Friday, July 11, 2008

NEW Coke Wasn't So Bad

A lot of bleary eyed people at work today. I know we were up at 1:00 AM watching movie-like lightning strikes. Milo came in about 1:00 soaking wet. Columbus only received only 1.25 inches of rain while Madison had twice that amount.
Readership is finally dwindling with lack of Johnny Depp photos but I still get emails from lurkers. Had one the other day from a lurker that lived on Grinders Island. How many of you are out there???? Still getting 2500 unique readers a week but that is down from 4500 last week, and 6000 the week before. At this rate in two weeks it'll be just DJ and she will be an every other day.

It does take the pressure off a little!
This homebrewing thing is funny. There is a guy in our golf league that is rather . . . caustic. Always complaining about something and has even gotten in my face seconds before I tee off screaming about some stupid rule.

He's a nice guy at times but there is something ALWAYS bugging him.

One day I mentioned I was making beer while we were in the clubhouse and he says "I make beer". A friendship is born!! LOL Last night before league we talked for 15 minutes about beer making and he hands me three beers he made and talks about their style . Weird how things happen isn't it.

My beer making is been ramped up a little as I am delving into recipes instead of kits. However last night during storm #4 and #5 I realized that I need a small refrigerator for keeping my ingredients fresh.

If any of you know of any small dorm size units for cheap let me know!!
On July 11 1914 Babe Ruth made his 1st Major League appearance and pitched 7 innings against the Cleveland Indians. Babe was #1 of eight children but only him and his sister survived infancy.

The nickname "Babe' was given to him by teammates for his naiveté in his first year in the Majors, he was 19.
Also on this date NEW COKE is introduced on this day in 1985. One of the biggest blunders in history which worked out so well for Coca-Cola that some people think they did the "blunder" on purpose.

Pepsi had taken the lead in Cola wars and the Coca-Cola execs felt they had to so SOMETHING. So they started experimenting with a new formula for Coke. They had many many taste tests and one formula was constantly winning. Beating Pepsi and the current Coke.

So they decided to make NEW Coke.

It sold OK for a few days and even with MORE taste tests NEW Coke was beating all soft drinks. But trouble was brewing. People started to complain and those complaints got louder and louder even while New Coke was out scoring all soft drinks.

Phone lines to Coca-Cola were jammed with calls insisting on reinstating the old formula. In Houston at the Astros game an ad ran on their scoreboard for NEW Coke and they had to hold the game up as people started throwing things on the field and booing.

Coca-Cola hired psychologists to listen to the phone calls and after thousands of calls they said it was not the flavor that was creating this uproar, it was something completely different.

It was the idea. People associated the taste of OLD Coke with places, times and memory's of the past. They did not want to lose those feelings. The complaints were not "NEW Coke tastes like crap", they were more like "we grew up on this flavor" style complaints, nostalgic sentiments.

People started going to stores and buying every can of OLD Coke they could find and hoarding the cans. All of a sudden Coca-Cola was having a HUGE run on Old Coke, far far outpacing the sales of Pepsi.

So after a while the exec's came out with Coke Classic (OLD Coke). On that day every soap opera on TV was interrupted. Peter Jennings had a special report that Coke was coming back and every Major Newspaper in the country had Coke Classic as it's headline.

Since that day Coke has never trailed Pepsi in sales. The biggest blunder turned into gold.
Here is a little tidbit of info about Coke. Before 1903 Coke contained nine milligrams of cocaine per glass. To this day, Coca Cola uses as an ingredient a cocaine free coca leaf extract.

Coca-Cola Orange is only available in United Kingdom.
Coca-Cola Citra is only available in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, New Zealand and Japan.
Coca-Cola Raspberry was only available in New Zealand.
No blog tomorrow - busy Saturday and I don't think we will be Kurthing it tonight - OF COURSE that does not stop anybody else from going.

See ya!



  1. Rod, I love that most recently updated blogs do-hickey on your sidebar. Is that a widget? can you email a link to me?

    I hadn't drank much soda but brown soda until I spent a summer in Italy. Then my long-buried love of orange soda was reinstated with the everywhere-ness of Fanta and nowhere-ness of Pepsi, Dr Pepper and rootbeer. Oh and the complete lack of COLD beer.

