Monday, June 9, 2008

The Train Gang Meeting

Public Enemies.

Remember "Stop Light Guy" John Peters who ALMOST made it to the Kurth. Here is an article about how he found the now famous stop lights that were copied and used in filming in Columbus and Oshkosh. The Springfield News-Sun.
Before all hell broke loose this weekend we had the Train Gang Meeting with Mayor Nancy O to solidify the cleaning up of the Amtrak Station.

June 21st is the date for the paint job. We have 15+ gallons of paint, we will have rollers and scaffolding. All we need are volunteers with paint brushes and a good mood to come on down and paint walls.

As a side light the awesome train The Milwaukee 261 will be making an appearance.

If you intend on helping out please let me know so I have a vague idea how many are coming. Should be a good time. The more people here the easier it will be. Let's make it a small party!! Bring food and smiles.

THEN - once it's painted (KrisX you should contact . .me??) here is the 2nd part of the plan.

We will be hanging strips of wood for hanging photos an so forth of Columbus and PE.


We are looking for framed memorabilia/photos/whatever from Columbus and the movie. The smallest should be in the 11x14 range with a black frame. You can have a note saying it is for sale. All ideas are welcome. You can take what you have to the Visitor Center or call Kim Bates for more information. It does not have to be ONE photo but perhaps a montage or a scrap bookie kind of thing or whatever your imagination brings up.

Meanwhile, at the meeting I had this bright idea for a little "History Of Columbus" plaque and another plaque explaining WHY Johnny Depp is on our wall.

Nancy O then says "Great idea Rod, and I think you are the perfect person to do that".

hmmmmmm, DAMN YOU NANCY!! I, of course, said "Yes your honor, by pain of death I will complete my task". (or something on that order). I mean, what's two more things to put on my list of things to do!

So that is the Amtrak plan.

We also toured THE VAULT in the Visitor's Center and plans to convert that are underway.

Postcards - I'm looking forward to getting #6 of the set today and I can then hirer 50 employees to begin processing (50 might be a little overkill - I'll get my dog to lick the stamp(s) - pretty much all I need).
As many of you know we had some precipitation over Wisconsin this weekend. I pray all of you are safe and please check in and tell us how you are holding out.

We were able to get off our island and Josh and Jenny who were evac'd from their house are able to stay with us. Blazing - you OK over there to the east? How about you guys near the creek/river.

My official total was 9.95 inches of rain starting Saturday 3:00PMish. Most schools are closed to flooding today.

This is a field of corn in the distance.

Minxie asked if this was predicted. Well . . . . sort of.

The problem is that people do not trust the Weather Service and they should. What they should NOT trust is the weather news.

What people hear is a lot of times skewed because non-weather people do not trust weather people. Thus the news has to play it conservative to appease the non-believers.

For instance. Weather news guy comes on TV and says "expect 15 inches of snow". Then we get 6 inches and people laugh at him because he was 9 inches wrong and he blew the forecast. YET, 6 inches is a pretty healthy amount.

BUT - if he comes on and says 6 inches and later in the day he ups it to 10 and then 12 and then 15. Nobody says anything. They are all talking about the HUGE snowstorm. This is what happened last year.

Every model had a storm hitting us with 15-20 inches of snow. But all the news weathermen were saying 4-6 and MAYBE up to 9. I looked and said this is the perfect set-up. 15 at the Minimum.

Sadly the TV weathermen have to cover their butts.
In this day in History Rod and DJ were married in Las Vegas at a most wonderful and spiritual wedding at the Little Chapel of the West. This little chapel had to move because as soon as we were married the Casino next to it (the Hacienda) was imploded.

It was the best gamble I have ever made in Las Vegas, it was a sure thing and I have loved every second of it.

Oddly two years ago we made a trip to Sedona AZ to renew our vows (on a vortex) and as soon as we left the surrounding area burned down.

We're not being invited anywhere to celebrate our wedding any more.

BTW - we both consider Sedona one of the most beautiful places we have ever seen. Serious WOW factor.

HA - I did not even talk about the Kurth yet and how John Bolger is AFRAID of Cheese Curds!!

