Tuesday, March 5, 2019

"Local wetbrain" is in trouble.

" Ill take a millionaire over the local wetbrain." 

Now that I am scum.

So with Sentry / Home Town / Mauers closing along with ReMax having or not having mold issues depending on who you believe and ShopKo closing and who knows about the hardware store that TIF area is pretty much toast.  I BELIEVE Columbus got their money back but as you would expect that I, having only a minor filter was mentioning the developer (not by name) in that area along with Kestrel Ridge.

WELL - he showed ME!

His rebuttle

Rod Melotte if your comment to Frank Pabon isn’t the pot calling the kettle black I don’t know what is. You make a lot of stuff up. So I was out for my own pocketbook. How about this. After hearing everyone in Columbus complain about a business park that was growing corn during my 2 years on city council and 4 years as Mayor of the City I decided to invest in Columbus, my hometown. People said they couldn’t buy anything here and that the existing grocery store was not meeting their needs. So as a local person who wants to see this community succeed I put my money where my mouth was. I invested millions of dollars into our community and then I read a ridiculous post like this. I challenge you to find anyone in Columbus who has invested the kind of money, time, and support to local causes I have both personally and through my business interests. 

You make a baseless accusation that the buildings out there have faulty construction based on what? Your expertise? I used a reputable General Contractor, engineer and architect. You may recall since you were part of the City Council at the time that I had Anytime Fitness, GNC, Remax, and of course the Sentry all ready to go. However when your crew took over you caused me 6 weeks of delays in the final approvals (for NO reason) which caused me to miss deadlines for Anytime and GNC. Anytime found a different location but we lost GNC for good. Too bad Rod. Well done! 

By the way another example of your diarrhea of the mouth is your baseless comment on Remax and Kestrel Ridge. You may not remember what a mess Kestrel was before I took over, an inch of rain closed it for days and it suffered from bad management. Under my ownership the course got improved (especially drainage) and Kestrel became the go to place for events, local nonprofit events and other happenings in the community. The staff and service there were and still are excellent. 

Remax claimed they had mold to get out of a lease because their staff quit on them and they can’t man the office. I had a mold remediating company come to remediate the mold. Guess what there was none. So before you spout off your BIG mouth maybe you should check your facts! Some people NEVER learn!


 Rod Melotte not only is the Twain quote meant for you, but you have alot of nerve insinuating I was doing anything under handed behind closed doors during your 4 years on Council. Better clarify sir, its starting to sound alot like defamation to me. As you are probably aware I sm done putting up eith that so maybe you want either back it up or delete false comments about me. I would hate to see you on the receiving end of one of those pesky Defamation lawsuits.


threats forbidden by law are those made with an intent to obtain a monetary advantage or to compel a person to act against his or her will. 

Yup - all the city's fault.   I did apologize saying that I am out of the loop for the last year and perhaps he has turned the corner now and is a business angel.   

I will defend the city council I was on to the end!  PISSES me off when someone says "It's the city's fault"

Weird how Anytime Fitness got so pissed off that they left. And then Remax feels like that have to lie (??) about mold issues (no cement floor next door in that place which created mold NEXT door) in order to get out of a expensive rent from that empty strip mall.  I remember when he threatened me (the first time) on this blog saying I would NEVER be an alderman and he was going to take me to court .

And for all you guys still in government I have not spoken about all the inside closed sessions with this unnamed Individual #2.

I remember when that developer told me he has so many law suits against him because that is how successful businesses operate.  Sounds a lot like Individual #1 to me LOL   But I'm pretty sure I can not find that email anymore.   We have a history!  :-)

ANYWAY - enough about him or her.  It's a nice sunny day

8 years ago today Kestrel Ridge had their big Citizens United Tea Party get together.  Thank God THAT will never happen again.


Meanwhile - looks like out carpenters are being smart today and taking a outside day off.  Brutal yesterday and I was surprised they were here.


NOW I find out I'm not old at all!!    The percentage of people 65 and older is expected to rise 11.5% in the next 3 or 4 decades. That means that 65 is the new 58.  The GOP will have to raise the retirement age, like Russia did.


"A new study of 1,787 fast food entrees from Arby’s, Burger King, Carl’s Jr., Dairy Queen, Hardee’s, Jack in the Box, KFC, Long John Silver’s, McDonald’s and Wendy’s between 1986 and 2016 finds that fast food menus are — despite the addition of new menu options aimed for healthier consumers — still getting worse for you! Because for every side salad rolled out to please the FDA crowd, there was a legion of Baconator spinoffs added to cheap plastic trays near you. In 1986, the average entree was 162 grams and 326 calories. By 1991, that increased to 169 grams and 341 calories. In 2016, the entrees clocked in at 201 grams and 416 calories. That means the average entree gained 39 grams and 90 further calories."

 Bigger, Saltier, Heavier: Fast Food Since 1986 in 3 Simple Charts


  1. The six week delay was all Eisenga's doing. If you're a developer, have all of your paperwork in order -- it's part of your job.

  2. (and "our crew" accurately predicted what would become of that development)


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