    I also drank wine, but THAT is a story for another day!

  2. I don't like Coke-gimme Pepsi, baby! :) I emailed you a link to a cheap dorm fridge.

    I guess we need this rain, huh? My kitties are hating the thunder though...

  3. Rod, I bet Louie knows where you can find a little fridge! :)

  4. LOL.... no worries Rod.... your loyal readers are still with ya.... and will remain!!!

    I am a COCA COLA girl.... dont do the "P" word!!!! *tee hee* and I was one of the many who didnt like the "new" coke.... why mess with perfection?

  5. Oh yeah, my favorite is Diet Dr.Pepper. But right now I'm not drinking caffeine, so I like Root Beer :)

    Except did you know that Barq's Rootbeer has caffeine? It's the only Rootbeer I know of that has caffeine in it :P

  6. I like Verners but rarely buy it!! I think it's made in Detroit??

    I'm a Coke-head.

    As for a refig - I'm not sure I can afford a Subzero dorm frig LOL

  7. I was raised on Pepsi via my aunt...and just the sound and smell of the bottle cap being pooped off and the fizz being poured in the glass, sticking a finger in to stopp the fizz...great memories...until adolescence, body image and fear of fat came along, and the Pepsi Challange, which I failed every single time...a Coke lover was born...and then the Holy Nector of the Forever on a Diet God's brought me Diet Coke...which I always drank with a lime wedge...and then my prayers were answered again with Diet Coke with Lime (you nut).

    I will drink the Diet Pepsi in a pinch...but I never buy it on purpose.

    No Kurth for us either. Round Eleventy-two of Upper Respitory Infections of the Kittehs...One is currently spending the day at the vet :( and the others are on various fainting couches with paws covering their foreheads with tissues stuffed up their little kitteh noses. Althout Dillinger keeps stealing the tissues in between his own sneezing. He is fun-nay!

    And, yes, storming in Oshkosh!

  8. Liz - it's a widget. Go to Layout - upper left corner call Blog list (or something like that).

  9. You won't get rid of me now!!!!!

    I'm a Coke Girl!!!

    I do remember those days well.
    We all did not like the new coke..

    And ran around buying up the old...

    Hope all are dry after all this rain.....

    Walmart has a bunch online...
    and they should be getting them in the store..
    $99.00 & up.

  10. Remember Crystal Pepsi?

    That tasted strange...

  11. Jenny....I love Diet Dr Pepper...the best diet cola out there! But, did you know it also comes in caffiene free and it is delicious!! Hard to find so you need to really look hard. I remember as a kid the best thing to have on a hot summer day was a Coke in a glass bottle with potato tasted so good!! I like diet Dr Pepper because it is the only dark soda in diet that really tastes like the "not diet" stuff. Hope you can find the caffiene free version.


  12. Sorry; it's caffeine free, diet Pepsi (wonder what IS in it) for me! Never could stand all of the extra carbonation in Coke!
    Gee; there aren't any more Johnny Depp pictures here? Then why do I still check in every day? OH; it's for the information (much useless LOL) Rod gives us every day and the friendships I've made here!!

  13. Coke is the BEST!!!!
    I even grew up on Pepsi, but my theory is that so many restaurants had Coke that I kinda evolved over to Coke. Now, Pepsi makes me spit. When I ask at a restaurant if they have Coke and they say, "We just have Pepsi." I usually say, "Yuck! No Thanks. I'll have water."
    I remember new Coke and I totally could tell the difference. It was not for me.
    Has anyone else been to the World of Coke in Atlanta? It is awesome!

  14. Coke for me! :)

    did you guys see this:
    about the SAG possible strike?
    they rejected a plan from producers.....

  15. My favorite soft drinks as a child were either Dr. Pepper in a bottle or my All time fave:

    A bottle of Red Nehi. When my mom or dad let me have one of those it was the best thing ever. :)

  16. I like diet caffeine free Yoohoo!

    Actually "m" - I agree with you ,you can totally tell the difference between bottles, cans AND plastic!!

    restaurant with tanks is good IF they have the recipe right.

    If a place has ONLY Pepsi I'll ask for Root Beer!