Gotta go


  1. Today is my parents 52nd wedding anniversary. They were married on June 9, 1956.

  2. Glad thing are getting back to normal. I saw some of the news reports from Oshkosh last night and had a bad feeling...I woke up this morning and turned on the news to see the local news showing flooding in Oshkosh with our building in the background of the shot. Ugh....we never really recovered from the flood damage in 2004.....the whole shop and office was flooded with several inches and the basement has four feet. At least it's "only" a business and i can go home to a dry house at night..i feel for the rest of you. Hope everyting dries out quickly and that insurance/FEMA can help

  3. I am hoping to go to Sedona in December, so I'll have to get the scoop from you about the best things to see.

    The Carriage Classic is almost certainly going to be postponed, possibly cancelled. At this point, it will be a boat show. My point in telling you this is that if they reschedule it for the weekend of th 21st, I won't be able to do Train Station duty. BUT! You can scoop up all your volunteers and bring them over to the pavilion. :D LOL.


    And Happy Birthday to that Johnny guy.

  5. Josh was just at True Value in Columbus and heard people saying that the Fall River Dam is about ready to burst. We are thinking maybe we should start sandbagging. If the dam bursts we're screwed.

    Has anyone heard anything or have any more information?

  6. Happy Anniversary to the explosive couple! :)

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Depp. Aging like wine....yummy.

    The radio just said that there are 12 shelters open now, and the latest one is in Columbus where "they were hit with a lot of rain and flash flooding and people were evacuated from their houses." :(

    I hope today brings some good news for those of you out of your homes or dealing with big messes in your basements. (Even you, j^p)! ;)

    (Jenny--I'd call the police station and ask some questions. This is your home. You deserve some answers and heads up to prepare for more water). If you need anything, call me! I don't work until 6pm.

  7. Happy Anniversary Rod and dj!

    Happy birthday Johnny Depp!

    Happy anniversary to Cap'n Anne Bonny's parents!

    As for the flooding.....

    My house is somewhat back to normal. Got all the water out of the basement after a 2 day fight with the weather, and a shop vac! The water in my street has receeded, but unfortunatley has flowed into the Fox River....which has doubled in size since last night.

    The good news seems to be staying out of the neighborhood! We are all very grateful for that. The roads are still closed into dowtown Waukesha since the river has come up over the bridges.

    I took some more photos, which I will try to put up on my blog. Take a look if you wanna see what we have had down here. I don't think it was as bad as Columbus, but still shook everyone up.

    Hope everyone is well, and safe!

    Jenny- Hope you can get back into your house soon to clena things up. I will be on th elook out for your duckies! LOL



    Thanks for answering my question abotu the forecast. It just seemed that it hit you all out of no where. I can understand not trusting the weather man on TV... I always look to the weather info on the net.

    Glad everyone seems to be ok..... I hope Jenny and Josh are able to go home soon.

    Sedona, AZ is one of the most beautiful places in the West!!!! I have been there MANY times. Michelle, definately take one of the many "off-road" jeep tours!!! They are great... and with your photography skills you will be in heaven!!!! It is considered by some to be an energy vortex as well....

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Johnny!!!!!

  9. I did hear something about the Fall river dam maybe bursting. There is also a dam by me(don't know the name of it.) that is on the verge of bursting. They said on the news last night, that they were going to let it burst, and start sandbagging.

    I agree with should call the police station and find out what is going on up by you.


  10. Here's a clip of Johnny and Marion filming a scene outside the Aragon:

  11. You got married on Johnny Depp's birthday? That's awesome.

    Btw...yes I am still around, I just lurk and not comment so much. But I will be sending some Buckeye stuff back with Shake and Osh for y'all to enjoy at the Kurth.


  12. Rod & dj... all the best to you!

    I myself fancied the Vegas route, with an Elvis performer officiating, but my brother is a priest and bypassing him would have caused great family turmoil.

    captain anne bonny- 52 years, that's beautiful!

    The sun is struggling to poke through right now. I was up most of the night monitoring our sump pump, and worrying about all you guys. I wonder what will happen in Fall River (notice, Jenny, the water-related name. Are there any towns in Wisconsin named Way Up On A Hill or something that we can relocate to?) and anywhere downstream.

    j^p, I admire your, this is your business! Take care, I want to bring my kid up there for a board as soon as she's ready. :-D

    Rod-- I'm a weather geek, but not to the point of being able to predict stuff. Do you blog about weather? Would you consider it? Are there other local weather blogs with the real poop that you are aware of? I do know of one, a non-broadcast meteorologist whom I have found to be quite accurate in the past:

    Hope everyone has a better day.


