM   AAAAGH!!

OK OK - I'm putting shoes on and get another call.  The nurse says she has an idea.  How about going to the Prairie Ridge ER in Columbus, out of my network but . . . . .hmmmmmm   2 blocks to a quiet ER or 40 miles to a busy ER.  

Long story short - we left the Columbus ER at 1:30 Wednesday morning and had an appointment with ophthalmologist in Madison Wednesday afternoon. 

Prognosis ? Seems what I have is posterior vitreous detachment  which turns out to be fascinating in a sad way. 

In basic terms - the eyeball is filled with a super clear jelly-like material which keeps the eyeball round (there has to be SOMETHING in there).  Because of age this jelly weakens and becomes a little liquidy and sometimes it detaches from the retina.

As opposed to the normal floaters which are tiny specks of collagen which create shadows, what I was seeing was the actual filaments that were holding the jelly to the wall.  No shadow, the real thing. That is why it was so clear.  

NOW the cool part.  The brain, over the next few weeks will basically photoshop out those filaments.  Still there but the brain will just ignore them. My eye will still see them but my brain will not allow me to remember seeing them.  Brains rock. 

Not unlink the "event threshold", what is actually happening when you forgot why you came into a room. It's really healthy it seems.  

You are in one room and remember you need something in another room.  You get up and walk into the new room.  While doing this your brain closes a room file and opens a new file for this new event but sometimes it closes the link between the two rooms because it's too efficient.

The brain is so cool. 

So now I have a dirty right eye and a nice clear left eye.  It's like my contact is full of crap just floating around and I'm constantly cleaning my glasses with no contacts.   BUT THE WEEK IS NO OVER! 

THEN - I go get my second shingles shot on Thursday. I had to wait for the vaccines to take hold I guess.  The first one put me down - worst shot in my life but way way better than shingles.  Hurt like a mofo going in but it was fine until 1:00AM. Uncontrolled shivering, zero sleep all night, headache.  Friday I think I had literally had 6 waking hours and it was even date night with DJ.  Canceled!!  

Back to normal by Saturday!  


5 year old Bailey - off in your own world for 5 years. No need for the outside world except an iPad that she plays with.  No real communication with humans.  

The therapist was writing up her report Thursday and looked back . . . . there is Bailey . . . . reading a book OUT LOUD.  She has her finger on each word and is mouthing the word. Done with one page , turns the page and starts on the next page.   

WHAAAAT?    nobody has taught her to read!!!  WHAAAT?  

And get this - 2 days earlier at her birthday party. Josh and Jenny got her a wagon. They put her in it and she was not that interested.  They gave her a ride and took her out.  BUT NO!!!  She looks at Josh and wants another ride.   

WHAT?  She has never wanted ANYTHING before this. Now she wants more and more rides. She is  laughing and just a little bit - communicating.  

My troubles are so insignificant. 

Have a great great week.  I'll see if Gus the Weather Dog can come up with a wonderful forecast for this week.                              





  1. The part about Baily warms and breaks my heart. The rest is drivel.

  2. Rod- I had the EXACT same eye issue about two months ago. Was told the same thing. I do still see the thread, especially when outside in bright light, but it is much less bothersome. Getting older is fun, huh?! Your old friend Sue Mach.


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