Thursday, September 4, 2008

Volunteer is Not a Four Letter Word

Public Enemies Columbus Merchandise

Because you asked for it! A cow photo.

I thought someone said NO SECRETS.

(shhh - that guy is staring at me - DON'T LOOK)


A few odds and ends.

The Columbus Picnic.

I HOPE no one took my post about the picnic the wrong way. I thought it was a success and think it will be even better next year. It was run on a shoestring budget with only a few people running the show. If all I could find to bitch about was the lack of onions it was a job well done.

HOWEVER - Sean (email me Sean) brought up something that I also failed to mention. The lack of recycling bins. I was asked twice while I was at the park where the recycling bins were and I and to confess I did not think there were any.

I think that is GREAT that people now feel uncomfortable tossing cans and bottles into the garbage. PROGRESS!!!
I hear rumors about a Antique Tractor Show happening in Columbus October 11th. When I find out more I'll fill you in.
Welcome Gustov to Wisconsin.

On August 25th a Tropical Depression south of the Dominican Republic was noticed. Ten days later Wisconsin is feeling it's effects. What I find amazing is that 10 days ago we were predicted to get rain from a system thousands of miles away, and it happened. Many people make jokes about weathermen but if you look at the real numbers they are pretty good at what they do more often then not.

Half the time they are 90% correct.

Brewer game.

Thank goodness it is easier to watch a losing ball game in person then it is on TV. Seriously. DJ and I went to the game Tuesday night and while the Crew lost, it was still fun. Just like Packer games, if you really want to watch and get into a game DO NOT go to that game.

I have always said I am such a big Packer fan that I do not want to actually GO to a game. When you are attending an event there are so many other things to get your attention, plus no replays and commentary so you are really a little out of touch with the inner game of the game.

PLUS - when your losing you can always find others things to do like walk around the stadium and so forth. So a loss is easier to take.

Afterward we proved why we should NOT go on Amazing Race. There was a lane next to us that was empty. So I decided this was our ticket to get out faster. About halfway I was feeling a little dread but still holding out hope that things would merge in the correct manner.

They didn't and we found we were going towards Milwaukee. Quick thinking we veered onto 41 North thinking we would turn around at the first change. We exit right and turn around and get BACK on 41 North . . . hmmmmm . . .that did not work exactly as planned.

Luckily all signs are still in English and I still think we came out ahead of where we would have been originally!!

English signs are always helpful. I hope American keeps English as it's official language.

Grinder's Island Brewery - Doggie Beer Bars


A few of you have gotten a few bars of my newest batch of Doggie Beer Bars - I hope poochie likes them. I know Blake does. I have to figure out a way to market them. I wonder if I need a special license.

mmmmmmmmmmm!! Malted barley, peanut butter, flour and eggs.
One problem Columbus has in things like Picnics and so forth is finding people to volunteer their time to do fun things. In a city like Madison if you come up with an idea you can normally find 10 people out of 200,000 that will help out.

But if you are in a town of 5000 it's a little harder.

Lots of people want good things to happen in Columbus but the problem is getting volunteers to help. I don't think it is that people are lazy. I think the problem is that people don't know that there is a need. I see the same group of people at each event trying to get things done. I know there are more out there that would volunteer if they knew there was a numbers problem.

Turn your calendar to the next month. It's September

HEY - who took that photo on the State of Wisconsin Calendar for this month anyway!!!

WHAT???? I DID?? Well - I guess I did take it didn't I!!

Speaking of photos!!! First there were post cards, then 5x7s and in the future greeting cards . . . next refrigerator magnets!!!

Todd - better hop on this train!!! Columbus Carriage Classic Refrigerator Magnets in every home in America!!! Think about it!!!

And finally!!

Ironman is coming to my doorstep!!

I walk out of my building and all I see are calves the size of my waste and tight ass's where ever I look!! Ironman village is just outside my workplace. Not some little faux Ironman competition but the real deal with people from all around the world.!!

This is the last competition before Ironman Hawaii. The last chance to get invited to Hawaii to try to kill yourself by doing more then your body wants too.

A guy I work with did it a couple years ago and he trained constantly. He finished and said it was brutal and "I'll never do it again". Did you know you're not suppose to do ANY exorcise for a month after you compete in Ironman!!

Gotta put out some fires here



  1. There are well documented stories that it has been difficult to get volunteers for hundreds if not thousands of years. Noah only had his sons to help with that ark; and they had no choice in the matter. Even Henny Penny couldn't get any help! But with a new leader/cheerleader like you, I know Columbus will start seeing more and more people come out to help with these events. I helped with painting the Amtrack Station, and I don't even LIVE in Columbus!
    Email me, Rod and fill me in on what's happening with the 5x7's, greeting cards and MAGNETS????

  2. My BIL did the Ironman three or four years ago. I cannot even begin to imagine.

    It is tough to gather up volunteers, but I am so grateful to those of your who stepped up and helped out during the Carriage Classic.