  13. Josh is going up to the fire department right now to ask about it.

  14. Good luck Jenny! I hope the dam doesn't break! That would be just awful!!


  15. Anonymous 10:38 That film clip got my glasses steamed up! LOL
    Happy anniversary, Rod & DJ!!! I think you just need to warn any potential locations for future anniversary celebrations!

    Happy birthday, Johnny!! We should all age as well!

  16. Josh just got back from the fire department, they said as of right now, they have no indication that the dam is going to break.

  17. anon 10:38- Thanks for sharing..was a great clip! I agree Sue...if I had glasses...they would be steamed up!LOL

    Glad to hear that jenny! Are you back at home yet, or still with Rod and Dj?


  18. We'll probably be staying with Rod and my mom until we can get the water out of the basement, a new water heater, the power back on.
    We are all at work right now, except Josh, who is pumping water.

  19. Happy anniversary Rod and DJ!

  20. Anon 10:38...Thanks for the video clip!!!! That was great!!!!

  21. Is T ok this morning?

    So sorry to hear there is danger of the dam bursting =(

    Sorry about your shop JP!

    Happy Anniversary Rod and DJ!
    (I'm in for painting on the 21st. I can bring tarps, etc)

    Michelle - I'll have to bring you my May issue of Arizona Highways. Entitled "Sedona the Ultimate Guide to Red Rock Country"
    Yes, I get AH compliments of my mom ;)
    Featured articles are Meet the States 'Cactus Cop', Prescott's Big Breakfast, Shangri-La at Oak Creek PLUS: What Exactly is a Vortex Anyway? and lots of info on hiking, biking, history, fishing and dining...

    OH and did I mention the reason I keep getting it? FABULOUS PHOTOGRAPHY! I agree with Rod and Minxie, you will love Sedona!

    Anon 10:38 thanks for posting that clip. Had a strange reaction to it. It seems I don't like to see Johnny kissing someone who is not Vanessa! Weird, I've never felt that way in any other movie, but maybe it's because we've seen him so much in costume already? I'm hoping when I see the movie I will see him as Dillinger and not himself!

    Sheesh, long comment...

  22. "It seems I don't like to see Johnny kissing someone who is not Vanessa!"


  23. Well, got a knock on the door at about five thirty this morning... we were evacuated by boat at about seven thirty. All are okay... had to leave the kitty behind though. I'm worried sick about him. If anyone can see, the river has now flowed into the golf course and is just like a lake. It's absolutly unbelievable.

  24. Thanks Rod - LMAO!!

    Glad you made it out T!! It will be easy for me to keep your sweet kitty in my prayers ;(

  25. Article here in the Portage newspaper

  26. Its not Columbus related flooding but this is from a friend of mine up the hwy a ways...

    The news - Tomah opened their flood gates, and now New Lisbon has opened their flood gates so now Hwy 12 is flooding between NL & Mauston and the city of Mauston is now sandbagging along the Lemonweir river. I doubt we will open our flood gates because as of yesterday, the river was level over the dam anyway, so the dam wasn't stopping anything. They still have evacuated people in Elroy that if there gets to be more, the red cross might move them over here to Mauston High School and open up a larger shelter, now they may have to as there will be mauston evacuees.

  27. 11:53

    Flooding problems appear to be worsening in Lake Delton and Columbus area. Parts of homes on Lake Delton have apparently given way and are floating down the Wisconsin River. In Columbus, an apartment complex is being evacuated by boat, WISC-TV reported.

  28. Thanks for the updates Rod. It doesn't look like this is subsiding at all does it?

    So, is there anything anyone can do to help out the residence of C-bus?

  29. Where s there an Apartment complex that close to "what" water???

    Sounds a little extreme like they are trying to get people to read their news.

  30. Rachel - They are looking for volunteers, you can go to the fire station to signup. This is what is posted on the city of columbus website:

  31. It is next to the Crawfish river. T just said she was evacutated by boat and she is on River Rd.

  32. There is the Kestrel Ridge Apartments by River Road...I wonder if that's it????

  33. -T-

    So happy you got out...I was trully concerned.



    I'm pretty sure it's the newer complex on River Rd. I know that the Larson House (right next door) was evacuated yesterday about noon.