  17. Well fall off is to be expected, but I have noticed that your blog is developing a mentality that is common to many blogs. A small clique forms that chats back and forth with each other. People outside of that clique who post are often ignored and receive no response to their posts. A couple of posts with no response will cause most people to turn elsewhere to post.

  18. I have and always will be a pepsi girl. I will also always be a blog reader, Now I am hooked.

  19. Rod, I know someone that works for a refrigerator manufacturer. He might be able to help you out. (wink, wink)

  20. Hey Louie, when ya gonna start your own blog?

  21. I can get a small dorm refrig for $50. If you can do better :-)

    Carol - interesting. However - what worries me is that people THINK there is a clique when in reality it is a bunch of shy people talking to other shy people (at least they USED to be shy).

    Plus - I'm worried about the concept that people read the blog because of said clique.

    Frankly I'm surprised ANYBODY reads the blog!

  22. I read your blog, because I enjoy reading what you write! I write comments here, but I write comments all over the place. It isn't just the friends that attract me to it, I consider them the icing on the cake!
    Of course, like minds flock together, so I guess it makes sense that we have all become friends.
    I also say, "Jump on in, new people." You never know where you will find your next friend. :-)

  23. AHHH!!!

    A big ugly spider the size of golf ball was under my desk! I thought it was dead so I poked it with a pencil and it wiggled! and then crawled away and I lost it. Now I'm paranoid it is gonna come jump on me!!! :(

  24. Rod, I will always read your blog, because you remind me of an older Evan, which is really cool.

    And most importanly, I likes the peeps here.

  25. EWWWWWWW!! Jenny!!! EWWWWWWW!

  26. YAH! I can't concentrate now :P I keep looking for it under my desk!

  27. I wish more people who read Rod's blog would post. That's how you make friends and get to know eachother :)

    Come on people... Introduce yourselves! :) Come be friends :)

  28. Iola Car Show - apparently they have a special section this year for cars in the Public Enemies film.

    Was SunDrop popular in this area? It was for me growing up in near Wausau - maybe Lotus remembers?

  29. I remember Sun Drop. Wasn't it in a green can? or am I thinking of 50/50?

  30. I know what you mean about more people posting Jenny...I get an average now of 100 hits a day, mostly the same people over and over and over...intorduce yourselves!

  31. Carol…I am the worst at responding to posts only in my brain…totally agreeing or laughing at someone’s post and not actually posting a personal response back on the computer.

    Keep posting—we’re ALL friends here. :)

    But I will respond to another while I’m at it--

    Jenny: The whole spider is the size of a golf ball right…its not like his BODY is the size of a golf ball??? Tell me no…..or I’m gonna freak out also. I HATE THOSE THINGS.

  32. Oh, preach it about Vernor's. Detroit is my hometown and I drank it by the gallon growing up. Mmm. I have to buy some everytime we go home to visit. Also Faygo's Rock and Rye and Towne Club sodas are the stuff of my childhood.

  33. Bleck! I abhor spiders.
    I have seen some mighty big ones. Creeps me out.
    I'm getting the creepy crawlies just thinking about it.

  34. No, the body was probably the size of a tootsie roll but the whole thing including the legs was like 1 1/2 inches :P YUCKY!

    I liked Jolly Good while I was growing up, because that's what my grandpa always got. And it was cheap. He also always had Old Time Rootbeer.

    Josh just got done at the doctor's. He went for his "Poison Oak" The doctor didn't know what it was and they had to call in a guy who specializes with rashes. He didn't know either but put him on some heavy duty steriods for the next 5 days to get rid of it. They said that if he hadn't come in, it may have developed into a bad infection and could potentially get blood poisoning :P

  35. Mmmmmm Jolly Good. We ony bought it when we were having a party. It was such a special treat. My mom let me pick out all of the flavors. Memories. . .

    My cousins had a Christmas party every year and they always bought some different flavored sodas that came in little bottles. They were soooo good. I don't know what they were called. They lived in Milwaukee.

  36. I'm glad Josh went to the DR!

    Michelle, I love Verner's! We could only get in in Key Lrgo, never in St. Louis when I was growing up.

  37. MSW~ Would the soda be Black Bear?
    That is the one they have in Milwaukee to this day..
    It is over in St.Francis

    Jenny ~ Hope you found that yucky spider...
    and Josh feels better with his pump up...Anti's....