  3. Well unfortunately all the CCC refrigerator magnets were used to fasten the folding chairs to the park benches in the Great Tower. They were all destroyed in the explosion. Maybe we'll try cow magnets (Sassy Cow, cow magnets would be nice) to hold it all together next year.

    Speaking of the SC we stopped there on Monday. What a great addition to the area. Very good string cheese and chocolate milk.

    Volunteers are in our fine community but they need to be engaged. People really want to volunteer and be a part of the community. That is very much the case in Columbus. As we develop new events like the City Picnic and the Tractor Show more people will want to play a part. There are typically a minimum of 75 volunteers involved in CCC annually. Every year we have new people ask to be involved. I think we would be surprised at the number of volunteers we would have for projects and events if they are developed. The train station redo is the perfect example of an outstanding volunteer event.

  4. Great big "at a boy" on the photo. Very nice!

  5. Oh, yeah; I forgot to add that your calendar photo is GORGEOUS!!! Where was it taken?? I see another
    road trip in the future!

  6. I did the same exit thing earlier this year from the Brewer game. You must not have been paying attention when we were leaving the game we went to. Craig and I were talking about how I mistakenly went into the right lane and ended up going east on 94. However, I did manage a simple turn around on 41. Not sure how you screwed that up.

  7. calves the size of your waste?

    :shudders at how many times you must use the toilet plunger:

  8. hmmmm - not paying attention? - we'll - the back seat was rather sloshed. We were drinking Micro's like there was no tomorrow!

    We were OK on 41 but the exit we took did not have a return exit going the other direction.

  9. I can't believe those Iron Man Competitors are going to be swimming in the nasty lake where dead bodies were found :P yucko!

  10. My guy here said he swallowed a ton of water because of waves and felt pretty sick when he started to run the 25 miles.

    The one thing I am always amazed at is how crystal clear the ocean is.

    Land locked you forget that water is amazingly clear in the ocean.

  11. Dead bodies....did I miss some major local news?

    fill the poor out of the loop girl in please..:(


  12. Gorgeous photo...could that be in Waterloo?

  13. That pic is of the dam over the Crawfish by Danville just outside of Columbus. It is a gorgeous pic any time of year but especially in the fall!

  14. A friend of mine's BFF is doing this triathlon. He's written a book about it, and was interviewed on Channel3k. His Website:

  15. Rod,
    So is there really a field trip to the Columbus Football game tomorrow night?
    LHL and I are still in "football mourning"(our son Conner's first year NOT in football in 6 YEARS!)but I think we can still go and support the Cardinals-I may get a little teary-eyed though...I'll just have to drown my sorrows at the Kurth, after the game.
    Beautiful pic-by the way.

  16. Cricket - A dude drowned in the lake last month and someone found his floating body near shore.

    Here's the article

  17. I'd like to go to the game tomorrow night, but I dunno if Josh and I will be up for it. I'm still not feeling well and Josh is going down hill fast :P

    But I really wanna go sometime, because I've never gone to a Columbus game since we've moved here.

  18. Bring on the Cows!!!!
    That are so cute...
    That one photo sure does look like she is telling a secret.

    We need this rain!!!! Thank You Gustav... Geeezz!! I can't believe I just said that LOL!!!

    Your Doggie Beer Bars look tasty!!!

    I bet Blakey really likes them..

    Your calendar photo is Gorgeous!!!

    Ironman!!! Wow!!!
    I can't imagine how they do it...

    Hope everyone is having a good Thursday!!!!

  19. Yea - football!!! I'll bring a camera. Do they have Hot Dogs??

    Anonymous is correct - I'm actually making a four season photo of the dam with . . you guessed it - a photo from each season.

    Doggie Beer Bars are edible for humans too Robbie!! I'll bring some to the Kurth

  20. Doggie beer bars? Now THAT'S something I gotta try !! My dogs will eat just about anything :)

    I totally know what you mean about being at a game, and the team losing. When I went to the first pre season packers game this year...they lost...but it was still the best time ever!

    I LOVE the cow photos Rod!!

  21. Louie said there are hotdogs except they're on the other side of the field :P

  22. We should build a big decked out concession stand.

  23. Are those HAPPY cows....VBEG

  24. just read osh's comment--
    hot cocoa out the nose

  25. The spot where Rod took that photo is almost too pretty to be true, for reals. That whole area around Astico Park is beautiful.

  26. Not quite sure how I missed this post today, but I did!

    Great post!

    A good way to get volunteers is to ask for them! LOL
    Face to face works best ;) Many people (who may even be too busy)have great difficulty saying no like I do. Many more would like to help but aren't sure how or if what they have to offer is even what's needed or wanted. Lot's of folks are too insecure to volunteer without an invitation, but are very dedicated once urged to participate. (Just a few of my thoughts on the subject! he he...)

    I know some iron men, and women too! What a breed!!!! ;)

  27. Volunteer is Not a Four Letter Word....

  28. Volunteer is Not a Four Letter Word;....


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