  34. According to MSNBC....

    “In Wisconsin, NBC affiliate WMTV reported that water has been spilling over the dam at Lake Denton, washing away several homes, some of the three-stories tall, into the Wisconsin River. No reports of deaths or injuries were immediately available, but the station said the area was under a flash flood warning through Monday afternoon.”

  35. Hi All,
    I thought you'd like some good news on Johnny's bday...He will be in Milwaukee this week. There are a few articles about PE on The urls are too long and tinyurl is blocked from work. Duane Dudek is the reporter. A quick google search can get you there...
    Again, prayers to all of you during this time of hardship...

  36. I think there is a small apt building on hwy 89 heading towards the school (from in town).

    Hang in there everyone! Back to pumping water and moving things to higher ground.

  37. Is the flooding in Columbus getting worse or better???

  38. Jenny - from our vantage point, it doesn't look like it's getting better. We have water coming in the basement from the hill above us and there's a steady stream down the driveway. The only saving grace at this point is that it isn't raining. The small pump we have might actually catch up before the next round of storms. We've got friends in Elba on the Crawfish that so far are ok, but we're pretty worried about.

  39. Jenny,

    The surface water flooding is going down. Most roads away from the river and creeks are....well, not dry, but not covered by water. I expect the river to keep rising as water from fields up-stream finds its way in. I haven't been down by your house but feel its probibly down there too. As long as the rain stays away and you're not near the river I think there's light at the end of the tunnel.


  40. Do you know if Johnny worked today (the day of his birthday) ?

  41. Thanks for the update guys. It is nerve wracking being at work today.

  42. In Columbus, more than 100 people were evacuated on Monday from an apartment complex, condo building and in several homes with airboats. Water from the Fall River dam was released to keep it from failing. But, Mayor Nancy Osterhaus said that it's only made flooding elsewhere worse.

  43. The Danville River Dam downstream of Columbus is overtopping. Authorities said that evacuation there is mandatory.

  44. I just did a little drive through town, and I was able to get to the high school, down waterloo st, down water street, and back up on mill street.

    Part of 16 & 60 is closed right after water street, probably down past the river. Jenny, your house still has water in the back yard, but the streets are passable right now. Kestrel ridge and the homes on Waterloo street have tons of water in their back yards. Looks like a lake.

    Take care, all. Wish we could make this go away.

  45. According to a friend, the dam just broke in Lake Delton. Wilderness on the Lake is now Wilderness in a puddle.

    That's all I have heard from him so far....

  46. I feel for you all that are in the middle of that mess. I've been watching the reports closely.

    There was some wind or tornado damage near my dads house. A 60ft tree at the end of his block (4 houses away) was pulled from it's roots. It didn't fall on anything thank goodness. There was also a barn that was totally destroyed just a little ways away. I can't get ahold of my brother to see if he's been buy there or not to check on any possible damage.

    I still can't get ahold of my friend in BD that lives by the lake. Her dad has not been all that well for some time now so it's possible she may just be by them in Neenah. I left a message at her house and emailed her at work. If I don't hear from her soon I'm going to call her place of work. She works in Madison so who knows if she was even able to make it in today.

    Another friend that lives outside of Mayville emailed awhile ago and said they had a tree take out their power and phone lines and there house is now surrounded by a moat. Some neighbors had roof damage and flooded basements. There pumps have been keeping up with the water at their house so far.

    I wish I lived close enough to be able to help you all out.

  47. Mandatory evac of Fall River and Marshall!

    Leaving to help Jenny get her cat's out of FR.

    Talk to you guys later.

  48. kestrel ridge apts. are the ones that got evacuated. that's where we live. the crawfish is just on the other side of the road. what happened is this... once you turn onto river from james (16/60) that whole little area is swept under because the river is pretty much in those peoples back yards. then, once you pass the apts. the river is right there you sort of follow it down the road headed out of town. so that part went under as well. which makes it so the apts. where pretty much stranded on a island, with water creeping up closer and closer. i'm curious to see whats going on now... seeing as we are on the west side of madison now. a friend of ours, and my husband, are going to try to take a boat out there again sometime late afternoon to get our cat. We don't know that they are really going to let them do that though. Any news though??? If it's not getting better, does that mean it's not getting worse????