  38. You can get Verners at Copps and Pic-n-save

  39. Krisx or LHL, or y'all on today?

    I just got a call from my vet about Dillinger and want to make sure you have Ginny checked out.

  40. Isn't it weird to think that four months ago we didn't even know eachother existed!?!?

  41. What do they need to have Ginny checked for?

  42. feline herpes
    feline upper respitory infection
    ear mites

    it has now hit all of my kitties, and the one at the vet today has the herpes for sure...there is a big chance the kittens were born with it from thier momma...I know they had icky eyes, and momma cat did too...

    They were very very very lucky to have someone as wonderful as Betty to Foster them and take such good care...I love Dillinger very much, and wouldn't trade him for the world, I'm just glad I am help him feel better.

    More Info Here Feline Herpes

  43. MSW~~~
    Just remembered two more...

    Winn~ you could mix & match

    Sprecher~ however sprecher is fairly newer.

  44. Kris, SunDrop was the BEST! At one point the distributor was a couple miles from my home. Us kids (Longggggggggg time ago) used to get our change together and go over and buy a case of it!

    Thanks for the link to the Iola! Gotta go see that.

  45. Oh, Jenny, we drank Sun Drop from the bottle in the good ol' days! Ha ha!

  46. cream soda and coke for me!! (tastes best in a bottle)

    does it bother anyone else when people refer to soda as a coke???? maybe it's just me... but i find it so confusing! :P
    just like is it the bubbler or the drinking fountain...

    as for my blog attendence, i find that checking the blog has become a daily habit. don't think i can break it! too many memories... :D

  47. Robbi,
    It could have been Winn. It was a variety of flavors. I'm not sure. I haven't thought about that in years.

    Osh--can the kitties be treated? Prognosis?

  48. Yes, Robbi, all the kitties are on meds...they will be OK, they are just as pitiful as little sick children.

  49. I mean MSW...I was confused for a minute or twelve.

  50. *sigh of relief*
    I'm glad to hear that the kittehs will be o.k.!

  51. You know what else is good?
    Grandpa Graf's cherry soda.
    Mmmmmmmmmmm. Can that be bought around here (Madison)? I don't think I have seen it in a while.

  52. I'm a Coke baby. My dad delivered for Coke when I was a little squirt (that's also a good pop--Squirt). So I was brought up on Coke. From time to time he would bring home some Fanta and then Coca-Cola came out with Sprite. We had them all as a kid--straight out of the bottle.

    Sun Drop was also a childhood favorite. There was place in Oshkosh on Knapp Street Road that was either a distributor or a bottling plant, not sure. They had Sun Drop and Bireley's Orange. Of course then Mountain Dew came out.

    Graf's had something call Swiss Creme. It was a clear cream soda. Hard to find in this area now. The best cream soda around now is Sprecher's. I rate their root beer very highly, too.

    Oshkosh used to have Harra Beverage. A local bottler that had a variety a flavors. For picnics we used to get that or Ting. Ting came in little 7 ounce bottles with a variety of flavors and when you popped the cap off the bottle there was a straw inside.

  53. Soda?
    Carbonated soft drink?

    It all depends where you live. I grew up near Milwaukee and we called it soda. How about all of you?

  54. Great blog today Rod! I think, by reading your blogs, I am turning into one smart cookie! LOL

    I loved the old coke, but now I don't drink soda at all....unless there is alcohol attached :)


  55. For me it is Coke (Classic) and Sundrop!
    Preferably in bottles...

    My relatives in Vermont call everything coke. Wanna Coke? Yes, i say and they say what kind? Meaning Orange or Sprite or...

    My very favorite, and getting harder to find is Stewart's Ginger Beer. mmmm....

  56. Hi Doc!

    Thanks for reminding me, I'm nostly off soda too... (boycotting the corn syrup)

    but I remember it fondly... and sometimes cheat!

  57. Blazin--I agree. I think we should call him Professor Rod.

  58. I could cry about Little Dilly...
    so sorry all your babies are sick Oshy. Makes me feel awful ;(

  59. Since I've returned to school I've become addicted to Coke. The cola kind of course. I don't drink coffee, so I need something to get me going for those 8:00 classes.

  60. Hi everyone--You know what they say about pop--its Candy in a Can! :)

    Yeah its "pop" to me.

