Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Running behind the DDT fogger vs. playing on an Ipod and FIP vs. ERA

 Thanks Sue - glad to know I'm not alone - I was taking Gus for a walk yesterday and while he was sniffing dirt I SWEAR I saw tiny bugs flying around on the sidewalk background but I really don't know because I also saw the same things in the sky (birds?) but they also disappeared.  

Also called hallucinations ?  ahhhhh the 70s!  I was doomed from the start growing up on 420 Jones Ave. BTW - should I start reviewing cannabis strains on the blog? There are some really good ones in S Beloit . . I have heard.  90% are all the same but a few . . . . . )  

And growing old is AWESOME . . except for knees and eyes I guess - I have  never been happier.  Well - it was just knees a year ago, add eyes this year.


Air Fryers  - WOW - totally blown away with this invention.   We made the best pork chops ever last night.  Normally chops can get dry and grilling really takes out 99% of the moisture.  These were GREAT!!!  

Last week we got a loaf of bread from Pic n Save in Columbus WI.  Melted EVOE and butter with some Italian seasoning and cut deep slashes in the bread.  Then poured the liquid into the cracks and stuffed each knife cut with as much Mozzarella cheese we could into the slashes


 Burgers are the BEST ever!  Even well done they blast with flavor and juiciness!  Same with tenderloin.

You know those packages of teriyaki chicken nuggets?  WOW - in an air fryer they turn out so different than an oven.  

And of course donuts 

But I digress! 


A few weeks ago I TWINGED my back working out.  A week earlier I went to the gym for the first time in a year and was very very careful.  Then last week I went for the second time and was being so careful but this time I did the elliptical for 10 minutes.  All with a mask on of course.  My knee felt great and I started  on weights (in fact my knees feel better after working out)

I was doing great but was starting to get a runner's high - it felt so so good to workout.  BUT THEN - Arrowsmith came on in my earbuds on the last machine.  PERFECT weight music. Back in the Saddle Again was the song and I was getting SUCH A RUSH of adrenaline I was pulling weights like there was no tomorrow just rocking out . . . . .        

And then I went to stand up.  Oooops    Went 1.5 weeks with a back pain.  Sitting or standing was fine . . it was that transition where I looked like Tim Conway's old man. 

Lesson learned AGAIN! 


The Great on Hulu is so so good! 


So I keep seeing things on Facebook about how kids are on their computers and iphones too much and they need to get outside and play.  Then I see people complaining that kids are outside playing ringing doorbells and running around and one post was "they are fishing NEXT TO THE RIVER"  CALL THE PARENTS THEY COULD DIE! 

When I was a kid I played in a lime green and yellow toxic creek behind a foundry throwing light bulbs at each other - I also walked to school a mile in a snowstorm when I was 8.   OMG!!  And let's not forget running behind the DDT fogger    

Pick a side people pick a side.   

OK OK - last day to get my Computer Manager into my Strat-o-matic teams commish.   Get this - I "played" 50 practice games using the Computer Manager I created. Did not care about wins and loss - just seeing where my programming was flawed.

Covid and cancer KILLED my World Series winning team from last year and with the worst draft picks I will suck.

BUT here is the fascinating part. Two analytics   FIP  (((HR*13)+(3*(BB+HBP))-(2*SO)))/IP+3.19 and

ERA (ER*9)/IP  were also most the same.  

ERA was 5.31  FIP was 5.25  how can this be!! 

FIP looks ONLY and walks, HBP,  home runs and strikeouts.  How can that be so close to ERA! Boggles my brain. 

Nuff said - have a GREAT Wednesday - warmer weather is coming 





1 comment:

  1. Maybe your trouble with your knees, eyes and compulsion to vote democrap wouldn't be there if you had stayed away from the ddt fogger. I always suspected this might be the cause.


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