  49. I'm thinking about all of you in this floody wet mess! Please stay safe!
    Shakes, Evan and I will be together tonight and tomorrow.

  50. According to channel 3 the evacuation of Marshall is only 20 houses east of the dam at this time.

  51. Just posted at the Portage Daily Register:

    State: Wyocena Dam failing, Mirror Lake Dam in Wisconsin Dells overtopping and might fail, Dell Creek Dam overtopping

    Wisconsin Emergency Management officials say two dams are failing in southeast Wisconsin and a handful of others are eroding, overtopping or may fail.

    The Upper Spring Dam in Palmyra and Wyocena Dam in Columbia County are failing.

    The state says Mirror Lake Dam in the Wisconsin Dells is overtopping and may fail.

    In Sauk County, Dell Creek Dam on Lake Delton is overtopping. The lake there overflowed and washed across the highway into the Wisconsin River, sweeping away three homes.

    The Danville River Dam downstream of Columbus is overtopping. Authorities there now say evacuation is mandatory.

    The state's Department of Natural Resources is flying over dams in Vernon County and sending engineers to other counties to assess damages.

    On a good note, I finally heard from my friend in BD. She had some problems with her eaves, but was able to fix that and her pump is holding for now so she's ok. She did say that she went out for a couple beers last night - needed them - that's why she didn't call. She's single so I worry about her.

  52. Bridge on DG northeast of Fall River is washed out-- the only way out of FR to the east is Hwy D.

    Ch. 15 (Madison) is live right now.

  53. Lake Delton is completely gone. The dam broke and the entire lake drained into the Wisconsin River.

    -Jess Bruckner

  54. I've been away from the news all day. This is so scarey...

    Rod - I'm glad you went to rescue the kitty's for Jenny (lump in my throat)

    Going to turn on news now...

    please stay safe and take no chances...

  55. What is crazy about Lake Delton, from what I just saw on the news, the dam held. The lake overflowed from the "side" and broke thru a bank and cut a road and emptied into the river???? What a mess. :o(

  56. The dam was compromised, and water did go around it. There are leaks in the dam (this is what I was told.)

    I haven't been home yet to see it (I live on the lake formerly known as Lake Delton.)

    -Jess Bruckner

  57. That friend of mine in BD is an insurance agent that insures a bunch of the businesses in the Dells/Lake Delton. She says they are getting bombarded with phone calls. Speaking to her tonight should be interesting.

    Let us know how your house is please Jess.

  58. I am concerned for all of you in harm's way. Been checking the board to see how it's going. Ya'll stay as safe as possible. I'll be thinking of you. db

  59. Hello to everyone from the Caribbean! (I didn't know if I would have internet access) Evidently I do... Feeling rather behind on here but will have to catch up when I get back!

    Happy anniversary, and of course, a happy birthday must go to Johnny!

  60. Hello to everyone from the Caribbean! (I didn't know if I would have internet access) Evidently I do... Feeling rather behind on here but will have to catch up when I get back!

    Happy anniversary, and of course, a happy birthday must go to Johnny!

  61. I just saw the clip of a house collapse and float down the river in the Dells. Weather channel says that there is more rain coming mid week.... Good grief!!!!

    Has everyone that usually posts here checked in? MovieStarWife? Laura? anyone that I might be missing? Just want to make sure everyone is safe and doing ok....

    Keeping my fingers crossed that everyone is ok....

  62. Marcella!!! The Caribbean!!!!! AWESOME!!!! Enjoy your trip!!! Have a rum for me please?!

  63. I'm uploading more photos and a video of the Crawfish River on my blog right now.

  64. Josh saved the kitty's in Fall River.

    Columbus ran out of sand. Josh was only able to get 30 bags. I don't know if that will do much. I just home the dams hold.

  65. I sat down by the fire station for an hour this afternoon. I volunteered to haul sand bags but I couldn't ever get my truck filled. :(

  66. Mary: You are near Fall are you doing??????

    T--I am so glad you are okay...we were just overlooking Kestrel Ridge GC...just lots of water couldn't see anything close. Heard moos from the farm wondering what they will be doing for the animals? poor babies

  67. m - when you get a chance check if and let me know your status. Are you on Lazy (now Crazy) Lake?

  68. My video is finally up on my blog. If you want to see the Crawfish River for those not in the area.

  69. For anyone who's lived in Columbus longer then me I have a question. How wide is the Crawfish River usually before all this flooding?