    What's this about sick kittehs?? oh no... :(

  61. So what are y'all up to tonight? I'm jammin' to the NewsBoys and making pizza. Also trying to get rid of my 5-day headache. I just took some Excedrin. That should do the trick. I might be up all night though.

  62. You hit a nerve MSW! I may need to make some pizza, or order some!

  63. Betty, it isn't your fault at all, don't feel awful!

    You saved the babies and brought them to great homes! I just want to make sure Dillinger's siblings are OK...
    He is 100% recovered and back to nose and toe biting...and Monday he will be de-balled!

    You are wonderful to have saved all the kitties!

  64. and soda is soda.
    pop is what I do to the pimples on my nose.

  65. bummer bout that 5 day headache... I love excedrin migraine ;)

  66. Frozen for me. Hey--it's JACK's pizza. Hee Hee. Would that be Captain Jack or Sir Jack?

  67. OH OH - Favre has asked to be released from the Packers to play for another team.

  68. "De-balled"--that's the first time I heard it called that. I always say "snip, snip".

  69. Yeah it's ususlly froz for me too, then I doctor it up...

    Thanks for your kindness Miss Osh!

  70. od! I heard that too, on my way home! Suz is gonna be crushed (I thhink)

  71. That Favre stuff--I knew it! I've been saying all along that it was a big marketing thing.

    I think I might return. No I won't. Maybe I will. No I won't. I love the Packers. I'm retiring.

    Yeah right. Whatever.

  72. I'm ignoring the de-balling, also makes me wanna cry... I know you gotta, but... poor little eunuch!

  73. Forgot about Grandpa Grafs...
    That was some good soda too.
    I say soda...
    I don't drink alot of it . but do like it very cold...
    Osh~ Hope all kitteh's will be fine.
    Your such a good Mommy!!!!

  74. Rod, Just saw that as well.
    It made the Yahoo Home Page.

    Oy Vey!!!!!!!!

  75. "Eunech."
    That word has me laughing. Isn't it a weird word?

  76. poor little oh so manly non-man!

  77. Side note:

    During the last few months, you guys have had me laughing so much! You've really improved my happiness level.


  78. Osh your know your not s'pose to pop your pimples!! ;)

    Put toothpaste on them and they will dry right out. Just make sure its the white kind, not blue or green. :D

    Speaking of pizza, we're gonna order a pizza too! I am soo freaked out about Brett..what is HE THINKING!

  79. I just got done eating TACO PIZZA from Day One!!! Nummy!

    From what I heard; the Packers told Brett Favre that they would NOT release him from his contract, but if he wanted to come back, he could be Aaron Rogers back-up. His contract isn't up for 2 years and at that time he would be 40 yrs old.

  80. So basically their forcing him out, since there is no way he would be Aaron Rogers back-up. But I'm sure if Aaron Rogers got hurt, he would come back.

  81. crying!! over the brett favre thing....

  82. Yeah, folks are probbly gonna wig out! I heard some guy speculating on "What if" Brett went to The Bears...

    LMAO!!! can you imagine the fireworks?!?!?!?

  83. Great blog today, Rod, as usual. Osh-Hope your kitten is OK.

    As for the Favre thing, it appears from the interviews of fans that I have seen, that many are upset with Brett. He does want to come back to the Packers, but they have been making him feel unwanted. And they have not been real welcoming for years now. I blame the Packers. If Brett goes to another team because they will not take him back, I will be a fan of which ever team he goes to.

    I started watching football for a very limited time before Brett showed up. So football for me has almost always been Brett.

    It is not easy to make a life changing decision. I do not fault him for being unsure. I think he has been criticized for not making his mind up for so long, that he decided too quickly to retire.

  84. Osh,
    Thanks for the heads-up on the kitteh-bug, we'll get Ginny checked out. Glad Dillinger and your other babies are doing better!
    I hope Josh is better soon!!!!Poor guy!
    The Brett thing just makes me sad...

  85. Oh Brett. How many times do I have to take you back?

  86. I have to de-ball Dillinger...I think he will be the sort to pee on stuffs to mark it as his own.

    I'm sorry it makes you sad. They use lasers now I believe, I was promised at his age he will recover quite quickly with hardly any downtime.