  70. Happy anniversary Rod and DJ. Hope you are dry.

    My niece graduated from West Middleton HS yesterday. So I made the trek from Oshkosh to Madison. What fun that was! Sheets of rain for most of the trip. Of course, as soon as I got to Madison, it was down to a mere sprinkle and eventually stopped--until it was time to head home! Same thing on the way home--sheets of rain. The worst seemed to be that stretch from Beaver Dam to Columbus. From what I was able to see thru the rain, that area had the most 'lakes' along the roadway. As I got back to Oshkosh, I noticed some kids in the corn field--in canoes!

    All in all, it was a good day. And I did manage a toot on the horn as I passed Columbus on 151.

  71. The Portage Daily Register has quite a few pictures of the flooding from various places. There are a couple showing an empty Lake Delton in addition to Columbus, Pardeeville and a few others.

  72. dj&Rod, we're near Lost Lake, and all is well... thank you! Just got back from a trip to BD. It appears to me that some of the water that was high yesterday (points around 73, and DE and D east of 73) has drained somewhat.

    Unfortunately, we all know where it is draining to-- south to the Crawfish and Columbus.

    I can't speak for Beaver Dam Lake or its drainage system. It looked high certainly, but I THINK I have seen worse. Lost Lake really doesn't look too bad.

    The westbound onramp from 73 to 151 is underwater and closed. The Crawfish is that high.

    I am wondering what the news will be in a few days, when all of this hits the Mississipi.


  73. John M. Bolger was at the Kurth????

  74. OMG! I just received an email from a good friend of mine who lives 2 miles from Feils Supper Club outside of Randolf. This is what she said:

    (former foster son) brings his little girl to be babysat four days a week. This morning about 5:45 a.m., he called to say he needed help. He was driving over from Fall River to drop the baby off when the bridge they were going over collapsed. They made it across barely in time, but his car is banged up and he had a flat tire and some front end damage. The baby (18 months) was shook up and really glad to see me when I got there. She got bumped around but was uninjured.

    Thank goodness they are ok!

  75. Hi folks. I just got home from work. Minxie--thanks for your concern. We are fine. We live on a hill. Some of my friends in low lying areas have flooded basements, but nothing compares to what is going on elsewhere. I wish I could go help. I haven't got a car and my husband has to work his 2nd job tonight. I hate feeling helpless when others are in need. My prayers go out to everybody who is having flood trouble.

  76. Capt. Anne,

    of late, without the dam, I would guess the crawfish was 20-30 feet across under the bridge on Hwy 73. When the dam was in, that area was the mill pond. Prior to this flood you could see the outline of the mill pond. As Rod says, I'm a LIFER, I have seen Rotary Park flooded as it is.

  77. Thanks Who's...I was able to answer a question on my blog with your answer. :)

  78. Anon 6:29 - No JMB wasn't there, his friend Ruth was. She was telling us stories about him. ie - He's scared of cheese curds. :)

  79. Happy Birthday Johnny!
    Who knows he's filming today and does some M&G then the fans can give him a happy bday for all of us! ;P

  80. MSW~ Thanks for letting me know..... Just want to make sure everyone is safe and sound.... sooooo much devastating news out there....

    Whos~thanks for the info on the Crawfish.....based on the pics Capt Anne has... the Crawfish has like quadrupled (sp?) in size....

  81. Jenny~ did Ruth say why he is afraid of the curds? LOL... thats funny!

  82. JMB afraid of cheese curds? Say it isn't so??????

  83. Don't forget tonight is the second episode of The Mole!

  84. Minxie,

    yes, about 4-5 times. but the big difference is it used to be about4-5 feet deep at the bridge and it's now 15 feet. The volume of water going through there is TREMENDOUS!

  85. Just so you all know...the who'ses are in the house.

  86. Minxie, I think the shape and the squeak scared him. hehe

  87. Hey there whoosy? How's your house? I'm guessing you weren't evacuated. Sorry, I haven't had time to go back and read all the posts.

    Keeping dry?

  88. Green Bay is dry....relatively speaking.

  89. News from Waukesha...

    It's not been a good day here in Waukesha. At 11:30am today, there was massive flooding from teh Fox River in the downtown area. All the streets have been closed off, and you cannot get in or out.

    The river has flooded neighborhoods, streets, and has caused major damage to biuldings that line the river.

    At about 3pm today there was an evacuation of all buildings along the river walk due to structure damage. I spoke with one police officer who told me that the walls of the basements of some of the buildings were caving in.

    Becuase of this, they decided to evacuate all personel from the municipal buildings, and banks, and other shops in the dowtown area. They actually started filling the basement of some of the buildings to equalize the pressure from the river.

    I have some pictures which I am uploading very shortly on my blog. The Fox river dam in western waukesha is also about to let loose....that is the one I am worried about since it is close to my house.

    Other than that, I am dry for the moment. Hope all is well.


  90. Hi Sir,

    Thank you for your concern. We have had No problems with water through this whole storm. Thank God!

    As my screen name suggests, I sometimes end up with more people in my basement then evan I know. Tonight is one of those nights. The Who'ses are back. Basically the same crew we had for Spring Break and the first few days of Shooting PE.

    By the way, did you get that casey of rum I sent you the other night?

    As you have said before, "it's a mad, mad, mad, mad world"

  91. Oh and Peg...since JD will be here this week....I am up for going down to see him if you know what day he will be in town. I heard that Wednesday he will be filming in Milwaukee....what did you find out?


  92. Sir Jack,

    I have all these who'ses surrounding me and they go back to read all these older posts. I had a STRONG feeling that I knew who you were. They tell me that you have had more "life experience" than the person I was thinking of.

    I still feel I know your location (Other then Sir Jack's Island), but perhaps I need to send you a keg of rum rather than the casey.

    Sir, you now have me perplexed...I need to tap a rum and think about this.


    By the way, Casey (if you read this) (I thought you were Sir Jack) (guess I was wrong) the who'ses would really like to see you again. get back to me.

  93. Oh Whoosy, good to hear that you and your who's' are doing great mate. You were soo generous the other day. I mean it, I couldn't 've asked for more.

    Thank you for the rum, and I mean it from the bottom of me cold black heart!
    Cheers & stay dry!

  94. Hey Blazn...I'm going downtown tomorrow, wed and thurs... There's an article on (see my post at 12:41 today.) Email me and we can set up some arrangements if you want to meet there! plmeddaugh at gmail

    To those who are bailing out, and sandbagging, etc., I know this post and my other post earlier seems trite. Although many of us gathered on this site due to PE, there's a much stronger reason we're here now. I don't mean in any way to undermine anything that is happening to you by discussing PE. I hadn't really read through everything when I had posted earlier; I was just excited to share some good news through all the darkness...Please accept my apologies if I offended anyone. Sincerely, you've all been on my mind today...


  95. Thanks stay safe as well.

    I just posted the pics on my blog that I took today. This poor guys car just floated away as we were standing there taking pics!

    Peg- I'll send you an email in a bit! I can go down all of the days but only in the late afternoon into evening!


  96. Thanks Whos.... I appreciate the information....thats pretty scary for it to get that high!!!

    Jenny~ LOL.... my crew were trying to get the flavored curds to squeak.... if someone got lucky and it squeaked... they laughed and got to drink a shot of rum! It was hilarious! But at first they looked at me like I was crazy!

    The crew is now hooked on the curds!

    Vicky~~ stay safe... keep us posted about the dam near your house..... keeping my fingers crossed!

  97. Happy Birthday Johnny!
    Who knows he's filming today and does some M&G then the fans can give him a happy bday for all of us! ;P

  98. Question for the PE filming..... Is Milwaukee flooded too? If I remember correctly, they will be filming inside at the Historical Society.... so rain may not be an issue.... but flooding might be.

    Any Race tracks in the Milwaukee area?

  99. Minx- I don't think that flooding will be an issue for the PE shoot downtown. It is an inside shoot from what I have heard, so I think it will be fine there.


  100. Thanks Vicky and Sir Jack!!! I appreciate the info.....

  101. Rod, I just got back from Door County. We hat a full bus full of red hat ladies, we went to a fish boil in Ellison Bay and went shopping at some stores between there and Fish Creek, then went to Peninsula State Park. We just went for the day. Oh, and I can't forget about Al's.

    My boyfriend and I are going back there soon, and we can do more in the park and go back to the lake side.