    And it might stop the constant humping of anything that isn't nailed down in the house...including my face.

  87. e-e baby, welcome, I don't remeber you posting before! Best wishes to you!

  88. Oshy, are you here?
    We are at the cabin--Red rover, red rover, let Oshy come over.

  89. Hi all!
    Boy, lots to catch up on today! I'm a Mountain Dew fan! Pepsi and Diet Coke are the the Swiss Creme flavor and recall the Jolly Good for parties (cheaper and more variety. I loved the grape!)

    Jen-find the spider and kill's giving me the willies from here!

    Rod, how can one check their blog to see who's looking? I'm a newbie at this!

    Osh, loved the kitteh picks and it's better to de-ball...he'll never knew what hit him! (Sorry, guys)Harder to stop the spraying.

    Is anyone Kurthing it tonight? One of these times, Doc and Shakes, we should make the trip!

    For those who are one-time posters, just keep jumping in and adding your 2 cents! It does get discouraging at times, but let everyone get to know you and you'll have some new friends here!

    Happy Friday! Wonder if Minxie finished her costume and is lurking here! haha


  90. I only drink Mountain Dew if I am extremely tired. It is the only thing that will keep me awake. I can drink Pepsi like water with no ill effects. I only drink Coke if that is all that is available. Diet soda of any kinds messes with my stomach it is not pretty. Have a good night.

  91. has an interesting article on the Favre thing. It's titled "Sources: Favre flip-flopped before draft" by Jay Glazer.

    Anybody remember JicJac?

  92. Cybermom - go to - they have a free web counter - lots of stats from unique visitors to page loads and all sorts of other stuff.

  93. Rod,
    Thanks! It's up and running already!

    I promise that I'll be one of the "regulars" here! I've learned so much from everyone!

    When I do my blog checking, I admit that I start here first, and then make my way around to the others...
    We miss you when you're gone, but appreciate the update. No use 'refreshing the page' all day! haha

  94. Shakes~ I'm Italian....

    Kitty b'gosh~ Thanks for the sport info...

    I just sent the Packers a Fax....
    Don't truly think it will help,but had to put my 2cents in...

  95. Oops, sorry... I meant Robbi!
    What did you send the Packers?

  96. Give me a minute and I'll get what I wrote

  97. sent them a fax!?! i want to hear!!

  98. Here is what I wrote...

    Ted Thompson,Mike McCarthy & Mark Murphy...,

    In hearing the News today about Brett wanting a Release because he feels that The Organization wants to move forward and not give him a warm welcome back.....

    I truly think you need to reconsider!!!!!

    After all he has giving 17 years of his life with the Packers.
    That is one of the longest running QB's to be with one team.
    I understand that you want to move forward with Aaron Rodgers. He has been a patient team player, but at the same time he has learned a lot from his team QB.

    But we are talking Brett!!!

    If Brett wanted to retire 10 times and want to come back,then so be it....

    I think he has the right.
    I feel that if he was giving another year.... What is it going to hurt?


    I am sure if you went into the locker room and talked to the team mates they would probably say the same thing.
    Give him his chance back!
    I think as a Team of such High Standards you should be compelled to give another chance to someone of this stature.

    So I am asking you to think hard and make a wise decision...

    Thank You,

    Not that it will help, but just had to do it...

    Any one can fax there opinion !!!!!
    Voices need to be heard.

  99. whats the fax number?!
    nice job!

  100. Thank's Maegan...

    Here it is....


    Doesn't hurt to voice the opinion...
    Besides,who owns the Packers????

    The Fans!

  101. I can remember my very first taste of Mountain Dew-outside with sandwiches and pickles from a jar...weird! Grew up on Pepsi in bottles only-we'd take them back for our deposit return.
    Killing spider is bad luck, I always think of them as Charlotte (from Charlotte's Web)just get it in a jar and throw it outside.
    Just a few of my 2 cents...ha ha

  102. On the beverage issue: I grew up in Oshkosh and we always say "pop." My sister-in-law is a Manitowac girl and they say "soda." Over the years I've strayed a bit and flip flop between pop and soda.

    On Favre: I felt from the beginning he made the retirement announcement too soon after the end of the season. He loves the game (and I hope the Packers and the fans) too much to leave at this point without a major injury (like Starr). It looks like after he had adequate time to decompress from the season, he sees things differently now.