  102. Hi Everyone!!!

    Happy Anniversary!! Rod & DJ

    Happy Birthday!! Johnny Depp

    Jenny and whom ever got flooded I hope you all are doing OK....

    I have not gotten a chance to read all posts..I am sorry! I will try and catch up tomorrow..
    Just wanted to give you all a heads up to where and what I have been doing!!!

    Remember I told you we got our Basement Flooded with Water and Sewage on Saturday?
    It went down, and yesterday a neighbor and some friends came to help pull Furniture and the carpet out in the morning,, We got it done however the padding from the carpet stayed on the floor.
    could not scrape it off because it was so wet...
    So we started to squee-gee the padding and had made good progress.
    We then sat down to eat..
    Took about 45-1 hour, and Cableman was going to check on the sump pump when he went to the stairs he (in a loud voice says Holy Sh@t!)
    We all looked at one another and then said WHAT...
    He: You don't wanna know!
    I got up and looked.
    There was about 2 inches of water!!!!!!!
    Just that fast, and all that work down the tubes...

    So we got three Shop Vacs going and Cableman got another Sump Pump going , it helped some
    The drain still was not going down.
    We got the one half emptied of water and thought the other side will go down hopefully soon...
    We finished up around 10:30
    Then a friend went over to the other friends to look how her Basement was and he came back and said:::
    Give it a few more minutes and the water will be at the top of the first stair...
    We all thought he was joking!
    No he was not...
    So we moved the Shop Vac Party over to her house.
    Her drain was going down then and we only hoped that ours would to...
    It did not start going down till about 2:30 in the morning...
    We got her all cleaned up and called it a night at 3:30 this morning...

    We got up and had some Coffee and made a couple of calls for a Dumpster.
    Found out that Dodge County as Disaster Relief , so we called the Town Hall and got one of our forms, Tonight at 5:00 they had a emergency meeting in Juneau and hopefully we will get Federal...

    We got the Dumpster delivered this afternoon.
    We got all the Furniture and Carpet in it and tonight we squee-gee the floor.Again!
    We now have our Fans on and dehumidifier on so hopefully we can dry out so I can scrape the padding off the floor.

    Cableman has to work,so I will go down and get the Cardboard boxes out of the Basement we had down there...
    There is not to many of them.I have just about everything in Rubbermaids..
    But still a big job!

    I will really try and get you all some photo's tomorrow...
    I Promise!
    I know I said I would yesterday, but it became more of a nightmare as the day went along...

    With working harder then ever and dealing with Rain the whole time...

    Have a good night!!!!!


  103. Has anyone heard if there is a fund set up yet to raise money for the victims of the flooding here in Columbus.

  104. Ugh! Robbie! That's absolutely horrific. :( I hope you find dry land in the basement soon and get the damaged carpet pad out. Just awful hearing about all of this devastation so close to us. I don't's just different when you see it on the news and it's far away. Knowing people who are living it makes it even more sad.

    I consider myself very lucky to have such little concern where I live. The damage we do have has been handled mightily well by my fantastic landlord who has covered every single issue VERY quickly. We have a cleaning team coming in to power wash our basements next week. The furnace guy has already checked the boiler and the parts we need replaced are ordered. The sump pump is in place, and the obstruction we had in the basement drain is cleared.

    Michelle, dj, Rod, Jenny, Josh, Robbie, j^p, Kathy, all of you others who have damage, floods, kitties left behind (did you get your kitty, T??), and other losses and hardships-please know that there are many of us who are thinking about your situations all the time. Prayers to you, yours, and your things!

    I think I just heard thunder! :( Be safe, everyone. I don't think this is over yet.

  105. *hugs*
    everybody is heavy on my mind

  106. I wrote this poem after Lake Delton emptied today. I live on Lake Delton. My house is fine, but I'm delirious, hence the poem. What a circus people!

    We Are All Lake Delton

    Lake Delton drained today;
    The water left, it couldn’t stay
    I wonder how many people know Tommy Bartlett was gay?
    Now that there will be no water and ski show,
    Hopefully the tourists go...
    Someplace else.
    About 10AM the pontoon boats came unhitched
    As County A turned into a massive drain ditch.
    Lucky me, I live on Lake Delton, and now the smells haunt me
    The people from Chicago will come, but there will be nothing to see.
    In these trying times, I find peace of mind in that we are all Lake Delton.

  107. Sedona is the west man...


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