    I understand the Packer organization's view with Brett flip-flopping on the issue. But, as Robbi's fax pointed out, this is Brett Favre after all! I think it would be in every one's best interest to bring Brett back to the Pack; give Rodgers (whom I think can do the job) more playing time and game experience; use this coming season to ease into the transition of Rodgers taking over for Favre in the '09-'10 season.

  103. Good Morning all!!!

    Hope the storms did not keep you all wake during the night..Yikes!! that thunder was a killer!

    kitty b'gosh,
    great comment!!!!!
    I agree with you.
    it would then be an easy transition for Aaron..
    You know you could voice your thoughts in a fax as well.
    the number is up above...

  104. packers have announced that they will not release favre, that he is welcome to rejoin the team, but that he will sit, behind aaron rodgers!
    what an F-ing joke!
    Making brett sit!!!!
    hahaha..... thats hilarious!

    i am hearing of protests on sunday afternoon at lambeau field...
    the packers "people" better make the right decision to let brett play, more than just a back up

  105. I agree--let the guy play!

    Brett in "retirement" is exactly how he was on the field. One minute, he's the hero and the next you wonder what in Gods name was he DOING throwing that ball?? :)

    With Brett, its always like riding an emotional roller coaster--but in the end we love him. (At least I do!)

  106. There is going to be outrage in Green Bay....

    There is a guy on one of the news sites message boards that has been a fan forever and a Stock Holder..
    He said if he could sell his stock he would..
    That is how angry he is..

    It is really a shame...

  107. Thanks Robbi

    I think I will pass it along to the Packers.

    I can understand both sides. But given that in the past few years Brett has had problems being indecisive about continuing to play, I think the Packers should have seen this coming and could have been a little more willing to deal with it in a different manner.

  108. I'm struggling with the Favre mess--BIG TIME!

    New information is coming to light....a few must read articles are out there.

    There's a few related articles listed on the right side of the page there too....

    I'd be the last one to defend Thompson, but I gotta say, this is looking more like Brett's own little drama he created. Damn!

    I'm so disappointed. I want to wake up tomorrow and find out none of this happened.


  109. Jenny and Josh should look behind their garage when they have a chance.

    -The Wood Fairy

  110. I saw this post and just had to post it...
    WAKE UP EVERYONE! THE PACKERS ARE A PUBLICLY OWNED enterprise. Why are the shareholders not making a big stand in Green Bay with Murphy and Thompson.

    TIME TO LAUNCH TED THOMPSON, who has been Mr. Ego and Mr. Attitude from day 1. Time to toss our Mr. No Backbone Mark Murphy.

    The Packers would never even think of trading #4 when Ron Wolf was here. Thompson has thrown out everything he learned from Wolf, and now he forced out #4.

    TIME FOR THE SHAREHOLDERS to force out Thompson. The fans and shareholders are the organization. Without us, there would be no team in Green Bay.

    Let’s make nice, beg for fogiveness and welcome Brett back with open arms NOW. Thompson and Murphy are only destroying a hallowed franchise for their own stupid pride.
    Dave from Tosa - July 11, 2008 at 9:14 pm

  111. I guess with the post i showed . it just is crazy.
    Inspite of all that has gone down.
    Why would you want to slap a player of his stature in the face..
    (saying maybe a backup?)
    Come on!!!!!...
    It is like telling a CEO of a Company that has been there for 20 years : You are getting demoted because you are reaching the age of 55)
    and we need new blood.

    With giving 17 years of his life and starting every single game for the franchise, I think we need to give him his spot back...

    Like I said before...
    He could call wolf 10 times and I still would take him back...

  112. HEY! Who put wood behind the garage????

    I just got up and read the wood fairy's post and ran outside to look.

    Thank you Wood Fairy!!!!!!

    I'm sure Josh will thank you too! He is working at one of his properties this morning, but I'll show him when he comes back!

  113. Yeah, for the anonymous Wood Fairy!!! Woo Hooo!!!!!!

    Made my Day!!! ;)

  114. Suz! Sorry you're struggling, had a feeling this would be rough on you...

  115. The biggest blunder turned into gold...........



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